The document describes a career chart and marketing concepts for a small scale industries company. The career chart outlines promotions over 12 months from Sales Manager to Sales Manager-11 with increasing targets and gifts. The marketing concepts section contrasts traditional marketing, where products increase 50-60% in price through various intermediaries, with MLM marketing where the company sells directly to customers and recommends earn money through referrals without intermediary commissions.
Career Chart for 1 Years
Month POSITION Promotion Target Advice Charge Gift
1 Sales Manager Two time of sales Executive 500
2 Sales Manager-1 Two Time of Sales Manager 1000
3 Sales Manager-2 Two time of Sales Manger-1 2000
4 Sales Manager-3 Two time of Sales Manger-2 4000 Mobile
5 Sales Manager-4 Two time of Sales Manger-3 8000
6 Sales Manager-5 Two time of Sales Manger-4 16000
7 Sales Manager-6 Two time of Sales Manger-5 32000
8 Sales Manager-7 Two time of Sales Manger-6 64000 Bike
9 Sales Manager-8 Two time of Sales Manger-7 128000
10 Sales Manager-9 Two time of Sales Manger-8 256000
11 Sales Manager-10 Two time of Sales Manger-9 512000
12 Sales Manager-11 Two time of Sales Manger-10 1024000 Car
27. Marketing dk Concept
? Traditional Marketing- dEiuh dksbZ leku
cukrh gS rks 5 LVsx rd dk deh'ku gksrk gS
1- CNF, 2- State Distributor, 3-Wholesaler,
4-Retailer, 5- Costumer
;kuh dksbZ Hkh leku dk 50 ls 60 Qhlnh
c<k gqvk dher ij ges izkIr gksrk gSA blds
ckn izpkj dk [kpZ Hkh mRikn ij gh iMrk
;kuh YkDl lkcqu dk nke 3 #i;k iMrk gS
vkidks feyrk gS 20 #i;k esA vkidks dqN
ugh feyrk gSA
28. Simple Marketing Concept of MLM
? Just they recommend the people and earn
? dEiuh lh/kk Xkzkgd dks lkeku csprh gS
vkSj chp dk lkjk deh¡±ku xzkgd dks gh nsrh
? dEiuh dk Ikzpkj xzkgd gh djrh gS blls
xzkgd dks Gift Hkh feyrk gSA
? Simple Work [kjhns dksbZ lkeku vkSj cus
xzkgd vkSj vius nksLrksa dks djs izpkj vkSj
vkidk nksLr Hkh djrk gS [kjhnkjh rks vkidk
feyrk gS IkSlkA