This document contains summaries of several canola hybrid varieties from Dyna-Gro Seed, including DG 200 CL, DG 533 G, DG 540 G, and DG X122 CL. Each summary includes information on yield performance compared to other varieties, disease resistance ratings, standability ratings, maturity dates, height, and potential seed treatment options.
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1. CLEARFIELD is a registered trademark of BASF. INVIGOR is a registered trademark of Bayer; PROSPER is a registered trademark of Bayer; EVERGOL is a trademark of Bayer. Dyna-Gro is a registered trademark of Loveland Products, Inc. | 11/17
A new high-yielding canola hybrid from Dyna-Gro速
Seed, DG 200 CL offers strong resistance to blackleg and brings in high
yields and profits for growers with the addition of an excellent standability rating.
Excellent standability rating
Eligible for non-GMO contract incentives
production system for resistance management and crop rotation options
YIELD 102% of InVigor速
DISEASE PACKAGE R rating for blackleg; R for fusarium wilt
STANDABILITY 0.3; better than L140P (1.8)
DAYS TO FLOWER 48.0 days; same as L140P
DAYS TO MATURITY 97.0 days; same as L140P
HEIGHT 47.0 in; same as L140P
Source: 2016, 2017 NDSU canola variety trials
Standability rating: 0 9, 9 = flat
Enhancement options include:
{{ Prosper速
seed treatment
2. Genuity速
and Design, Roundup速
, and Roundup Ready速
are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC used under license. PROSPER is a registered trademark of Bayer; EVERGOL is a trademark of Bayer. HyCLASS is a registered
trademark of Land OLakes Inc. Dyna-Gro is a registered trademark of Loveland Products, Inc. | 10/16
A high-yielding mid-season Genuity速
Roundup Ready速
canola hybrid from the Dyna-Gro速
Seed signature lineup, DG 533 G
provides canola growers excellent standability plus a competitive yield package.
Consistently high-yielding across all mid-to-long season zones
Excellent option in areas where blackleg is a known issue
Excellent standability for harvest ease
Flowers in the same window as most early season varieties
YIELD 108.5% of HyCLASS速
DISEASE PACKAGE R rating for blackleg; R for fusarium wilt
STANDABILITY Standability rating of zero; comparable to HyCLASS 970 (0.3)
DAYS TO FLOWER 48.0 days; equal to HyCLASS 970 (48.0)
DAYS TO MATURITY 98.0 days; comparable to HyCLASS 970 (97.0)
HEIGHT 48.0 in; comparable to HyCLASS 970 (47.0 in)
Source: 2017 NDSU canola variety trials
Standability rating: 0 9, 9 = flat
Enhancement options include:
{{ Prosper速
seed treatment
3. Genuity速
and Design, Roundup速
, and Roundup Ready速
are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC used under license. HELIX and VIBRANCE are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. HyCLASS is a registered trademark
of Land OLakes Inc. Dyna-Gro is a registered trademark of Loveland Products, Inc. | 10/16
A yielding-leading and yield-stable Genuity速
Roundup Ready速
canola hybrid from Dyna-Gro速
Seed, DG 540 G will fit and
perform across most geographies.
World Class blackleg rating
Consistent high-yield performer
Proven ease of swathing and harvestability
YIELD 114.0% of HyCLASS速
DISEASE PACKAGE R rating for blackleg; R for fusarium wilt
STANDABILITY Standability rating of 0.5; comparable to HyCLASS 970 (0.3)
DAYS TO FLOWER 49 days; comparable to HyCLASS 970 (48 days)
DAYS TO MATURITY 100 days; comparable to HyCLASS 970 (97 days)
HEIGHT 46.0 in; comparable to HyCLASS 970 (47.0 in)
Source: 2017 NDSU canola variety trials
Standability rating: 0 9, 9 = flat
Enhancement options include:
{{ Helix速
seed treatment
4. CLEARFIELD is a registered trademark of BASF. INVIGOR is a registered trademark of Bayer; PROSPER is a registered trademark of Bayer; EVERGOL is a trademark of Bayer. Dyna-Gro is a registered trademark of Loveland Products, Inc. | 11/17
Higher average temperatures and drier conditions can lead to lower yields and seed quality issues. DG X122 CL is canola
quality Brassica juncea that better tolerates heat and drought for consistent performance, reduced green seed, improved seed
quality and higher yield potential. DG X122 CL has improved pod shatter resistance for better straight-cut performance.
Improved heat and drought tolerance
Excellent standability
Pod shatter resistance for straight cutting option
Eligible for non-GMO contract incentives
production system for resistance management and crop rotation management
YIELD 114% of DG X121 CL
DISEASE PACKAGE R rating for blackleg; R for fusarium wilt
STANDABILITY Excellent rating of 1.4
DAYS TO MATURITY 97 days; earlier than DG X121 CL (98 days)
HEIGHT 44.5 in; shorter than DG X121 CL (45.7 in)
Source: 2017 NDSU canola variety trials
Standability rating: 0 9, 9 = flat
Enhancement options include:
{{ Helix速
seed treatment