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What Kind Of Customer are You?What Kind Of Customer are You?
CustomerCentric Selling
"The most successful people in any industry"The most successful people in any industry
are seldom the smartest or bestare seldom the smartest or best
looking...they're the people who can sell"looking...they're the people who can sell"
CustomerCentric Selling
CustomerCentric Selling
What is selling?
Selling is taking an idea, planting the idea
in your customers minds and making them
feel they thought of it..but do it ethically.
CustomerCentric Selling
Six Selling Themes
Differentiate Customers - Bank Accounts
Design Differentiated Offerings Credit Card
Keep Existing Customers - ATM-Debit Card
Exploit Cross Potential  Other Bank customers
Exploit Loyalty Potential -Debit Card
Maximizing Life Time Value  Lifetime free credit card
Competitive AdvantageCompetitive Advantage
Someone can copy your business strategySomeone can copy your business strategy
Someone can copy your marketing ApproachSomeone can copy your marketing Approach
Someone can copy your productSomeone can copy your product
Someone can copy your manufacturing capabilitiesSomeone can copy your manufacturing capabilities
Someone can copy your market accessSomeone can copy your market access
relations withyourcustomers
Core Processes
Sell more to
Acquire new
Core ProcessesCore Processes
Sell more to
Acquire new
Relation between acquisitionRelation between acquisition
costs revenues and marginscosts revenues and margins
Lifetime value
Increase of margins
Cross selling
Additional Turnover
Basic turnover
Acquisition costs
Customer Centric SellingCustomer Centric Selling
Customers are:Customers are:

More AwareMore Aware

More demanding &More demanding &

Less LoyalLess Loyal
Selling to an Existing & a New
Role Play
Customer Centric Selling
Customer Centric SellingCustomer Centric Selling
The Customer Centered Decision CycleThe Customer Centered Decision Cycle
CustomerCentric Selling
The Only Two Things Customers EverBuy
Good Feelings
Solutions to problems
Tracking Decision MakingTracking Decision Making
CustomerCentric Selling
The Customer Centered SellingThe Customer Centered Selling
Research StageResearch Stage
Analysis StageAnalysis Stage
Requirement StageRequirement Stage
Confirmation StageConfirmation Stage
Specification StageSpecification Stage
Solution StageSolution Stage
Close StageClose Stage
Maintenance StageMaintenance Stage
Research StageResearch Stage
Determine the decision makerDetermine the decision maker
Basic InformationBasic Information
Earn the customers TrustEarn the customers Trust
Ask Questions which play to your strengthAsk Questions which play to your strength
Analysis StageAnalysis Stage
 The intent of selling is to protect theThe intent of selling is to protect the
customer from what if not what is.customer from what if not what is.
 If they cry;theyll buyIf they cry;theyll buy
Requirement stageRequirement stage
Discover the SolutionDiscover the Solution
List & Confirm NeedsList & Confirm Needs
Confirmation StageConfirmation Stage
Test UnderstandingTest Understanding
Specification StageSpecification Stage
Lock out misunderstandings & CompetitionLock out misunderstandings & Competition
Commit to SpecificationsCommit to Specifications
Solution stageSolution stage
Recommend a SolutionRecommend a Solution
Provide AlternativesProvide Alternatives
Gain An AgreementGain An Agreement
Close StageClose Stage
Reinforce benefitsReinforce benefits
Ask for LeadAsk for Lead
The Customer Centered Selling Cycle
Maintenance Stage:
After Sales Service
Remember if you are not watching
the customer somebody else may be
Customer Centric SellingCustomer Centric Selling
What to do when the customer cannotWhat to do when the customer cannot
make up his mind?make up his mind?
The customer does not know everythingThe customer does not know everything
about everything he buys.about everything he buys.
Dont give the customer too manyDont give the customer too many
Example : CameraExample : Camera
Customer Centric SellingCustomer Centric Selling
What to do when the customer raisesWhat to do when the customer raises
obstacles or objections to buying?obstacles or objections to buying?
When they object give them moreWhen they object give them more
Solutions & good Feelings.Solutions & good Feelings.
People Hate to be Sold But Love To
CustomerCentric Selling
Sales SecretsSales Secrets
2 Magic Words for Sales Success2 Magic Words for Sales Success

Stop.. SellingStop.. Selling
The reason why Everyone wants to buyThe reason why Everyone wants to buy

Because they only care about what interests them.Because they only care about what interests them.
How to Turn Every person into a Life long customer.How to Turn Every person into a Life long customer.

Active ListeningActive Listening
Every effort can not bring the sales but one out of theseEvery effort can not bring the sales but one out of these
can bring the salescan bring the sales
Yourcustomers aredesperateto beheard&
CustomerCentric Selling
What is Cross Selling ?
Selling ourexisting customera different product
Fore.g: If we have Mr.Xholding a Credit Card we
can convince himto open a saving account with us
CustomerCentric Selling
Understanding the type of customer
Creating a want in the customer
Suggesting product according to his needs and
pushing the right product
Highlighting on the unique selling points of the product
For e.g: If Mr B is a Government salaried person you can
cross sell a Home Loan which can fufill the dream of Own
One stop shop forcustomers
CustomerCentric Selling
CustomerCentric Selling
Cross selling
Role Play
CustomerCentric Selling
Presented byPresented by
Himanshu MathurHimanshu Mathur

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selling_skills_ppt_830 (2)

  • 2. 22 What Kind Of Customer are You?What Kind Of Customer are You? CustomerCentric Selling
  • 3. 33 "The most successful people in any industry"The most successful people in any industry are seldom the smartest or bestare seldom the smartest or best looking...they're the people who can sell"looking...they're the people who can sell" CustomerCentric Selling
  • 4. 44 CustomerCentric Selling What is selling? Selling is taking an idea, planting the idea in your customers minds and making them feel they thought of it..but do it ethically.
  • 5. 55 CustomerCentric Selling Six Selling Themes Differentiate Customers - Bank Accounts Design Differentiated Offerings Credit Card Keep Existing Customers - ATM-Debit Card Exploit Cross Potential Other Bank customers Exploit Loyalty Potential -Debit Card Maximizing Life Time Value Lifetime free credit card
  • 6. 66 Competitive AdvantageCompetitive Advantage Someone can copy your business strategySomeone can copy your business strategy Someone can copy your marketing ApproachSomeone can copy your marketing Approach Someone can copy your productSomeone can copy your product Someone can copy your manufacturing capabilitiesSomeone can copy your manufacturing capabilities Someone can copy your market accessSomeone can copy your market access Noonecancopyyourknowledgeand relations withyourcustomers
  • 7. 77 Core Processes Retain current customers Sell more to current customers Acquire new customers
  • 8. 88 Core ProcessesCore Processes Retain current customer Sell more to current customers Acquire new customers
  • 9. 99 Relation between acquisitionRelation between acquisition costs revenues and marginscosts revenues and margins Lifetime value Referrals Increase of margins Cross selling Additional Turnover Basic turnover Acquisition costs
  • 10. 1010 Customer Centric SellingCustomer Centric Selling Customers are:Customers are: More AwareMore Aware More demanding &More demanding & powerful.powerful. Less LoyalLess Loyal
  • 11. 1111 Selling to an Existing & a New Customer Role Play Customer Centric Selling
  • 12. 1212 Customer Centric SellingCustomer Centric Selling The Customer Centered Decision CycleThe Customer Centered Decision Cycle SatisfactionSatisfaction AcknowledgementAcknowledgement DecisionDecision InvestigationInvestigation SelectionSelection ReconsiderationReconsideration
  • 13. 1313 CustomerCentric Selling The Only Two Things Customers EverBuy Good Feelings Solutions to problems
  • 14. 1414 Tracking Decision MakingTracking Decision Making ProcessProcess CustomerCentric Selling
  • 15. 1515 The Customer Centered SellingThe Customer Centered Selling CycleCycle Research StageResearch Stage Analysis StageAnalysis Stage Requirement StageRequirement Stage Confirmation StageConfirmation Stage Specification StageSpecification Stage Solution StageSolution Stage Close StageClose Stage Maintenance StageMaintenance Stage
  • 16. 1616 Research StageResearch Stage Determine the decision makerDetermine the decision maker Basic InformationBasic Information Earn the customers TrustEarn the customers Trust Ask Questions which play to your strengthAsk Questions which play to your strength
  • 17. 1717 Analysis StageAnalysis Stage The intent of selling is to protect theThe intent of selling is to protect the customer from what if not what is.customer from what if not what is. If they cry;theyll buyIf they cry;theyll buy
  • 18. 1818 Requirement stageRequirement stage Discover the SolutionDiscover the Solution List & Confirm NeedsList & Confirm Needs
  • 19. 1919 Confirmation StageConfirmation Stage Test UnderstandingTest Understanding
  • 20. 2020 Specification StageSpecification Stage Lock out misunderstandings & CompetitionLock out misunderstandings & Competition Commit to SpecificationsCommit to Specifications
  • 21. 2121 Solution stageSolution stage Recommend a SolutionRecommend a Solution Provide AlternativesProvide Alternatives Gain An AgreementGain An Agreement
  • 22. 2222 Close StageClose Stage Reinforce benefitsReinforce benefits Ask for LeadAsk for Lead
  • 23. 2323 The Customer Centered Selling Cycle Maintenance Stage: After Sales Service Remember if you are not watching the customer somebody else may be watching
  • 24. 2424 Customer Centric SellingCustomer Centric Selling What to do when the customer cannotWhat to do when the customer cannot make up his mind?make up his mind? The customer does not know everythingThe customer does not know everything about everything he buys.about everything he buys. Dont give the customer too manyDont give the customer too many optionsoptions Example : CameraExample : Camera
  • 25. 2525 Customer Centric SellingCustomer Centric Selling What to do when the customer raisesWhat to do when the customer raises obstacles or objections to buying?obstacles or objections to buying? When they object give them moreWhen they object give them more Solutions & good Feelings.Solutions & good Feelings.
  • 26. 2626 People Hate to be Sold But Love To Buy CustomerCentric Selling
  • 27. 2727 Sales SecretsSales Secrets 2 Magic Words for Sales Success2 Magic Words for Sales Success Stop.. SellingStop.. Selling The reason why Everyone wants to buyThe reason why Everyone wants to buy Because they only care about what interests them.Because they only care about what interests them. How to Turn Every person into a Life long customer.How to Turn Every person into a Life long customer. Active ListeningActive Listening Every effort can not bring the sales but one out of theseEvery effort can not bring the sales but one out of these can bring the salescan bring the sales Yourcustomers aredesperateto beheard& acknowledged!
  • 28. 2828 CustomerCentric Selling What is Cross Selling ? Selling ourexisting customera different product Fore.g: If we have Mr.Xholding a Credit Card we can convince himto open a saving account with us
  • 29. 2929 CustomerCentric Selling Understanding the type of customer Creating a want in the customer Suggesting product according to his needs and pushing the right product Highlighting on the unique selling points of the product For e.g: If Mr B is a Government salaried person you can cross sell a Home Loan which can fufill the dream of Own house
  • 30. 3030 One stop shop forcustomers CustomerCentric Selling
  • 34. 3434 Presented byPresented by Himanshu MathurHimanshu Mathur