This document contains a summary of SelvaRajan's professional experience and skills. He has over 6 years of experience developing and maintaining medium to large scale applications using AngularJS, Node.js, and Adobe Flex. He has expertise in web development technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and frameworks like AngularJS, Node.js, and Adobe Cairngorm. He has worked on projects involving online classrooms, political party websites, and an e-learning platform.
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1. Name : SelvaRajan Phone : 9655173363, 7667106909
AngularJS / Node.js / Adobe Flex developer having 6.0+ Years of professional experience in
developing / maintaining / production support from medium to very large-scale applications.
Activelyparticipatedinall phasesof applicationdevelopmentincludingthe design, analysis, coding,
Production Support and implementation. A self-starter who is capable of adapting quickly to
emerging technologies.
Extensive experience in Object Oriented Design (OOD) in the area of application software using
Java, Servlet and Jersey.
Expertise in working Environment of AngularJS with Node.js.
Expertise in working Environment of Adobe Rich Internet Application Server 7.0.
Expertlevel skillsin developing web-based GUIs using Adobe Flex 3.0 & 4.0, Custom Components,
Event Handling HTML, XML, Bootstrap CSS and Javascript, Ajax, JQuery for Network Management
Systems and web enabled applications.
Handled large implementation and production support of 24x7
Experience inAnalysisandDesignusingSoftware EngineeringMVCbasedframeworkslike AngularJS
, Node.js and Adobe Cairngorm 2.0
Strong Core java programming skills using Java API.
Hands on 8+ month experience with Hibernate Framework, Web Services
Good experience in adopting the Adobe Actionscript patterns to the applications like MVC, Front
Controller, Business Delegate, Service Locator, Singleton, etc.
Proficient in working on tools like Eclipse indigo 3.6 and Juno 4.0
Well versed working with Relational Database Management Systems such as MSSQL,MYSQL
Exposure in 3-tier, n-tier, Client / Server Application development.
Highly dedicated to produce professional work with highest quality and creativity.
Degree : MCA (CS) (Masterof ComputerApplication)
University : Madurai Kamaraj University
Location : Madurai, TamilNadu.
Year of Passing : Jun 2011
Degree : Bsc (cs) (Bachelorof ComputerScience).
University : Madurai Kamaraj University
Location : Madurai, TamilNadu.
Year of Passing : May 2007.
DOB : 25-07-1984
Total : 6+ Yearsof Experience
Workedas Software Engineerin i-Grandee SoftwareTechnologiesPrivateLtd,
Madurai from Jan 2009 to 2013 4 Years.
Workingas a Senior Software Engineerini-Grandee Software TechnologiesPrivate Ltd,
Madurai fromJune 2013 to till
Technical Skills:
Angular.js, Node.js, Underscore.js, HTML5, Javascript, Bootstrap CSS,
Jquery, Java 1.5/1.6/1.7, J2EE 1.3, SQL, Adobe Flex 3.0 , 4.5 and 4.7
Java Technologies REST Jersey, servlet, JSP
Databases SQL Server 2000/2005/2008.MYSQL 5
Application Servers Tomcat 7.0, Flash Media Server 3.5 & 4.5
Version Control Tools SVN
Frameworks AngularJS, Adobe Cairngorm 2.0 , MVC and Jakarta Struts 2.0,Hibernate
Operating Systems UNIX, Linux, Windows 98/2000/XP/07, MAC
IDE Eclipse indigo 3.6 and Juno 4.0
Build Tool Maven
SelvaRajan.J|Sr.Software Engineer
i-Grandee Software TechnologiesPvt.Ltd.,
#12 VeerabhadraPillai Compound,Villapuram,
Madurai - 625012, Tamil Nadu,India,
Ph: 91-452-2671301
Contact Type:
Mob # +91 9655173363 & Mail # :,
Project 15 : REAMEDI CLASSROOM June 2016 - now
REAMEDI CLASSROOM is completelydifferentfromsmartclassroomsorVirtual Classrooms.Unique
tabletbasedcuttingedge technologywhichisgoingtotransformlearningandteachingtoa nextlevel.
ThisREAMEDI CLASSROOMwill bringnew life tothe entire EducationsystembyconnectingParents,
Teacher,Student&Managementwitheffective TABLETbasedICTdigital interactivetechnological tool
that makesdaytoday classroommore vibrate ,live andinteractive.Ultimatelyitenhances,Increases
learningandlisteningpotential of studentsbyincorporatingthe functionsandfeaturesof regular
Responsibilitiesincludefordevelopmentof UI
Involvedinwriting HTML,Template and Directive Creating.
Involvedinwriting Bootstrap, CSS , layoutResponsive .
Involvedinwriting JQuery,Ajaxdata Responsive.
Data manipulationusing UnderscoreJS,JQuery.
Responsible forbuildanddeployof the applicationontothe Serverusing.
Involvedinwriting RESTful webservices connections.
Environment: Java,Angularjs,JSP, MYSQL,Javascript, HTML, JQuery, Maven,SVN,RestWebService,
Adobe flex
Project 14 : Abdul kalam VisionIndia Party Feb2016 - May-2016
Abdul Kalam VisionIndiaParty the party will be tostrive to fomentandforge a sense of Unityamong
the people of diversifiedculture,civilization,traditionsandlanguage inhabitingthe Indiansub-
continents.Tostrive forequal opportunitiesfordevelopmentof political,economicandsocial
environmentsamongvariousstatesbymutual co-operation,adjustmentandadoptingagive andtake
Responsibilitiesangularjs framework
Responsibilitiesincludefordevelopmentof UI
Involvedinwriting JSP, Template and Dynamic DOM ElementCreating.
Involvedinwriting Bootstrap, CSS , layoutResponsive .
4. Involvedinwriting JQuery,Ajaxdata Responsive.
Involvedinwriting DynamicDOM Element rendering usingHandlebar.jsfile
Data manipulationusing UnderscoreJS,JQuery.
Responsible forbuildanddeployof the applicationontothe Serverusing.
Involvedinwriting RESTful webservices connections.
Environment: Java, JSP, MYSQL,Javascript, HTML, JQuery, Handlebar.js,Maven,SVN,RestWeb
Project 13 : Abdul Kalam'sVisionIndia Movement Aug 2015 - Dec 2015
Abdul Kalam's VisionIndia Movement,anational movementforrealisingthe visionof formerPresident
Dr.APJAbdulkalam.Hismovementtocarryforwardthe visionandmissionof Kalam.Ignitingthe minds
of the students,youth,teachersandotherprofessionsthroughthe 10 pointoathgivenbelow byDr APJ
Abdul Kalam.The aimof the missionistocreate creative leadershipqualitiesamongthe students,youth
and experiencedtobecome enlightenedcitizensandtoworkfor sustainable development
Responsibilitiesincludefordevelopmentof UI
Involvedinwriting JSP, Template and Dynamic DOM ElementCreating.
Involvedinwriting Bootstrap, CSS , layoutResponsive .
Involvedinwriting JQuery,Ajaxdata Responsive.
Involvedinwriting DynamicDOM Element rendering usingHandlebar.jsfile
Data manipulation usingUnderscoreJS,JQuery.
Responsible forbuildanddeployof the application ontothe Serverusing.
Involvedinwriting RESTful webservices connections.
Environment: Java, JSP, MYSQL,Javascript, HTML, Struts2, JQuery,Handlebar.js,Maven, SVN,Rest
Project 12 : Jun 2015 - Aug 2015 is a national movementforrealisingthe visionof formerPresidentDr.APJ
Abdulkalam.Hismovementtocarryforwardthe visionandmissionof Kalam
Responsibilitiesincludefordevelopmentof UI
Involvedinwriting JSP, Template and Dynamic DOM ElementCreating.
Involvedinwriting Bootstrap, CSS , layoutResponsive .
5. Involvedinwriting JQuery,Ajaxdata Responsive.
Involvedinwriting DynamicDOM Element rendering usingHandlebar.jsfile
Data manipulation usingUnderscoreJS,JQuery.
Responsible forbuildanddeployof the application ontothe Serverusing.
Involvedinwriting RESTful webservices connections.
Environment: Java, JSP, MYSQL, Javascript, HTML, Struts2, JQuery, Handlebar.js,Maven,SVN,Rest
Project 11 : LiveQuiz Apr 2015 - May 2015
LiveQuiz isone of the module in REAMEDI CLASSROOM studentcanloginremedi classroomthrough
tablet.OnlylightweightedTabletwhichhasdigital book,digital notesforwriting,typinganddrawingon
the flyby stylusandstore it foreach subjectof study.Onthe flyassessmentatthe endof eachclass will
measure the skill &understandinggap of the studentswhichhelpsteacherstogive attentionbasedon
REAMEDI CLASSROOMiscompletelydifferentfromsmartclassroomsorVirtual Classrooms.REAMEDI
CLASSROOMcan be integratedintothe daytoday teaching.REAMEDI CLASSROOMisunique tablet
basedcuttingedge technologywhichisgoingtotransformlearningandteachingtoanextlevel.
REAMEDI stand forReach me Direct 1 teacher:1 Student(1:1) ratio.Time for us to see beyondour
conventional methodof teachingwithwhite/Blackboard,textbooks,notebooksandwhere nopersonal
attentiontowardsstudents.ThisREAMEDICLASSROOMwill bringnew life tothe entire Education
systembyconnectingParents,Teacher,Student&Managementwitheffective TABLETbasedICTdigital
interactive technological tool thatmakesdaytodayclassroommore vibrate ,live andinteractive.
Ultimatelyitenhances,Increaseslearningandlisteningpotentialof studentsbyincorporatingthe
functionsandfeaturesof regularclassroomactivity.
Responsibilitiesincludefordevelopmentof Node.js
Involvedinwriting node express require filesarchitecture .
Involvedinwriting individual broadcastingand group broadcasting.
Involvedinwriting JQuery,Ajaxdata Responsive.
Involvedinwriting DynamicDOM Element rendering usingHandlebar.jsfile
Data manipulation usingUnderscoreJS,JQuery.
Involvedinwriting RESTful webservices connections.
Environment: Node.js,HTML, MYSQL, Javascript, JQuery, Handlebar.js,Maven,SVN,RESTful Web
6. Project 10 : eCloud Nov 2014 Mar 2015
managingstudentsandkeepingtrackof theirprogressandperformance.Create andmanage the
courseswithcontentsinall accessible formatslike video,pdf etc.,Userscantrackthe progresson every
course theyaccess.Addmore valuestothe coursesby givinginteractivitytothe users like questions
and answers,notes,review.Create andconductexamsinobjective questionsforeachcourses,will help
you analyze the user's skills.Issue the certificate asatokento the userfor successful completionof
each courses.Getreportof everythinglike courses,enrolledusers,course reviews,paymenthistory,
Responsibilitiesincludefordevelopmentof UI
Involvedinwriting JSP, Template and Dynamic DOM ElementCreating.
Involvedinwriting Bootstrap, CSS , layout Responsive .
Involvedinwriting JQuery,Ajaxdata Responsive.
Involvedinwriting DynamicDOM Element rendering usingHandlebar.jsfile
Data manipulation usingUnderscoreJS,JQuery.
Responsible forbuildanddeployof the application ontothe Serverusing.
Involvedinwriting RESTful webservices connections.
Environment: Java, JSP, MYSQL,Servlet,Javascript, HTML, Struts2, JQuery, Handlebar.js,Maven,
Project 9 : TMCH (Clinical ManagementSystem) July 2014 Oct 2014
Clinical ManagementSystem Clinicmanagementisincomplete withoutaquick,online patient
appointmentsystem;andasthe name suggests,thismoduleschedulespatientappointmentswith
doctors.The online clinicappointmentschedulerisasimple-to-use module,whichprovidesacomplete
understandingof doctorsappointmentforaparticularday. It's easy-to-use interfaceshelpreceptionist
to make optimumuse of the systemwithoutextensive training.Thismodule islinkedwithpatient
Schedule dailyappointmentlists
Thisapplicationisfully scalableandcanbe customizedasper clinicsrequirements
Increasesstaff efficiencyand satisfaction
Easy understandingthroughgraphical reports
Reportscan be customizedusingseveralfilters
Accessto patientdataacross the system
7. BillingManagementsystem
OP Sheet
Laboratory Management
Responsibilitiesincludefordevelopmentof DataAccess Object by usingHibernate 2.1.
Involvedinwriting JSP, Template and Dynamic DOM ElementCreating.
Involvedinwriting Bootstrap, CSS , layout Responsive .
Involvedinwriting JQuery,Ajaxdata Responsive.
Involvedinwriting DynamicDOM Element rendering usingHandlebar.jsfile
Data manipulation usingUnderscoreJS, JQuery.
Understandingthe functionflow/technical architecture of the applicationmodules.
Responsible forbuildanddeployof the application ontothe Serverusing.
Involvedinwriting RESTful web services connections.
Environment: Java, JSP, MYSQL,Servlet,Javascript, HTML, Struts2, JQuery, Handlebar.js,Maven,
Project 8 : Tele Medicine Jan 2014 Jun 2014
' Telemedicine'isthe use of telecommunicationandinformationtechnologiesinordertoprovide
clinical healthcare at a distance.Ithelpseliminatedistance barriersandcanimprove accessto medical
servicesthatwouldoftennotbe consistentlyavailableindistant rural communities.Telemedicine can
be brokenintothree maincategories:store-and-forward,remote monitoringandinteractiveservices.
Store-and-forwardtelemedicineinvolvesacquiringmedical data(like medical images,biosignalsetc)
and thentransmittingthisdatatoa doctor or medical specialistataconvenienttime forassessment
offline.Interactive telemedicine servicesprovidereal-timeinteractionsbetweenpatientandprovider,to
include videoandaudio,online communication
Responsibilitiesincludefordevelopmentof DataAccess Object by usingHibernate 2.1.
Involvedinwriting JSP,HandlebarsJs
Involvedinwriting Bootstrap, CSS , layoutResponsive
Involvedinwriting JQuery,Ajaxdata Responsive.
Involvedinwriting dynamicelementandrendering usingHandlebar.jsfile
Responsible forbuildanddeployof the application ontothe Serverusing
Involvedinwriting RESTful webservices connections
Data manipulation usingUnderscoreJS,JQuery
8. Environment: Java, JSP, MYSQL,Servlet,Javascript, HTML, Struts2, JQuery, Handlebar.js,Maven,
Project 7 : Virtual Medixv2 July 2013 - Dec 2013
' Virtual MediX' : isan integratedhealthcare solutiondesignedtoprovide hospital management
informationsystemtoawide range of medical care facilities.
Virtual MediXintegratesaudio,videocollaborationtoolsandmedical equipmentstooptimize the utilizationof
healthcare resources.Itsdesignedformulti-specialtyhospitalsandcoversa wide range of Hospital
Responsibilitiesincludefordevelopmentof DataAccess Object by usingHibernate 2.1.
Involvedinwriting JSP, Struts Action and DAO
Involvedinwriting JQuery,Ajaxdata Responsive.
Involvedinwriting dynamicelementandrendering usingHandlebar.jsfile
Responsible forbuildanddeployof the application ontothe Serverusing
Involvedinwritingthe ResponsiveCSS.Bootstrap,Make a custom CSS
Data manipulation usingunderscoreJS,JQuery
Environment: Java, JSP, MYSQL,Servlet, Java Script, HTML, Struts, JQuery,Handlebar.js, Maven,
Project 6 : HOW Jan 2013 - May 2013
Hospital On Wheels:Software solutionwhichhelps tomonitorthe variousactivitiesof the HOW
(Medical Van) aswell ascapture the patientmedical dataatfieldlevel andstore ina centralizeddata
centerfor providingthe betterhealthcare service tothe remote people.
Writingthe Actionscript Classestoforwardthe informationfrommodelsto GUI.
Writingthe Action script and designingthe Customcomponentsmxml GUIframework.
Involvedinwritingthe CSS.
Involvedinwritingthe CustomEvent.
Involvedinwritingthe Adobe air withjava communicationusing Flerry.
Involvedinwriting Actionscript,Event handlerusingcairngorm framework.
Responsibilitiesincludefordevelopmentof DataAccess Object by usingHibernate 2.1.
InvolvedinWriting Adobe Flex with Hibernate 2.1 IntegrationusingAMF
Involvedinwritingthe ResponsiveCSS.Bootstrap
Data manipulation usingunderscoreJS,JQuery