Semantic organization tools allow students to analyze and organize concepts by creating visual representations that show relationships between ideas. There are two main types: semantic networks/concept maps where students draw visual maps linking related concepts; and databases which are electronic systems that can be used for data storage, retrieval, and linking information. Examples of semantic organization tools discussed are Inspiration software for creating concept maps, and using spreadsheets like Excel to generate concept maps from organized data. Steps for constructing concept maps involve selecting key concepts, ranking them by abstraction, clustering related ideas, and arranging them in a diagram.
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semantic thinking tools
1. Semantic Organization Tools Making Connections
2. Semantic Organization ToolsTools which allow students to analyze and organize concepts. Provide relevant learning opportunities new concepts are tied to each other and to concepts that are already known
3. Semantic Organization Tools2 main types of tools: 1. semantic networks/concept maps learners draw visual maps of interrelated concepts ex. Spider map, word web, flow chart, Venn Diagrams 2. databases electronic record-keeping and retrieval systems - Relational allow several users to participate and link data simultaneously - Data can be formatted in various reports - greater storage capacity than spreadsheets alone
4. Example of Semantic Organization Tools Inspiration Software. Website has several examples and offers a free 30-day trial.
14. Students can present to class and explain their rationale for word placement and relationships between words
15. Use as a writing organizer - students can box off groups of words and use each group as a paragraph.
16. Use to show ideas and relationships about characters in a novel. Students can compare and contrast their maps.Steps in constructing concept mapsUsing Inspiration Software and the Summary Man Template from The Visual Leap at
17. Steps in constructing concept mapsSelectFocus on a theme and then identify related key words or phrases. Franklin D. Roosevelt
18. Steps in constructing concept mapsRankRank the concepts (key words) from the most abstract and inclusive to the most concrete and specific.
19. Steps in constructing concept mapsClusterCluster concepts that function at similar level of abstraction and those that interrelate closely.
20. Steps in constructing concept mapsArrangeArrange concepts in to a diagrammatic representation. Link Link concepts with linking lines Created using Inspiration
22. DatabasesLink to use Excel for concept mapping link allows you to generate a concept map from information in a spreadsheet.
23. Database Assignment 6th grade Language ArtsStudents were placed in groups to complete research on 2 of 16 public colleges in NC using the following website/database were given specific information to find and place in a spreadsheet. Other assignments involved generating maps and creating T-shirts and pennants to go with respective colleges. Then students completed an evaluative writing assignment at the conclusion stating what they had learned.The completed spreadsheet was made available for all students to see, thus allowing them to make comparisons.Graphs were also be generated from the spreadsheet.
24. Database/Spreadsheet - 16 Colleges in UNC System each group of students was assigned to find and enter information for 2 colleges. Then all were compared and evaluated based on various criteria.