The document provides an overview of social semantic bookmarking systems. It introduces social bookmarking and semantic annotation approaches and their advantages and disadvantages. It then describes seven prominent social semantic bookmarking systems: BibSonomy, SOBOLEO, Fuzzzy, GroupMe!, Twine, ZigTag, and Faviki. Differentiating dimensions between the systems include the types of tag relations allowed, how semantic structures are maintained, how semantics are used, and issues around export formats and interoperability. The document aims to outline the current state of the art in social semantic bookmarking.
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Semantics To The Bookmarks: A Review of Social Semantic Bookmarking Systems
1. Semantics to the Bookmarks:
A Review of Social Semantic
Simone Braun,
Claudiu Schora,
Valentin Zacharias
2. This Presentation
Goal: An overview of the state of the art in Social
Semantic Bookmarking
Part 1: Introducing Social Semantic Bookmarking
Part 2: Social Semantic Bookmarking Systems
Part 3: Some Important Differentiating Dimensions
3. Part 1:
Introducing Social
Semantic Bookmarking
Part 1.1:
Social Bookmarking Systems
Part 1.2:
Semantic Annotation Systems
Part 1.3:
Social Semantic Bookmarking
4. Social Bookmarking, Definition
Manually created reference to (internet)
content deemed interesting
(Linguistic) Tag:
Arbitrary keyword assigned to an entity
(e.g. bookmark) to aid in management and
Social Bookmarking Site:
Website facilitating discovery of interesting
content & persons through shared tags and
5. Social Bookmarking Advantages &
Lightweight, easy to use, adaptable,
no setup, proven used by millions of
Lack of precision due to (Mis-)Spelling,
Polysemy, Homonymy
Lack of recall due to Multilingualism,
Synonymy, Basic Level Phenomena
6. Semantic Annotation, Definition
An addition made to an entity to aid
management, retrieval etc.
Semantic Annotation:
An annotation done using a term
described with some background
(usually contained in an ontology)
e.g. its relation to other terms
7. Semantic Annotation Advantages &
Better Retrieval due to explicitly represented
concept relations
improving query and browse functionality
Better Use Of Annotation due to standardized
languages and machine understandable
allow for better interoperability between systems
8. Semantic Annotation Advantages &
High Cost: Ontologies are usually created by highly
paid knowledge engineers that also first need to
learn about the domain
Low Appropriateness due to the technical,
personal and temporal separation between
creation and use of ontology
heavyweight process
large upfront investment
high time lack between concept emergence and
inclusion in ontology
errors due to limited domain understanding of
knowledge engineers
9. Social Bookmarking vs.
Semantic Annotation
Social Bookmarking lacks semantic
precision and recall
Semantic Annotation stumbles
because of the separation between
creation and use of the semantic
Social Semantic Bookmarking
combines the advantages of both
while avoiding the problems
10. Social Semantic Bookmarking
Combines these paradigms
by allowing lightweight and social
organization of bookmarks
with tags extended by semantic
definitions and descriptions
that also evolve (collaboratively) within
the same system
11. Part 2:
Social Semantic
Bookmarking Systems
BibSonomy ZigTag
Fuzzzy gnizr
GroupMe Annotea
12. BibSonomy
System for the management of
internet resources and publication
entries, tailored towards academics
Created by the University Kassel
Extends the tag model with relations
between tags
Try it at:
No Installation
SOBOLEO: SOcial BOokmarking and
Lightweight Engineering of Ontologies
Social Semantic Bookmarking System
created by FZI
Allows simple tags but also concepts
with multiple labels, relations etc.
Supports a community of practice in the
joint structuring of Try it at:
a domain.
No Registration, No Installation
14. Fuzzzy
Manages bookmarks of internet
resources, ISBN numbers, media files
and geographic locations
Developed at the University of Oslo
Allows a large number of relations
between tags
Unique in that it allows voting on all
aspects of the semantic model to
facilitate gardening Try it at:
No Installation
15. GroupMe!
Bookmarking of web resources with tag
groups as additional structure
Created by the University of Hannover
Additional focus on making bookmarks
of multimedia resources more easily
Try it at:
No Installation
16. Twine
Organizing and sharing of bookmarks of
web pages, images, videos, products and
Commercial product developed by Radar
Main ordering principle Twine kind
of user interest group. Tags related
through use in same Twine
Extensive use of automatic classification
to reduce tagging effort Try it at:
No Installation
17. ZigTag
Organizes bookmarks of internet
Commercially run by a small
Canadian company
Allows the users to choose from a
given list of tags (ZigTags) with a
specific meaning
Sets ZigTags automatically into
Try it at: relation
No Installation
18. Faviki
Manages bookmarks of internet
Developed by Serbian Web
designer Vuc Milicic
Unique in that it relies on
Wikipedia articles as tags
Uses DBpedia to support
multilinguality Try it at:
No Installation
19. Part 3:
(Some) Important
Differentiating Dimensions
Part 3.1: Tag Relations
Part 3.2: Semantic Consistency
Part 3.3: Use of Semantics
Part 3.4: Export & Interoperability
20. Tag Relations
All analyzed systems provide support
for relations between tags
Only SOBOLEO, Fuzzzy and BibSonomy
allow explicitly user created relations
For Twine and GroupMe! tag relations
are indirectly affected by users
creating collections
21. Semantic Consistency
Structure is local, i.e. only usable by
the user that created it (BibSonomy)
Global structure is maintained
collectively according to Wiki
principle (SOBOLEO, Fuzzzy)
Global structure is only indirectly
computed from user actions
(GroupMe!, Twine)
Global structure is imported or only
edited by administrators (ZigTag,
22. Use of Semantics
Additional semantics is mainly used
to support tag-based navigation
As far as we know, no inferencing
engine is used
Integrating semantics into keyword
based search is an area of current
active development (e.g. Faviki,
23. Export & Interoperability
Data Exchange and Interoperability main
promise of Semantic (Web) Technologies
All systems support some kind of export
functionality, but varied and incompatible
SCOT ..)
Promise of interoperability currently not
realized, but active area with CommonTag as
format that could make interoperability
24. Summary
Social Semantic Bookmarking Systems
combine Social Bookmarking and Semantic
by allowing lightweight, flexible annotation
but also more complex and formal description of
wich evolve (collaboratively) within the same
25. Summary
At least seven such systems are actively
developed: BibSonomy, SOBOLEO, Fuzzzy,
GroupMe!, Twine, ZigTag and Faviki
Import differentiating dimension and areas of
current development are:
kind of relations
edit scopes
the use of the semantics
export formats
26. Thank you for your
Attention !
Simone Braun
Claudiu Schora
Valentin Zacharias (
SOBOLEO demo at 3:40 pm at
MATURE project booth or
try SOBOLEO at:
No Registration, No Installation