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Custom Messaging Fills Communications Gaps
                for Southeast Missouri Hospital

                   Southeast Missouri Hospital (SMH),
                         Cape Girardeau, Missouri, is a
                 Magnet-designated 267 bed regional
             medical complex. Connecting employees,
                physicians, patients and their families,
               SMH uses both Vericoms SoundCare速
                             on-hold messaging and
                    ChannelCare digital signage to
                        communicate effectively with
                               diverse audiences both
                                    on- and off-campus.

                                     Closing the Communications Gap

                              vericom.net            800.800.1090

Southeast Missouri Hospital (SMH) launched                       sustainable communications platform that provided
ChannelCaredigital signage in 2008 with 36                      essential information we needed to routinely
monitor locations and immediately began delivering               get to our audiences, says Quinn. We knew the
messages about patient safety, community health                  ChannelCare system would be able to support our
screenings, physician referral services, employee                communications objectives for years to come. By
recognition, and even included jokes submitted                   effectively reaching audiences within your four walls,
by employees to brighten the day. SoundCare速                   you add value to a relationship that may have been
on-hold messaging was also implemented at the                    simply casual.
same time to deliver marketing and informational
messages to callers placed on holdan often-
overlooked and captive audience.

   We knew the ChannelCare system would
   be able to support our communications
   objectives for years to come.
                                           Candace Quinn
                Senior Strategist and Strategic Consultant

                                                                    Both SoundCare and ChannelCare elevate
                                                                    the professional image of the hospital by
                                                                    demonstrating the hospitals adoption of
                                                                    advanced digital technology. This is a
                                                                    significant benefit for SMH.
                                                                                     Keith Whitworth, Marketing Manager

                                                                 Eliminating paper and supporting
                                                                 Go Green initiatives

                                                                 ChannelCare has reduced the dependency on
                                                                 posters, easels, and tacked-up messages that used
Supporting strategic initiatives                                 to be scattered throughout the hospital. In the
                                                                 past, in the event of a meeting schedule change,
A strategic consultant to Southeast Missouri,                    someone from the hospitals education department
Candace Quinn of Brand = Experience helped to                    would physically walk over to each building to tack
bring ChannelCare on board to provide high-tech                  up a message. ChannelCare eliminated this manual,
digital communications that would seamlessly                     ineffective system and gives us a high-tech image
integrate with and support strategic initiatives. By            with the added benefit of updating information in
partnering with Vericom, we were able to offer a                 real time, says Keith Whitworth, marketing manager.

800.800.1090                                                                                                    vericom.net

We can do a direct mail piece one time, and          A communications partnership
subsequently follow up with messages on both
ChannelCare and SoundCare速. This message             The ChannelCare system includes easy-to-use,
reinforcement is quite effective as well as helps     web-based software where users can create and
with our go green initiatives, adds Whitworth.     upload their own content, have Vericom develop
ChannelCares ten different program channels          high-definition content, as well as choose messages
enable marketing to ensure content is unique and      from the ChannelCare health content library. We
relevant to different audiences. The messages make    appreciate the fact that Vericom is receptive to our
sense to viewers where they are, so they can easily   ideas about how they can improve their software
respond and take appropriate action. ChannelCare     to enhance the client experience, says Whitworth.
is one of our key marketing tactics. It allows us     Vericom is all about the customer and service. I
to focus on product line promotion where we           cannot think of another vendor who contacts me to
consistently use call-to-action that gets results,   get my input on the software and their system.
says Whitworth.
                                                      SMH has an in-house design team who creates
                                                      ChannelCare messages and then easily uploads
                                                      them into the ChannelCare system. Our designers
                                                      enjoy creating ChannelCare messages. They are not
                                                      restricted as they are with designing a brochure and
                                                      can be very creative, yet keep our similar look and
                                                      branding, says Whitworth.

                                                      Southeast marketing also ensures message
                                                      consistency across all media by taking messages
                                                      already created for outside digital billboards and
                                                      uploading these messages into ChannelCare.
                                                      To round out the many options for content
                                                      development, the marketing team also works with
                                                      Vericoms design team to create high-definition
                                                      collaboration messages they can use at any time.
                                                      The ability to use already-created billboard
                                                      messages via ChannelCare is very cost-effective.
Connecting off-campus locations                       For instance, when people see a message about
                                                      our physician referral service on the drive here, and
Connecting off-site locations is important to         then the same message at the hospital, theyre more
communicating effectively and ensuring branding       likely to remember it and take action,  says Jay Wolz,
consistency. SMH has a wellness center located        supervisor of market management.
inside the West Park Mall where ChannelCare
provides messaging similar to what plays at on-
campus locations. ChannelCare is an important
extension of our branding that enhances our
community recognition, says Whitworth. This
increased presence has helped increase the number
of people who register for blood pressure and
diabetes screenings, among others.

800.800.1090                                                                                       vericom.net

                                                                     ChannelCare helps prepare
                                                                     for surveys and visits

                                                                     As a Magnet-designated hospital for nursing
                                                                     excellence, SMH is in a constant state of survey-
                                                                     readiness, helping employees prepare for surveyors
                                                                     who come to assess the facility. Marketing created
                                                                     ChannelCare messages to remind employees and
                                                                     staff about upcoming visits to put them in the frame
                                                                     of mind of thinking Magnet. Messages provide
                                                                     passive learning and reinforce what people need to
Reaching calling audiences first                                     know such as the 14 forces of magnetism. These
with SoundCare速                                                      messages energize employees and get everyone on
                                                                     the same page, keeping the issue front-of-mind.
Both SoundCare速 and ChannelCare elevate the
status and image of SMH. SoundCares professional                   ChannelCare also helps staff prepare for Joint
voices are outstanding and because of the way                        Commission visits by displaying, What would you do
messages engage callers, they have no idea how                       in case of fire? for example. Enhancing employee
long they are holding, says Whitworth.                              communications is a constant work in progress,
                                                                     says Quinn. All organizations face obstacles when
Southeasts marketing team focuses on seasonal                       it comes to getting important, consistent messages
messages, key product lines, as well as customizes                   to staff and physicians. With ChannelCare, we can
and tags messages selected from the SoundIdeas                       reach these audiences with messages designed just
content library. Readily available messages in the                   for them, in addition to marketing messages, and
library include signs of stroke that can be tagged                   engage employees through a more
with call-to-action to drive people to their on-line                 dynamic medium.
stroke risk analysis. When SMH received their 5-star
rating from HealthGrades, they were able to take a
SoundIdeas message on stroke and tag it with their
new HealthGrades designation. We always look at
what messages work best with a particular call-to-
action. We want to ensure our callers can
take action quickly and easily, says Whitworth.

   We get a lot of support from Vericom and,
   as a result, can do so much more and be
   involved in technological developments and
   product enhancements. As a customer, this
   makes us feel important and highly valued.                           For more information on ChannelCare digital signage and
                                                                          SoundCare on-hold messaging, call 800-800-1090, email
                    Keith Whitworth, Marketing Manager                       marketing@vericom.net or visit www.vericom.net.

800.800.1090                                                                                                           vericom.net
                                                         Closing the Communications Gap

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Custom Messaging Fills Communications Gaps with SoundCare & ChannelCare

  • 1. Custom Messaging Fills Communications Gaps for Southeast Missouri Hospital Southeast Missouri Hospital (SMH), Cape Girardeau, Missouri, is a Magnet-designated 267 bed regional medical complex. Connecting employees, physicians, patients and their families, SMH uses both Vericoms SoundCare速 on-hold messaging and ChannelCare digital signage to communicate effectively with diverse audiences both on- and off-campus. Closing the Communications Gap vericom.net 800.800.1090
  • 2. 2 Southeast Missouri Hospital (SMH) launched sustainable communications platform that provided ChannelCaredigital signage in 2008 with 36 essential information we needed to routinely monitor locations and immediately began delivering get to our audiences, says Quinn. We knew the messages about patient safety, community health ChannelCare system would be able to support our screenings, physician referral services, employee communications objectives for years to come. By recognition, and even included jokes submitted effectively reaching audiences within your four walls, by employees to brighten the day. SoundCare速 you add value to a relationship that may have been on-hold messaging was also implemented at the simply casual. same time to deliver marketing and informational messages to callers placed on holdan often- overlooked and captive audience. We knew the ChannelCare system would be able to support our communications objectives for years to come. Candace Quinn Senior Strategist and Strategic Consultant Both SoundCare and ChannelCare elevate the professional image of the hospital by demonstrating the hospitals adoption of advanced digital technology. This is a significant benefit for SMH. Keith Whitworth, Marketing Manager Eliminating paper and supporting Go Green initiatives ChannelCare has reduced the dependency on posters, easels, and tacked-up messages that used Supporting strategic initiatives to be scattered throughout the hospital. In the past, in the event of a meeting schedule change, A strategic consultant to Southeast Missouri, someone from the hospitals education department Candace Quinn of Brand = Experience helped to would physically walk over to each building to tack bring ChannelCare on board to provide high-tech up a message. ChannelCare eliminated this manual, digital communications that would seamlessly ineffective system and gives us a high-tech image integrate with and support strategic initiatives. By with the added benefit of updating information in partnering with Vericom, we were able to offer a real time, says Keith Whitworth, marketing manager. 800.800.1090 vericom.net
  • 3. 3 We can do a direct mail piece one time, and A communications partnership subsequently follow up with messages on both ChannelCare and SoundCare速. This message The ChannelCare system includes easy-to-use, reinforcement is quite effective as well as helps web-based software where users can create and with our go green initiatives, adds Whitworth. upload their own content, have Vericom develop ChannelCares ten different program channels high-definition content, as well as choose messages enable marketing to ensure content is unique and from the ChannelCare health content library. We relevant to different audiences. The messages make appreciate the fact that Vericom is receptive to our sense to viewers where they are, so they can easily ideas about how they can improve their software respond and take appropriate action. ChannelCare to enhance the client experience, says Whitworth. is one of our key marketing tactics. It allows us Vericom is all about the customer and service. I to focus on product line promotion where we cannot think of another vendor who contacts me to consistently use call-to-action that gets results, get my input on the software and their system. says Whitworth. SMH has an in-house design team who creates ChannelCare messages and then easily uploads them into the ChannelCare system. Our designers enjoy creating ChannelCare messages. They are not restricted as they are with designing a brochure and can be very creative, yet keep our similar look and branding, says Whitworth. Southeast marketing also ensures message consistency across all media by taking messages already created for outside digital billboards and uploading these messages into ChannelCare. To round out the many options for content development, the marketing team also works with Vericoms design team to create high-definition collaboration messages they can use at any time. The ability to use already-created billboard messages via ChannelCare is very cost-effective. Connecting off-campus locations For instance, when people see a message about our physician referral service on the drive here, and Connecting off-site locations is important to then the same message at the hospital, theyre more communicating effectively and ensuring branding likely to remember it and take action, says Jay Wolz, consistency. SMH has a wellness center located supervisor of market management. inside the West Park Mall where ChannelCare provides messaging similar to what plays at on- campus locations. ChannelCare is an important extension of our branding that enhances our community recognition, says Whitworth. This increased presence has helped increase the number of people who register for blood pressure and diabetes screenings, among others. 800.800.1090 vericom.net
  • 4. 4 ChannelCare helps prepare for surveys and visits As a Magnet-designated hospital for nursing excellence, SMH is in a constant state of survey- readiness, helping employees prepare for surveyors who come to assess the facility. Marketing created ChannelCare messages to remind employees and staff about upcoming visits to put them in the frame of mind of thinking Magnet. Messages provide passive learning and reinforce what people need to Reaching calling audiences first know such as the 14 forces of magnetism. These with SoundCare速 messages energize employees and get everyone on the same page, keeping the issue front-of-mind. Both SoundCare速 and ChannelCare elevate the status and image of SMH. SoundCares professional ChannelCare also helps staff prepare for Joint voices are outstanding and because of the way Commission visits by displaying, What would you do messages engage callers, they have no idea how in case of fire? for example. Enhancing employee long they are holding, says Whitworth. communications is a constant work in progress, says Quinn. All organizations face obstacles when Southeasts marketing team focuses on seasonal it comes to getting important, consistent messages messages, key product lines, as well as customizes to staff and physicians. With ChannelCare, we can and tags messages selected from the SoundIdeas reach these audiences with messages designed just content library. Readily available messages in the for them, in addition to marketing messages, and library include signs of stroke that can be tagged engage employees through a more with call-to-action to drive people to their on-line dynamic medium. stroke risk analysis. When SMH received their 5-star rating from HealthGrades, they were able to take a SoundIdeas message on stroke and tag it with their new HealthGrades designation. We always look at what messages work best with a particular call-to- action. We want to ensure our callers can take action quickly and easily, says Whitworth. We get a lot of support from Vericom and, as a result, can do so much more and be involved in technological developments and product enhancements. As a customer, this makes us feel important and highly valued. For more information on ChannelCare digital signage and SoundCare on-hold messaging, call 800-800-1090, email Keith Whitworth, Marketing Manager marketing@vericom.net or visit www.vericom.net. 800.800.1090 vericom.net Closing the Communications Gap