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Do you have what it takes to grow your business outside of Northern Ontario?
Global opportunities abound for innovative companies that have the tools and
know-how to effectively expand. Now there’s a program that’s been specifically
designed to help Northern Ontario companies such as yours to capture their
share of the worldwide market.
Do you know your company’s export
potential? Are you serious about
growing your export business?
Strategic ‘One-on-One’ Export Marketing Program
Fall 2016 Intakes
Exclusively for Northern Ontario-based companies,
we are pleased to announce a new intake of the highly successful, Strategic ‘One-on-One’ Export Marketing Program
(SEMP). As part of the Northern Ontario Exports Program, SEMP has been designed to assist companies take advantage
of global growth opportunities and to ‘kick open the doors’ to new markets for the innovative
products and services that Northern Ontario firms have to offer.
Working directly with an international export development advisor, this program includes up to six months of
customized ‘one-on-one’ consultation whereby you will develop a range of marketing tools and strategies that
will teach you and your team how to diversify your client base outside of Northern Ontario.
Led by Jon Baird, formerly Managing Director of the Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export
(CAMESE); or Mel Sauve, President of Global Growth; this program begins with a customized, and confidential, two-day
workshop with your senior management team to:
	 Develop a corporate strategy that will serve to map your export development strategy
	 Select and effectively use the appropriate marketing tools for export
	 Develop and implement an international marketing plan
Northeastern and Northwestern Ontario
s a scientist and engineer, Jon Baird has
been involved in international marketing
and selling to the international mining
industry since his graduation in 1964. This
career has taken him to 71 countries in search
of mining business opportunities and taught
him several languages. For most of his 28 years
with Scintrex Limited, Jon developed that
company’s marketing and selling program that
made the company a first-choice in geophysical
exploration instrumentation around the world.
From 1993 – 2014, Jon was the Managing
Director of CAMESE, The Canadian Association
of Mining Equipment and Services for Export,
(CAMESE, www.camese.org) a trade association
existing to support Canadian firms marketing
to the world mining industry. Jon has worked
with more than 50 Northern Ontario firms
and recently completed another engagement
with 9 companies in New Brunswick who all
received training through the Strategic ‘One-
on-One’ Export Marketing Program.
About the Program Leaders
To further assist your organization in planning and selecting the right tools
towards developing and implementing your export marketing plan,
individuals in your firm responsible for marketing and sales will join their
counterparts from other companies for three, one-day marketing seminars.
Scheduled roughly three to four weeks apart, each seminar will help your
sales and marketing team develop the necessary competencies and
understanding of the critical tools needed to market and sell your products
and services internationally. The expertise and insights to be gained from
these seminars include:
•	 Advancing from a ‘sales’ to a ‘sales and marketing’ organization
•	 Creating your company’s unique brand signature
•	 Deploying customer relationship management (CRM) to automate
business, sales and marketing processes
•	 Selecting, motivating and managing foreign sales representatives
•	 Advertising and public relations for domestic and international markets
•	 Developing a web strategy for entering new markets and gaining
global recognition
•	 Investing in a corporate culture that ‘creates’ sales for your company
•	 Managing your international trade show presence for maximum results
•	 Securing your intellectual property protection
•	 Leveraging Export Development Canada (EDC) services as you expand
your international business
•	 Creating an effective marketing mix
•	 Conducting effective secondary market research – tips, 		
tools and resources
The Strategic ‘One-on-One’ Export Marketing Program has been
designed to fit the varied needs of companies looking to enhance their
export potential. One unique feature of this program is the ability to
focus your export strategy development on both international and
domestic markets outside of Ontario. So, whether you are looking to
enter new markets for the first time, enhance your existing international
presence by exploring new opportunities, revisit an existing export
marketing strategy or more, this program is designed to work with your
company’s senior team to create a plan of action for export growth.
Strategic ‘One-on-One’
Export Marketing Program
The strategic Export Marketing
Program provided Maestro Mine
Ventilation with confirmation on
many ideas and strategies but also
challenged our way of thinking on
others. Jon Baird was able to bring out
other possibilities given his extensive
experience in international mining
equipment trade. I would recommend
the program and Jon to any company
that is serious about exporting.
- Michael Gribbons,
Vice President, Marketing and Sales
Maestro Mine Ventilation
el Sauve is an engineer and MBA from
McGill University and has been in the
mining industry for over 20 years having
grown Wire Rope Industries, Exploranium
and Wabi Iron & Steel to record levels. He
is a strategic business development and
international business expert having expanded
companies into the USA and into over 50
countries in Europe, Asia and South America.
He currently has a successful consulting
practice, Global Growth, and specializes in
strategic business development, US and
International market expansion, competitive
positioning and sales development.
Here is an opportunity to tap Mel’s leadership
in helping companies access new markets
through the development of strategic export
marketing and sales planning and tools. Mel
has assisted more than 30 Northern Ontario
companies with their export development and
is a frequent speaker and workshop leader on
export growth including recent engagements
with the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
(CME) and Export Development Canada (EDC).
The Strategic ‘One-on-One’ Export Marketing Program is proudly funded by FedNor and the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund
Corporation, and is delivered by Ontario’s North Economic Development Corporation. As a funded program, the participation fee for
companies is only $3,000. Plus! Companies engaged in the SEMP Program will be eligible to apply for Export Marketing Assistance
(EMA) funding of up to $10,000.00 to assist with the implementation of your export sales and marketing initiatives.
Apply now for the next session
Given the unqualified success of the program to date, we are now accepting applications for the next program intake.
More than 75 leading Northern Ontario companies have already taken advantage of the program to strengthen their international
sales and global presence.
The Strategic Export Marketing
Program was a tremendous benefit
to our company. The ‘one-on-one’
sessions were extremly valuable
providing a helpful benchmark
analysis of our marketing strategy.
Mel Sauve was able to guide our group
in identifying current shortcomings
and developing a marketing strategy
which was in line with our company’s
growth plans.
- Stephane Audet,
Partner, Principal of Operations,
KBM Resources Group
•	 Abitibi Geophysics Inc.
•	 Activation 	
Laboratories Ltd.
•	 AirRider Hovercraft
•	 B&D Manufacturing
•	 BESTECH Engineering
•	 Blue Heron Solutions
for Environmental
•	 Canadian Shield
•	 Can-Blast Inc.
•	 Centric Mining Systems
•	 Clearlogic Consulting
•	 Clickmox Solutions
•	 Clow Darling
•	 Conveyors Plus
•	 Digital Engineering
•	 Dingwells North
•	 Drillco Mining
•	 Drillers Edge
•	 DST Engineering Inc.
•	 EVR Products
•	 Fladgate Exploration
Consulting Corporation
•	 Grant Aggregate
•	 Hardrock Mining
Products Inc.
•	 High Grade Controls
•	 HLS Hard-Line
•	 Industrial 	
Fabrication Inc.
•	 iRing Inc.
•	 Jannatec Technologies
•	 K4 Integration
•	 KBM Resources Group
•	 KGS Group
•	 Kozar Engineering
•	 Lakehead Marine 	
and Industrial
•	 Main Filter
•	 Mansour Mining
•	 Media 	
Environmental Inc.
•	 Mikro-Tek
•	 Miller Technology
•	 Milman Industries Inc.
•	 Mine Hoist
•	 Symboticware
•	 Synergy Controls
•	 TBT Engineering
•	 Temiskaming
Industrial Mining
Equipment Ltd.
•	 TesMan Inc.
•	 Testmark Laboratories
•	 Thunder Bay
•	 TopROPS
•	 Venshore 	
Mechanical Ltd.
•	 Wabi Iron and Steel
•	 Walden Equipment
•	 WipWare Inc.
•	 Mobile Parts
•	 MPX Drilling Systems
•	 Nor-Arc
•	 Nordic Mine
Technology Inc.
•	 North Bay Machining
•	 Northern 		
Superior Homes
•	 Objectivity Inc.
•	 Payford Steel
•	 Pneuma-Tool
•	 Polymet Labs
•	 Porcupine Canvas
•	 Porcupine 	
Engineering Services
•	 Qwantech
•	 Rezplast
•	 Riverview Industries
•	 Rock-Tech
•	 Rocvent
•	 Rudnicki Industrial
•	 Sling Choker
•	 Steelworks
•	 Sturda Inc.
•	 Sumac Geomatics Inc.
•	 SWM Contracting
If you do not have an export marketing strategy or would like to take your existing strategy to the next level, we encourage you to
submit your application and secure one of only ten available company spots for the upcoming Fall 2016 session.
Space is limited - register today !
Please note that this intake is limited to a maximum of ten companies. We are now accepting applications for the Fall 2016 intake
session. Company participation will be approximately September 2016 to March 2017 with some flexibility in scheduling (including
start and end dates) to meet individual company needs.
Diversify. Expand. Succeed.
For this or any other questions,
please contact:
Scott Rennie, Project Manager
P: (705) 674.4455 ext. 4403
E: scott.rennie@sudbury.ca
To find out more about Northern Ontario Exports
including both the SEMP and EMA programs, please visit
www.investnorthernontario.com and follow the
Northern Ontario Exports link on the home page.

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  • 1. Do you have what it takes to grow your business outside of Northern Ontario? Global opportunities abound for innovative companies that have the tools and know-how to effectively expand. Now there’s a program that’s been specifically designed to help Northern Ontario companies such as yours to capture their share of the worldwide market. Do you know your company’s export potential? Are you serious about growing your export business? Strategic ‘One-on-One’ Export Marketing Program Fall 2016 Intakes Exclusively for Northern Ontario-based companies, we are pleased to announce a new intake of the highly successful, Strategic ‘One-on-One’ Export Marketing Program (SEMP). As part of the Northern Ontario Exports Program, SEMP has been designed to assist companies take advantage of global growth opportunities and to ‘kick open the doors’ to new markets for the innovative products and services that Northern Ontario firms have to offer. Working directly with an international export development advisor, this program includes up to six months of customized ‘one-on-one’ consultation whereby you will develop a range of marketing tools and strategies that will teach you and your team how to diversify your client base outside of Northern Ontario. Led by Jon Baird, formerly Managing Director of the Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export (CAMESE); or Mel Sauve, President of Global Growth; this program begins with a customized, and confidential, two-day workshop with your senior management team to: Develop a corporate strategy that will serve to map your export development strategy Select and effectively use the appropriate marketing tools for export Develop and implement an international marketing plan Northeastern and Northwestern Ontario
  • 2. A s a scientist and engineer, Jon Baird has been involved in international marketing and selling to the international mining industry since his graduation in 1964. This career has taken him to 71 countries in search of mining business opportunities and taught him several languages. For most of his 28 years with Scintrex Limited, Jon developed that company’s marketing and selling program that made the company a first-choice in geophysical exploration instrumentation around the world. From 1993 – 2014, Jon was the Managing Director of CAMESE, The Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export, (CAMESE, www.camese.org) a trade association existing to support Canadian firms marketing to the world mining industry. Jon has worked with more than 50 Northern Ontario firms and recently completed another engagement with 9 companies in New Brunswick who all received training through the Strategic ‘One- on-One’ Export Marketing Program. About the Program Leaders To further assist your organization in planning and selecting the right tools towards developing and implementing your export marketing plan, individuals in your firm responsible for marketing and sales will join their counterparts from other companies for three, one-day marketing seminars. Scheduled roughly three to four weeks apart, each seminar will help your sales and marketing team develop the necessary competencies and understanding of the critical tools needed to market and sell your products and services internationally. The expertise and insights to be gained from these seminars include: • Advancing from a ‘sales’ to a ‘sales and marketing’ organization • Creating your company’s unique brand signature • Deploying customer relationship management (CRM) to automate business, sales and marketing processes • Selecting, motivating and managing foreign sales representatives • Advertising and public relations for domestic and international markets • Developing a web strategy for entering new markets and gaining global recognition • Investing in a corporate culture that ‘creates’ sales for your company • Managing your international trade show presence for maximum results • Securing your intellectual property protection • Leveraging Export Development Canada (EDC) services as you expand your international business • Creating an effective marketing mix • Conducting effective secondary market research – tips, tools and resources The Strategic ‘One-on-One’ Export Marketing Program has been designed to fit the varied needs of companies looking to enhance their export potential. One unique feature of this program is the ability to focus your export strategy development on both international and domestic markets outside of Ontario. So, whether you are looking to enter new markets for the first time, enhance your existing international presence by exploring new opportunities, revisit an existing export marketing strategy or more, this program is designed to work with your company’s senior team to create a plan of action for export growth. Strategic ‘One-on-One’ Export Marketing Program The strategic Export Marketing Program provided Maestro Mine Ventilation with confirmation on many ideas and strategies but also challenged our way of thinking on others. Jon Baird was able to bring out other possibilities given his extensive experience in international mining equipment trade. I would recommend the program and Jon to any company that is serious about exporting. - Michael Gribbons, Vice President, Marketing and Sales Maestro Mine Ventilation “ “
  • 3. M el Sauve is an engineer and MBA from McGill University and has been in the mining industry for over 20 years having grown Wire Rope Industries, Exploranium and Wabi Iron & Steel to record levels. He is a strategic business development and international business expert having expanded companies into the USA and into over 50 countries in Europe, Asia and South America. He currently has a successful consulting practice, Global Growth, and specializes in strategic business development, US and International market expansion, competitive positioning and sales development. Here is an opportunity to tap Mel’s leadership in helping companies access new markets through the development of strategic export marketing and sales planning and tools. Mel has assisted more than 30 Northern Ontario companies with their export development and is a frequent speaker and workshop leader on export growth including recent engagements with the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) and Export Development Canada (EDC). The Strategic ‘One-on-One’ Export Marketing Program is proudly funded by FedNor and the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation, and is delivered by Ontario’s North Economic Development Corporation. As a funded program, the participation fee for companies is only $3,000. Plus! Companies engaged in the SEMP Program will be eligible to apply for Export Marketing Assistance (EMA) funding of up to $10,000.00 to assist with the implementation of your export sales and marketing initiatives. Apply now for the next session Given the unqualified success of the program to date, we are now accepting applications for the next program intake. More than 75 leading Northern Ontario companies have already taken advantage of the program to strengthen their international sales and global presence. The Strategic Export Marketing Program was a tremendous benefit to our company. The ‘one-on-one’ sessions were extremly valuable providing a helpful benchmark analysis of our marketing strategy. Mel Sauve was able to guide our group in identifying current shortcomings and developing a marketing strategy which was in line with our company’s growth plans. - Stephane Audet, Partner, Principal of Operations, KBM Resources Group “ “ • Abitibi Geophysics Inc. • Activation Laboratories Ltd. • AirRider Hovercraft • B&D Manufacturing • BESTECH Engineering • Blue Heron Solutions for Environmental Management • Canadian Shield Consultants • Can-Blast Inc. • Centric Mining Systems • Clearlogic Consulting Professionals • Clickmox Solutions • Clow Darling • Conveyors Plus • Digital Engineering • Dingwells North America • Drillco Mining • Drillers Edge • DST Engineering Inc. • EVR Products • Fladgate Exploration Consulting Corporation • Grant Aggregate • Hardrock Mining Products Inc. • High Grade Controls Corporation • HLS Hard-Line Solutions • Industrial Fabrication Inc. • iRing Inc. • Jannatec Technologies • K4 Integration • KBM Resources Group • KGS Group • Kozar Engineering • Lakehead Marine and Industrial • Main Filter • Mansour Mining Technologies • Media Environmental Inc. • Mikro-Tek • Miller Technology • Milman Industries Inc. • Mine Hoist • Symboticware Incorporated • Synergy Controls • TBT Engineering Limited • Temiskaming Industrial Mining Equipment Ltd. • TesMan Inc. • Testmark Laboratories • Thunder Bay Hydraulics • TopROPS • Venshore Mechanical Ltd. • Wabi Iron and Steel • Walden Equipment • WipWare Inc. • Mobile Parts • MPX Drilling Systems • Nor-Arc • Nordic Mine Technology Inc. • North Bay Machining • Northern Superior Homes • Objectivity Inc. • Payford Steel • Pneuma-Tool • Polymet Labs • Porcupine Canvas • Porcupine Engineering Services • Qwantech • Rezplast Manufacturing • Riverview Industries • Rock-Tech • Rocvent • Rudnicki Industrial • Sling Choker • Steelworks • Sturda Inc. • Sumac Geomatics Inc. • SWM Contracting
  • 4. If you do not have an export marketing strategy or would like to take your existing strategy to the next level, we encourage you to submit your application and secure one of only ten available company spots for the upcoming Fall 2016 session. Space is limited - register today ! Please note that this intake is limited to a maximum of ten companies. We are now accepting applications for the Fall 2016 intake session. Company participation will be approximately September 2016 to March 2017 with some flexibility in scheduling (including start and end dates) to meet individual company needs. Diversify. Expand. Succeed. For this or any other questions, please contact: Scott Rennie, Project Manager P: (705) 674.4455 ext. 4403 E: scott.rennie@sudbury.ca www.investnorthernontario.com To find out more about Northern Ontario Exports including both the SEMP and EMA programs, please visit www.investnorthernontario.com and follow the Northern Ontario Exports link on the home page.