This presentation show a nice way, how emails in Symfony can be sent - and - how everything can be tested in a cool way that makes much more fun than writing functional tests in Symfony
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Sending and Testing Mails in Symfony
1. Sending and Testing
Mails in Symfony
Christoph Hautzinger
@chautzi //
#webdevbbq, 09.06.2015
2. @chautzi - hugh!?
? Webdev half of my live!
? Symfony 9 years
? diginights
? Fressnapf
? *
? @conspecton Founder
? looking for a job? ;)
? Freelancing
12. Status Quo
? Unit Tests
? In your domain, mock interfaces
? Functional Tests
? the pro?ler knows everything (when enabled)
? but writing functional tests in Symfony is not fun!