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Sense of SmeII / co-creatie
& Design
showing the current and future
possibilities of scent in media
and communication design
collecting smell samples &
tagging the city with scent
Sense of SmeII / duft Berlin kickoff
Air sample in Berlin metro interior, odor of synthetic rubber, new plastic.
Smells like a newly bought in?atable plastic toy. Brings me back to memories of my yellow rowing boat made of synthetic rubber. To ?ll her up
we used a fairly undersized turtle shaped air pump. Pumping away in the burning sun, it always took ages to get our boat a?oat. Paddling my
boat in the arti?cial lake nearby. I hardly ever saw a living ?sh, but swimming with my eyes open in the murky waters I imagined big ?sh and
monsters lurking in the dark beneath.
Sense of SmeII / duft Berlin kickoff
Dirt sample from the ?oor at a subway entrance. Sweet greasy smell, dusty, cigarette ashes, lubricating oil fungal smell.
Film shoot on a cold winter’s day. I am shooting a ?lm scene with my girlfriend. She is half naked on the concrete steps of the emergency stairs
of our apartment. Her character is a corpse but she can hardly lie still. I feel a bit guilty, but it looks great. She’s a special kind of girl.
Sense of SmeII / duft Berlin kickoff
experimenting with scent &
designing olfactive concepts
Sense of SmeII / 48 hour sweatshop
Sense of SmeII / 48 hour sweatshop
Sense of SmeII / 48 hour sweatshop
Sense of SmeII / 48 hour sweatshop
Sense of SmeII / 48 hour sweatshop
ideas, concepts and engaging
new thoughts on the subject
of smell
Sense of SmeII / co-creatie
Sense of SmeII / data
Sense of SmeII / data
Sense of SmeII / perfumification
Sense of SmeII / ethereal
Sense of SmeII / book
Sense of SmeII / publication
Sense of SmeII / book
Sense of SmeII / famous deaths
Sense of SmeII / famous deaths
Sense of SmeII / famous deaths
Sense of SmeII / famous deaths
Sense of SmeII / famous deaths
Sense of
prof dr ep k?ster (NL)
caro verbeek (NL)
james auger (GB)
peter de cupere (B)
bernardo juan fleming (IT)
afsluiting en borrel
inloop en expositie
opening sense of smell
co-creatie sessies
09.00 - 09.30
09.30 - 10.00
10.00 - 12.30
welkom en koffie
marcel van brakel, wander eilkelboom en frederik duerinck
sustainability - food & health
safety - innovative learning
biobased economy - art, design & communication
experimenteel waarnemingspsycholoog universiteit utrecht
kunsthistorica vrije universiteit amsterdam
beeldend kunstenaar
beeldend kunstenaar
international flavors and fragrances
overhandiging aan voorzitter cvb avans paul rüpp
aan elkaar ruiken en een borrel drinken
13.30 - 14.10
14.10 - 14.50
14.50 - 15.30
15.30 - 15.50
16.00 - 16.40
16.40 - 17.20
17.20 - 17.30
17.30 - 19.00
na de lunch beginnen de keynote presentaties
lunch en expositie
12.30 - 13.15
Sense of SmeII / congres
Sense of SmeII / congres
Sense of SmeII / congres
22.03.2015 – 02.08.2015
Exhibition at Es liegt was in der Luft – Duft in der Kunst
exhibition in Villa Rot Museum, Burgrieden-Rot (DE).
Presentation at Biotalk Mediamatic, Amsterdam.
Exhibition at Nacht van Kunst en Wetenschap, Academie Minerva, Groningen (NL).
Presentation & sweatshop bij OTIS Academy for Art & Design, Los Angeles (USA).
Presentation at Pecha Kucha Vol. 17, Utrecht (NL).
Exhibition & Presentation at Design by Fire Café, Brandpunt, Breda (NL)
Exhibition & Presentation at the Sense of Smell Conference, MOTI, Breda (NL).
Exhibition & Presentation at Crea-Zone, Budafabriek, Kortrijk (BE).
Exhibition & Presentation at Cross Media Café. Amsterdam E-Week, Club Panama, Amsterdam (NL).
Presentation at Pecha Kucha Vol. 11, Breda (NL).
Exhibition at the Vivid Closing Conference, Podium Bloos, Breda (NL).
Exhibition & Presentation at the Tech Open Air 2014 Unconference, Berlin (DE).
Exhibition & Presentation at Coded Matters #7 Extended Senses, Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL).
29.01.2014 – 20.02.2014
Exhibition at Void( ) exhibition in the Ruskin Gallery, Cambridge (UK)
Sense of SmeII / famous deaths
april 2015

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Sense of Smell & Famous Deaths

  • 1. Sense of SmeII / co-creatie
  • 2. sense of smell Research & Design showing the current and future possibilities of scent in media and communication design
  • 4. Sense of SmeII / duft Berlin kickoff Air sample in Berlin metro interior, odor of synthetic rubber, new plastic. Smells like a newly bought in?atable plastic toy. Brings me back to memories of my yellow rowing boat made of synthetic rubber. To ?ll her up we used a fairly undersized turtle shaped air pump. Pumping away in the burning sun, it always took ages to get our boat a?oat. Paddling my boat in the arti?cial lake nearby. I hardly ever saw a living ?sh, but swimming with my eyes open in the murky waters I imagined big ?sh and monsters lurking in the dark beneath.
  • 5. Sense of SmeII / duft Berlin kickoff Dirt sample from the ?oor at a subway entrance. Sweet greasy smell, dusty, cigarette ashes, lubricating oil fungal smell. Film shoot on a cold winter’s day. I am shooting a ?lm scene with my girlfriend. She is half naked on the concrete steps of the emergency stairs of our apartment. Her character is a corpse but she can hardly lie still. I feel a bit guilty, but it looks great. She’s a special kind of girl.
  • 6. Sense of SmeII / duft Berlin kickoff
  • 7. sense of smell 48 HOUR SWEAT SHOP experimenting with scent & designing olfactive concepts
  • 8. Sense of SmeII / 48 hour sweatshop
  • 9. Sense of SmeII / 48 hour sweatshop
  • 10. Sense of SmeII / 48 hour sweatshop
  • 11. Sense of SmeII / 48 hour sweatshop
  • 12. Sense of SmeII / 48 hour sweatshop
  • 13. sense of smell BOOK ideas, concepts and engaging new thoughts on the subject of smell
  • 14. Sense of SmeII / co-creatie
  • 15. Sense of SmeII / data
  • 16. Sense of SmeII / data
  • 17. Sense of SmeII / perfumification
  • 18. Sense of SmeII / ethereal
  • 19. Sense of SmeII / book
  • 20. Sense of SmeII / publication
  • 21. Sense of SmeII / book
  • 23. Sense of SmeII / famous deaths
  • 24. Sense of SmeII / famous deaths
  • 25. Sense of SmeII / famous deaths
  • 26. Sense of SmeII / famous deaths
  • 27. Sense of SmeII / famous deaths
  • 29. sense of smell prof dr ep k?ster (NL) caro verbeek (NL) james auger (GB) pauze peter de cupere (B) bernardo juan fleming (IT) boekpresentatie afsluiting en borrel inloop en expositie opening sense of smell co-creatie sessies congres programma 09.00 - 09.30 09.30 - 10.00 10.00 - 12.30 welkom en koffie marcel van brakel, wander eilkelboom en frederik duerinck sustainability - food & health safety - innovative learning biobased economy - art, design & communication experimenteel waarnemingspsycholoog universiteit utrecht kunsthistorica vrije universiteit amsterdam beeldend kunstenaar cantina beeldend kunstenaar international flavors and fragrances overhandiging aan voorzitter cvb avans paul rüpp aan elkaar ruiken en een borrel drinken 13.30 - 14.10 14.10 - 14.50 14.50 - 15.30 15.30 - 15.50 16.00 - 16.40 16.40 - 17.20 17.20 - 17.30 17.30 - 19.00 na de lunch beginnen de keynote presentaties lunch en expositie 12.30 - 13.15
  • 30. Sense of SmeII / congres
  • 31. Sense of SmeII / congres
  • 32. Sense of SmeII / congres
  • 33. sense of smell 22.03.2015 – 02.08.2015 Exhibition at Es liegt was in der Luft – Duft in der Kunst exhibition in Villa Rot Museum, Burgrieden-Rot (DE). 11.06.2015 Presentation at Biotalk Mediamatic, Amsterdam. 06.06.2015 Exhibition at Nacht van Kunst en Wetenschap, Academie Minerva, Groningen (NL). 16.04.2015 Presentation & sweatshop bij OTIS Academy for Art & Design, Los Angeles (USA). 05.02.2015 Presentation at Pecha Kucha Vol. 17, Utrecht (NL). 03.02.2015 Exhibition & Presentation at Design by Fire Café, Brandpunt, Breda (NL) 02.12.2014 Exhibition & Presentation at the Sense of Smell Conference, MOTI, Breda (NL). 06.11.2014 Exhibition & Presentation at Crea-Zone, Budafabriek, Kortrijk (BE). 04.11.2014 Exhibition & Presentation at Cross Media Café. Amsterdam E-Week, Club Panama, Amsterdam (NL). 23.09.2014 Presentation at Pecha Kucha Vol. 11, Breda (NL). 18.09.2014 Exhibition at the Vivid Closing Conference, Podium Bloos, Breda (NL). 15.07.2014 Exhibition & Presentation at the Tech Open Air 2014 Unconference, Berlin (DE). 01.06.2014 Exhibition & Presentation at Coded Matters #7 Extended Senses, Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (NL). 29.01.2014 – 20.02.2014 Exhibition at Void( ) exhibition in the Ruskin Gallery, Cambridge (UK) EXPO / PRESENTATIONS
  • 34. Sense of SmeII / famous deaths
  • 35. sense of smell Winner: THE ART & OLFACTION AWARD (L.A) USA april 2015