This document discusses performing sentiment analysis on tweets related to three major US airlines: Delta, JetBlue, and United. It outlines extracting tweets using Twitter APIs, processing the tweets by identifying sentiment words and scoring sentiment, and generating graphs to analyze and compare sentiment polarity between the airlines. The analysis found that JetBlue had the highest percentage of positive sentiment compared to the other airlines, indicating customers generally liked JetBlue more. Sentiment analysis can help airlines understand customer feedback to improve services and brand image.
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Sentiment analysis on airlines
1. 1
Sentiment Analysis on Airlines
Group 5
Mounika Bandam
Piyush Srivastava
Sivannarayana Ravipati
Sentiment analysis or opinion mining
refers to the use of natural language
processing (NLP), text analysis and
computational linguistics to identify
and extract subjective information
from the source materials. Business
enterprises can leverage opinion
polarity and sentiment topic
recognition to gain deeper
understanding of the drivers and the
overall scope. We are doing the
sentiment analysis on aviation sector
which can help aviation companies
detect sentiment polarity and
sentiment topics by making use of data
(text) and examining the reputation of
airlines by computing their Airline
Quality Rating (AQR). we have
considered the leading US airliners
Delta, JetBlue and United Airlines to
perform the sentiment analysis by
collecting the data (messages) from the
Twitter. These messages are classified
as positive or neutral or negative with
respect to a query term.
Twitter is a popular microblogging
service where users create status
messages (called ¡°tweets¡±). These
tweets sometimes express opinions
about different topics. This is very
useful because it allows feedback to be
aggregated without manual
intervention. Consumers can use
sentiment analysis to research products
or services before booking a flight.
Marketers can use this to research
public opinion of their company and
products, or to analyze customer
satisfaction. Organizations can also
use this to gather critical feedback
about problems in newly released
products. There has been a large
amount of research in sentiment
With the large range of topics
discussed on Twitter, it would be very
difficult to manually collect enough
data to do the sentiment analysis for
tweets. Hence, we have used publicly
available twitter datasets.
2. 2
To extract the tweets, we need to
establish a connection with the twitter
and we can do that with TwitterR.
TwitterR offers an easy way to extract
tweets containing a given hashtag,
word or term from a user¡¯s account or
public tweets. However, before
loading TwitterR library and using its
functions, we need to create an app on and then we should
run the following code (We have
written the code R language) to set
authorization to extract tweets.
We need to load the required libraries
for processing the tweets and plot the
graphs as below.
Now we are ready with the libraries
and accessing the tweets. So, the next
step is to import files containing a
dictionary of positive and negative
words. Likewise, text files containing
positive and negative sentiments can
be imported using the below code.
Now we need to extract specific tweets
relating to Delta, JetBlue and United
airlines by querying the twitter for
tweets with the hashtag using the
below code.
To process the tweets, we should go
through the following steps.
Step 1: Converting the tweets to a text
Step 2: Calculating the number of
tweets for each airline.
Step 3: Combining the text of all these
3. 3
The code below showcases how
sentiment analysis is written and
executed. However, before we proceed
with sentiment analysis, a function
needs to be defined that will calculate
the sentiment score.
Now, we can start processing the
tweets to calculate the sentiment score.
Step 1: Create the variable in scores
data frame.
Step 2: Calculate the positive,
negative and neutral sentiments. There
are many ways to define the sentiment
levels and we have chosen to follow
the below method.
Step 3: Split the data frame into
individual datasets for each airline.
Step 4: Create polarity variable for
each data frame.
4. 4
After the above steps are executed, we
can go ahead and create insightful
graphs. The steps below outline the
process to create graphs.
5.1Delta Airlines
5.1.1 Polarity Plot (Customer
The graph can be drawn by using the
below code.
The bar graph below depicts polarity,
if we closely analyze the graph; it
reveals that out of 5,000 twitter users,
1,100 twitter users have commented in
a negative way, 2,380 users are neutral.
However, 1,520 users are positive
about the airline.
5.1.2 Customer Sentiment
The graph can be drawn by using the
below code.
5.2JetBlue Airlines
5.2.1 Polarity Plot (Customer
The graph can be drawn by using the
below code.
The bar graph below represents
polarity. In this case, out of the 5,000
twitter users, 550 users have
commented negatively, 2,700 users
remain neutral, whereas 1,750 users
are positive about the airline.
5. 5
5.2.2 Customer Sentiment
The graph can be drawn by using the
below code.
5.3 United Airlines
5.3.1 Polarity Plot (Customer
The graph can be drawn by using the
below code.
The bar graph below represents
polarity. In this case, out of the 5,000
twitter users, 1,350 users have
commented negatively, whereas 2,200
users are neutral and remaining 1,450
users remain positive about the airline.
5.3.2 Customer Sentiment
The graph can be drawn by using the
below code.
6. 6
We have seen how each airline is doing
in the above chapter. Now, let¡¯s see the
airline progress when compared to
each other. To get this we need to
calculate the percentage scores of each
airline and this can be done using the
below code.
Step 1: Summarizing the overall
positive, negative and neutral scores.
Step 2: Calculating the total score of
each airline by adding positive,
negative and neutral scores.
Step 3: Calculating the percentage
6.1Positive Comparative
Here is the code to create a positive
comparison pie chart for these three
Pie Chart
6.2Negative Comparative
Here is the code to create a negative
comparison pie chart for these three
7. 7
Pie Chart
6.3Neutral Comparative
Here is the code to create a neutral
comparison pie chart for these three
Pie Chart
We can say that the customers like
JetBlue more than the other two with
the above analysis. As can be seen,
sentiment analysis enables enterprises
to understand consumer sentiments in
relation to specific products/services.
Moreover, these insights could be used
to improve their products and services
by gauging consumers¡¯ comments and
feedback using sentiment analysis. In
the long run, sentiment analysis, if
implemented the right way can aid
business enterprises in improving the
overall consumer experience, enhance
brand image and propel business
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