This document discusses test automation using the Screen Play design pattern. It introduces screen play and explains why end-to-end test automation is important. The document then discusses common design patterns for test automation like the page object model and how to apply SOLID principles to page objects. It provides an overview of the screen play pattern and tips for defining tasks and building reusable components. Finally, it provides steps for setting up a screen play project and references for further reading.
4. Test Automation
Why End to EndTest Automation ?
To reduce manual efforts ??? Really
Is it making you slow ?
Minimal journey
Continuous integration pipeline
Pattern in Test automation ?
Most popular design patter
Page object pattern
11. Apply SOLID principle To POM
1. Single responsibility
2. Open close principle
Assertions Behaviours
AT High level
Task UI
13. How to strike right balance
Too many fragments [Test becomes too noisy]
Too big component [Loose flexibility]
How to define a task and how to make sure we build a building blocks ?
Dont define action
Define behaviour / Goal
Frequency of Behaviour to change is very less and is business driven.
Some Learnings till date
14. Some Tips
Look at application design
UI components the way they are coupled
15. Setup Screenplay
1. Generate Project
a. $ mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=screenplay
i. Enter 1 and select a version
ii. 'groupId': : net.serenitybdd.tutorials
iii. 'artifactId': : todomvctests
iv. 'package': net.serenitybdd.tutorials
2. Run Test
a. mvn clean verify