This document discusses different learning theories and how they relate to game-based learning. It covers behaviourist, cognitivist, constructivist, and situated learning models. Behaviourist games focus on reinforcement, while constructivist games emphasize puzzles, interaction, reflection and open learning environments. The situated perspective views learning as occurring through social interaction and participation in authentic contexts. The document also outlines challenges for educators in integrating games and provides recommendations for good game design elements based on learning theories.
2. What bridge?
? Digital immigrants & Digital
Natives(Prensky, 2001)
? Teaching styles & learning styles (Becker 2006)
? Formal learning and informal learning
? Surface Learning & deep learning
? Students¡¯ Intrinsic & extrinsic motivation
? Direct instruction & Inductive teaching style
? Linear modes & inclusive, collaborative modes
No single theory, different ways of learning &
3. Behaviourist Model of gaming
? Behaviouristic = repetitive associations to
contiguous stimuli (pattern) for reinforcement
? Logical presentation of content
? Requirement of overt responses
? Feedback right/wrong and optional score
? Consolidates grammar, vocabulary, spelling
? Often disconnected from learning experience
? See MingoVille (5-13 y-o) ¨C Sequitur, Hotpotatoes
? Precursor of digital games (reinforcement ¨C
? Little interaction & reflection on learning
4. Cognitivist/Constructivist
? Cognitivist tenets are
? Symbol manipulation and transformation
? Direct instruction and practice (behaviorism)
? Constructivist tenets are:
? Puzzlement is stimulus for learning
? Interaction with the environment/task problem
? Social negotiation with others
? Personal evaluation and scaffolded reflection to solve
problems and advance knowledge
(hunts, murder mysteries, simulations)
Some MMORPG used in (socio) constructivist
, The Sims 3 , (9-16)
5. In a nut shell (Jonnassen, Wilson &
grabinger, 1993)
Behaviourist game design Constructivist game design
? No extraneous information ? Natural complexity and
content of language
? Simplifies comprehensibility
? Avoids oversimplification
? Reconstructs/replicates
knowledge ? Present multiple
representation /
? Abstracts instruction perspectives
experience ? Real world contexts
? Focuses on acquiring skills ? Engages reflective
? Prescriptive sequences of practice
instruction ? Offer open learning
? Supports individual learning environments
6. The situated perspective
? Knowledge not an object, memory not a location
? Social interaction and negotiation in new
? Learning happens in authentic contexts
? Bridges the artificiality of classroom learning to
real-life situations
? Knowledge construction through participation
? In given communities with specific
? Culture, Language & Tools
7. Games characteristics
(Prensky, 2001)
? Goals and objectives
? Rules
? Conflict, competition, challenge and opposition
? Interaction
? Outcome and feedback
? The representation of a story
? Some games and virtual environments used in
? MinecraftEdu, (widely used in primary, secondary
? SecondLife, (soft and hard sciences)
? WoW (wow in Schools wiki)
? Atlantis Remixed (9-16 y-o)
? Civilization V
8. Gee¡¯s Affordances (foreword in Reinders
A good game design include:
? Well-ordered problems
? Tools (and other players) to solve problems
? Learning by negotiating, building, sharing,
? Copious feedback to prepare for next stages, higher
? Next stages have new challenges (ZPD ¨C cycle of
? Playing & Learning through social interaction and
? Two way narratives
? Reach standards in different ways
? Easy design so gamers can become designers
(See Jonassen 1994)
9. Challenges for educators
? Opportunity or disruption? ¨C mechanics of
? Learning to play versus learning language
? Requirements (hardware and human
resources, time)
? Institutional buy-in
? Curriculum Integration (alignment goals-
? feedback, on-going assessment, formative vs
? Needs more research & practice, check
? See Stephen Thorne¡¯s IATEFL 2012 Keynote
? Read this post of teacher of German using WoW
10. Further Readings:
? Becker, K., (2006) Games and Learning Styles, Academia.Edu [online]
? Brown, J.S., Collins, A. & Duguid, S. (1989). Situated cognition and the culture
of learning. Educational Researcher, 18(1), 32-42.
? Jonassen, D.H., Wilson, B.G., Wang, S., & Grabinger, R.S. (1993).
Constructivist uses of expert systems to support learning. Journal of Computer-
Based Instruction, 20(3), 86-94.
? Kkorthagen F.A.J., (2010) Situate Learning Theory and the Pedagogy of
Teacher Education: Towards an integrative View of Teacher Behaviour and
Teacher Learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26 (pp98-106) [online]
? Lave, J., & Wenger, E., (1990). Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral
Participation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
? Prensky M.,(2001) Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon, MCB
University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, October 2001
? Reeve J. K. (2010) . Constructivism and Its Application to Game-Based
Learning [online]
? Reinders, H. (2012) Digital Games in Language Learning and Teaching, New
Language Learning & Teaching Environments. Basingtoke, England: Palgrave
? Young, F. Y. (1993). Instructional Design for Situated Learning. Educational
Technology Research and Development, 41 (1), 43-57.