This document discusses Jesus' teachings on wealth and the difficulty of rich people entering the kingdom of God. It describes the Jewish view that wealth represented God's blessing, while poverty represented God's curse. It then discusses how wealth can create false dependency, tie people down, and lead to greed and selfishness. Finally, it outlines three requirements for entering the kingdom of God: accepting Jesus as savior, leaving behind earthly things that bind people, and using God-given wealth to bless those in need.
3. 「有钱财的人要进天国是何等的难哪!」
How hard it is for the rich to enter
the kingdom of God!
It is hard for the rich to enter
the kingdom of God.
It is easier for a camel to go thru the eye
of a needle than for a rich man to enter
the kingdom of God.
4. a. 缝衣服的针
The sewing needle
b. 城牆的小门
The city wall
small gate
c. 锚的索链
The chain of the anchor
6. 犹太人对财富的看法。
The Jew’s view point of wealth.
a. 一个人有钱,因为他是一个好人;
One is rich because he is a good man.
b. 他是好人,所以上帝祝福他;
He is a good man and God bless him.
c. 上帝祝福他,所以他就有钱。
God bless him and he has money.
7. 犹太人怎样看贫穷与病痛呢?
how the Jews looked at poverty and adversity?
a. 一个人贫穷与病痛,表示他犯罪;
One is poor and suffering as he sins
b. 他犯罪,上帝就不会祝福他;
He sins and God does not bless him.
c. 上帝不祝福,他就要承担犯罪的后果
God does not bless him and he has to bear
the consequences of sin which are poverty
and adversity.
10. 「贫贱夫妻百日哀。」
Poor couple will often be sad.
No money don’t fall sick.
The danger that wealth brings is to lead man
to forget about this God who provide the
wealth for man to use.
11. 「不可依靠无定的钱财,
Do not put your hope in wealth, which is so
uncertain, but to put your hope in God who
richly provides us with everything for our
12. B. 财富是捆绑人的枷锁
Wealth is the chain that ties man down
马太福音 Matthew 6:21
For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.
Where your money is,
there your heart will be.
14. 「人最困难的事,就是与钱财分手。」
The most difficult thing for man
is to separate with wealth.
In everyone’s mind,
we wish to have more money.
16. 「这就是使人难于死亡的东西。」
These are what causes man to die hard.
If one is too interested in the earthly matters,
he will forget about the things above.
17. 地上能够看见和触摸的东西把人綑绑,
The things on earth which can be seen
and touched tie people down and blinds him
from the spiritual and heavenly matters.
This is when wealth becomes the chain
that ties us down.
20. C. 财富使人贪婪与自私
Wealth leads man to be greedy and selfish.
a. 想要多一点:
Just want a little bit more
b. 害怕失去:
Fear to lose
c. 妒嫉和比较:
The jealousy and comparison
21. 首要的条件就是相信主耶稣为你个人的救主;
First, the requirement to enter the
Kingdom of God is to accept Lord Jesus
as your personal savior.
Secondly, it’s to leave the earthly things
that tie you down.
Thirdly, it is to know how to use the wealth that
God gives you to bless those who are in need.
22. 如果你懂得使用,金钱就成为祝福;
If you know how to use it,
money will be a blessing.
If it’s misused, it will bring curse and trouble.