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service design

Philippe Martens
Flanders InShape
What is service design?

Why service design?

The customer journey

How to use the customer journey in your BP?
What is service design?
What are services?
Services help
someone to do
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service design is the
process of improving
experiences that happen
across multiple touch
points over time.
Why service design?
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
the service ecology

viable               feasible
The Customer Journey
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Customer Journey | The Touchpoints
Example | Starbucks Touchpoints
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Understanding the customer touchpoints


Kinepolis experience flow

+                                       tickets
                                                  eat           apres drink


-                                          queue
                                                                 find car
              travel and park
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Mapping your experience
Your customer experience journey
Using the sheet provided, map out the experience that your
customers have as they engage with your service (or
product). Plot all of the touch points a customer comes into
contact with.

Look at your touch points through the eyes of your
customers. Are you delivering what you promise?
Be objective in your assessment of whether each touch point
does what it should.

Point out crucial moments of truth

Please take 15 minutes for this exercise.
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)
What is service design?

Why service design?

The customer journey

How to use the customer journey in your BP?
Use the customer journey in your Business Plan to
Understanding the                                  Designing and overhauling
          reality of peoples lives                             systems and processes

     Enable and deliver true customer                Show instantly where issues arise for
      focus and insight                                customers
     Define things from a customer                   Ensure systems are efficient, effective and
      viewpoint (e.g. understand big                   customer-focused
      lifestage changes)                              Understand transactions and deliver
     Understand the differences between               solutions
      people (needs, ability, ways of doing
                                                                   Take cost & complexity out
     Use deep understanding to                                          of the system
      design policy, delivery,             Bringing the                  
                                                                         Design customer
      engagement and                  outside in; thinking                 experiences
      communication                    and working to a
Facilitating inter- and cross-        customer-focused                        Making decisions
  departmental working                    approach
    Understand processes and
       transactions that cut across more

       than one function and/or department
     Overcome silo thinking                             Make decisions on relative priorities
    Identify baton-change moments
                                                           between, for example, different
    Provide a highly visual way of looking at
                                                           customer groups
                                                           Plan how to allocate resources 
     things, to help different functions
                                                           people, infrastructure, budgets and
     identify common ground
    Find the best way of working together
Benefits of journey mapping
Journey mapping helps you look at your business from the outside in and helps you think laterally,
outside your own policy agenda. By engaging with customers you can move from incremental service
improvement to genuine service transformation. Its a win:win opportunity - better customer
experience and greater operational efficiency.

                         BETTER CUSTOMER
                                                                           GREATER EFFICIENCY

                Journey mapping helps you to:                        Journey mapping helps you to:
                   See and approach things from the                  Bring about change across government in
                    customers point of view                           a way that cuts across silos
                   Identify where customers are being                Target limited resource for maximum
                    confused by different touchpoints, some            impact
                    of which you may not even be aware of             Plan the most efficient and effective
                   Meet expectations (often raised by private         experience by reducing duplication and
                    sector experiences). Recognise peoples            shortening the length of processes

                    time is valuable and be flexible about how        Anticipate demands on the system and
                    and when they can access government                plan so that you can meet these
                   Deliver a seamless, streamlined                   Prioritise between competing calls on
                    experience that cuts across silos by               resources by showing when and where
                    recognising where and when it makes                needs are greatest and service most
                    sense to join things up for the customer           valued
                   Understand how much you can expect                Identify baton-change points where
                    people to do, and recognise where you              service or communication breakdown is
                    might be imposing undue stress                     most likely
                   Get it right when it really matters e.g.          Identify problems and issues without
                    when emotions are highest or need                  attributing blame
                    greatest                                          Identify cheapest cost to serve, and
                   Look at the current situation and the              influence people to transact with you in a
                    ideal side-by-side, giving a chance to           way that minimises costs (e.g. use new
                    genuinely redraw the customer journey              channels)
                   Deliver information, messages and                 Set performance indicators and standards
                    services at the most appropriate time              so that you can measure and track
                                                                       progress over time
Compentence Center
Product Development
    Industrial Design
Philippe Martens

More Related Content

Service Design Workshop by Flanders InShape (Philippe Martens)

  • 2. What is service design? Why service design? The customer journey How to use the customer journey in your BP?
  • 3. What is service design?
  • 7. Service design is the process of improving experiences that happen across multiple touch points over time. (Engine)
  • 13. desirable viable feasible
  • 21. Customer Journey | The Touchpoints
  • 22. Example | Starbucks Touchpoints
  • 25. Understanding the customer touchpoints + -
  • 26. Kinepolis experience flow watch book enter + tickets eat apres drink pay search - queue find car travel and park
  • 53. Your customer experience journey Using the sheet provided, map out the experience that your customers have as they engage with your service (or product). Plot all of the touch points a customer comes into contact with. Look at your touch points through the eyes of your customers. Are you delivering what you promise? Be objective in your assessment of whether each touch point does what it should. Point out crucial moments of truth Please take 15 minutes for this exercise.
  • 58. What is service design? Why service design? The customer journey How to use the customer journey in your BP?
  • 59. Use the customer journey in your Business Plan to
  • 60. Understanding the Designing and overhauling reality of peoples lives systems and processes Enable and deliver true customer Show instantly where issues arise for focus and insight customers Define things from a customer Ensure systems are efficient, effective and viewpoint (e.g. understand big customer-focused lifestage changes) Understand transactions and deliver Understand the differences between solutions people (needs, ability, ways of doing things) Take cost & complexity out Use deep understanding to of the system design policy, delivery, Bringing the Design customer engagement and outside in; thinking experiences communication and working to a Facilitating inter- and cross- customer-focused Making decisions departmental working approach Understand processes and transactions that cut across more than one function and/or department Overcome silo thinking Make decisions on relative priorities Identify baton-change moments between, for example, different Provide a highly visual way of looking at customer groups Plan how to allocate resources things, to help different functions people, infrastructure, budgets and identify common ground Find the best way of working together systems
  • 62. BENEFITS OF JOURNEY MAPPING Journey mapping helps you look at your business from the outside in and helps you think laterally, outside your own policy agenda. By engaging with customers you can move from incremental service improvement to genuine service transformation. Its a win:win opportunity - better customer experience and greater operational efficiency. BETTER CUSTOMER GREATER EFFICIENCY EXPERIENCE Journey mapping helps you to: Journey mapping helps you to: See and approach things from the Bring about change across government in customers point of view a way that cuts across silos Identify where customers are being Target limited resource for maximum confused by different touchpoints, some impact of which you may not even be aware of Plan the most efficient and effective Meet expectations (often raised by private experience by reducing duplication and sector experiences). Recognise peoples shortening the length of processes + time is valuable and be flexible about how Anticipate demands on the system and and when they can access government plan so that you can meet these Deliver a seamless, streamlined Prioritise between competing calls on experience that cuts across silos by resources by showing when and where recognising where and when it makes needs are greatest and service most sense to join things up for the customer valued Understand how much you can expect Identify baton-change points where people to do, and recognise where you service or communication breakdown is might be imposing undue stress most likely Get it right when it really matters e.g. Identify problems and issues without when emotions are highest or need attributing blame greatest Identify cheapest cost to serve, and Look at the current situation and the influence people to transact with you in a ideal side-by-side, giving a chance to way that minimises costs (e.g. use new genuinely redraw the customer journey channels) Deliver information, messages and Set performance indicators and standards services at the most appropriate time so that you can measure and track progress over time
  • 63. Compentence Center for Product Development and Industrial Design

Editor's Notes

  • #3: What we are doing today:What is service design?
  • #7: carmaintenance
  • #8: Service designis the process of improving experiences that happen across multiple touch points over time.
  • #10: Theodore LevittService design is notonlyaboutdesigning the optimal UX, butaboutunderstandingunderlying (LATENT) customerneeds and finding the best solutionforthoseneeds.
  • #11: Gross Domestic Product (Bruto binnenlands Product)
  • #14: And its needs to be viable to do good business
  • #24: Next step, you have figure out howgoodor bad the user experience is foreachtouchpoint
  • #28: Anotherexample: the eurostar journey map
  • #30: If we startmapping the customerjourneyforAmtrak and we start with the ATTRACT step. How do we atttractpeople to ournew service of product?We need to make a compelling story. We have to set the right expections.
  • #32: Didanyoneread the book Made to stick (ortranslated in dutch as De plakfactor) by Chip & Dan Heath
  • #33: No, well i willrecap the book:GOOD STICKY MESSANGES ARE:
  • #34: GoodexampleThis is a view youcanseefromanapproachingairplane to London City Airport.
  • #37: Basicneeds
  • #38: Butif we addchoice, we seeaninterestingrelationbetweencost and meaning.
  • #39: If we map the customerdecisionsfor the AmtrakAcela Service
  • #42: Gothrough the wholeusage scenario of yournew service or product and determine all the touchpointyourcustomersencounter
  • #45: To giveyouanexample
  • #46: And ifsomethinggoes wrong. How do you deal with support? Well keep 4 things in mind:Be accountabletakeresponsabilityCommunicateclearlyBe empathicwithyoucustomeracknowledge the impactProvide a solution: makesure to solve the problem at the end of the day
  • #51: How do you do that? Someexamples:
  • #57: Example of a girlwhomapped the customerjourneysheexperiencedby planning a train trip
  • #59: How to design a and itstouchpoints