This Documents Is About what kind of Services a Certified Valuer gives. Mr. H S Mishra is a Chartered Engineer and Certified Valuer, here the services which offered by him are specified.
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Services Offered by Chartered Engineer | Approved Valuer H S Mishra
1. CE H S Mishra
C h a t e r e d E n g i n e e r | C e r t i f i e d V a l u e r
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Chartered Engineering Services
1. Inspection & Issuance of CE CERTIFICATE on valuation
of second hand imported machinery.
2. Valuation of Confiscated, uncleared, seized goods at
3. Certification for Import / Export of Machine & Materials.
4. End Use Certification for EPCG Scheme.
5. Nexus Certificate.
6. Installation Certificates.
7. Import into SEZ.
8. Advance License.
9. Certificate for Export of Defective parts for repair & return.
10. Certification of DBK1 statement.
11. Fixation of 'SION'.
12. Pre-Shipment Inspection.
13. Certification of Machinery to avail subsidy.
14. Certificates for Government bodies.
15. Certification of 'AMORTIZATION COST' of Tools
16. Certification for 'BIS' - BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARD.
17. Certification for MNRE.
18. Machine Appraisal & Valuations.
19. Componentisation of Fixed Assets.
20. Independent Design Assessment.
21. Technical Audits.
22. Expert Witness & Arbitration.
23. Bill of Material Certificate.
24. Installation of Capital Goods / Spares.
25. Relocation of unit - Plant & Machinery.
26. Validation of Manufacturing Capacity.
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Valuation Services
1. Liquidation of Assets.
2. Income Tax, Wealth Tax.
3. Bank Loan, TEV Report.
4. Registration of Property - Stamp Duty.
5. Customs Duty / Excise Duty.
6. Partition of Assets by Individuals / Companies.
7. Merger or Division of companies.
8. Sale / Auction.
9. Visa Purpose.
10. Valuation for Loans.
11. Valuations for Liquidation.
12. Valuation of Plant & Machinery / Industrial assets.
13. Componentizing fixed assets into IFRS recognizable
14. Advisory Services.
Additional Services
1. Project Study.
2. Consultation.
3. Project / Techno Economic Validation Reports.
4. Technical Supervision.
5. Stock Audit.
6. Inspection.
7. Insurance.
8. Project Appraisal.
9. Energy/ System / Process Audit.
10. Valuation of Land & Building also undertaken for
various .Banks / Financial Institutions through Associate
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Mob. +91-9811099051