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yet, to date, organizations have received
modest results from outsourcing initiatives

             Source: HfS Research and the London School of Economics Outsourcing Unit, 2011
                                                 Sample: 347 Buyers of Outsourcing Services
Governance exhibits rarely drive innovation.
                                Governance exhibits are often little more
                                than management committees,
                                escalation procedures, and meeting

                         My contracts governance exhibits are the lynchpin of the
                         subset of governance processes that evolve services to match
                         our strategic objectives. (N=56)
                          40%                     38%

                          30%                                         29%



                          10%                                                    7%

                                 Strongly Agree   Agree   Neutral   Disagree   Strongly
and contract incentives cannot drive innovation,
                               Contract incentives rarely sufficient to drive
                               evolution or innovation:
                               損Most focus on transaction efficiency goals
                               損Few allow for automatic changes to increase
                               established goals

                         My contracts economic incentives are sufficient to drive an
                         evolution of services to match our strategic objectives. (N=48)





                               Strongly Agree   Agree   Neutral   Disagree    Strongly

                                                                  Source: HfS Research, 2011
Buyers say they want innovation, but they really want
to drive efficiency and cost reduction

                     Source: HfS Research and the London School of Economics Outsourcing Unit, 2011
                                                         Sample: 347 Buyers of Outsourcing Services
Organizations need to establish an
environment that promotes innovation.

                                                                Common, Open Business
            Shift in Value              Shift in Pricing

     Willingness to Evaluate New   Forum to Discuss Strategic   Commitment to Making
     Technology and Processes              Direction                 Decisions

               Timing               Dedication of Resources     Willingness to Take Risks

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  • 1. yet, to date, organizations have received modest results from outsourcing initiatives Source: HfS Research and the London School of Economics Outsourcing Unit, 2011 Sample: 347 Buyers of Outsourcing Services
  • 2. Governance exhibits rarely drive innovation. Governance exhibits are often little more than management committees, escalation procedures, and meeting schedules. My contracts governance exhibits are the lynchpin of the subset of governance processes that evolve services to match our strategic objectives. (N=56) 40% 38% 30% 29% 23% 20% 10% 7% 4% 0% Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
  • 3. and contract incentives cannot drive innovation, either. Contract incentives rarely sufficient to drive evolution or innovation: 損Most focus on transaction efficiency goals 損Few allow for automatic changes to increase established goals My contracts economic incentives are sufficient to drive an evolution of services to match our strategic objectives. (N=48) 40% 35% 30% 25% 21% 20% 13% 10% 6% 0% Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Source: HfS Research, 2011
  • 4. Buyers say they want innovation, but they really want to drive efficiency and cost reduction Source: HfS Research and the London School of Economics Outsourcing Unit, 2011 Sample: 347 Buyers of Outsourcing Services
  • 5. Organizations need to establish an environment that promotes innovation. Common, Open Business Shift in Value Shift in Pricing Plan Willingness to Evaluate New Forum to Discuss Strategic Commitment to Making Technology and Processes Direction Decisions Timing Dedication of Resources Willingness to Take Risks