15. The current number of total and partial immersion schools grew from 3 (in 1971) to 263 (in 2006) ( Directory of Foreign Language Immersion Programs in U.S. Schools Center for Applied Linguistics, 2006)
16. By 2010, there were 384 two-way immersion programs in 29 states, most of them in Spanish ( Directory of Two-Way Immersion Programs in U.S. Schools Center for Applied Linguistics, 2006)
21. イマージョンの生徒たちが バイリンガルになる比率 イマージョン教育のプログラムはいままでの外国語の教授法に比べて、もっと高い第二言語力を育んできた。 イマージョンの生徒たちはヒアリングと読む力ではネイティブに近い言語能力を身につけるが、会話力と書く力においてはネイティブに似かよらない (Johnson & Swain, 1997) 。 イマージョンの生徒が五年生までにヒアリング、会話、読み、書きの全ての分野でネイティブのような言語力をつけることはまれである。 ( 資料 : Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition; Center for Applied Linguistics)
33. English Learners Long Term K-12 Achievement on Standardized Tests in English Reading Compared Across Seven Program Models (Thomas & Collier, 2000) The graph shows that two way bilingual immersion programs and late exit bilingual programs with content ESL were the only programs where ELs reached the 50% in English reading and maintained it through 12th grade.
#7: This series of parent meetings are titled “Demystifying Immersion Education.” Some of you may be wondering how these children, being as young as 5 years old, start developing a second language while we adults struggle to remember only few words in another language? What is really happening in these so-called Spanish/Japanese “immersion” classrooms? Well, today, it is my intention to show you that how your child learns a second language in one of these classrooms is not mystery, but it is the result of a very effective bilingual teaching method called language immersion.
#8: This series of parent meetings are titled “Demystifying Immersion Education.” Some of you may be wondering how these children, being as young as 5 years old, start developing a second language while we adults struggle to remember only few words in another language? What is really happening in these so-called Spanish/Japanese “immersion” classrooms? Well, today, it is my intention to show you that how your child learns a second language in one of these classrooms is not mystery, but it is the result of a very effective bilingual teaching method called language immersion.