This document provides instructions for setting up Visual Studio Code for Salesforce development. It outlines downloading and installing VS Code, then installing the Salesforce CLI, Salesforce extensions pack, and connecting a Salesforce org. Key steps include installing VS Code and the Salesforce CLI, installing the Salesforce extensions pack within VS Code, and using commands to create a project and authorize a Salesforce org.
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Set up vs code for salesforce
1. SetUp VSCode for Salesforce
An IDE,or integrateddevelopmentenvironment,typicallyconsistsof acode editor,build
automationtools,adebugger,andintelligentcode completion. Visual StudioCode provides
You can install Visual StudioCode onanycomputerrunningmacOS,Windows,orLinux.The
systemrequirementsare fairlysmallsoitshouldrunon justaboutany machine.
Downloadandinstall the latestversionof Visual code Studiofrombelow url:
You mustinstall asper youroperatingsystem.
Launch Visual StudioCode.
Now,as we've installedVSCode inoursystem, the nextstepistoinstall SalesforceDXCLI.To
install that,goto:-
Once sfdx cli installed,youcantestitby openingthe commandwindow andtyping sfdx
2. You can alsotest,cli from VScode:
If by any of the above waysmentionedabove,givesyousimilarresultthanyourcli isperfectly
Install SalesforceExtensionPack, Onthe lefttoolbar, clickthe Extensionsicon.
The icon ishighlightedbyblue circleinbelow picture:
3. Type Salesforce extensions andinstall:
Afterinstallingextensions, Close andrelaunchVisual StudioCode tocomplete the installation.
The extensionpackhasthe followingextensionsasof now whichwill be activatedautomatically
as youinstall thispack:-
1. Salesforce CLIIntegration
2. Apex
3. Visualforce
4. Aura Components
5. Apex Interactive Debugger
6. Apex ReplayDebugger
7. LightningWebComponents
These all are maintainedbySalesforce
Now,time to connectwithSalesforce Org:
4. 1. Ctrl + Shift+ P or go to the View ->CommandPalette andyou'll see the command
palette.Startwriting:- Create ProjectwithManifestand pressenteronthe firstoption
as shownbelow:-
2. Enter,projectname:
3. Selectthe locationwhere youwantthe projecttobe created.Move to the desired
locationinthe dialogbox as shownbelow andclickon Create Project
4. Your projecthas beencreated,like mine:
5. 5. Now,authorize yourorgby using Ctrl + Shift + P and type Authorize an Org.:
6. You can decide whichtype of orgyou wantto connect.I am connectingmydevOrg
7. A windowwill open,youneedtologinonce andif yourorg loginsuccessfullythanyou
will getsuccessmessage likeSuccessfully authorized asbelow: