I conducted a short workshop with multiple Parish and Town Councils to explain the role and purpose of Overview and Scrutiny, seeking their views on future review topics. This presentation is very brief, highlighting the key elements of Scrutiny.
2. What is Scrutiny
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee looks into
areas of local concern, it recommends
improvements the council can make to ensure
quality of life is improved for all.
Two main areas:
1. The development and review of policies for a
wide range of subjects and services.
2. The critical examination of the council's
performance and effectiveness of its decisions.
4. Performance Monitoring
Holding the Cabinet to Account
Policy review and development
External Scrutiny
Main tasks to achieve purpose
5. What scrutiny can lead to
The council examines its own performance and reports to
the public on how well it is meeting its targets and
The council provides improved policies and services
Public services operate more effectively
More openness and accountability about the way decisions
are made
The council holds to account those responsible for carrying
out policies and delivering services
6. What Scrutiny Does not Do
Considers any of the following:
Individual cases or minor matters
Individual complaints
Individual planning/licensing applications
7. Examples
Information sharing
Dog fouling
Recycling facilities
Emergency planning and flood prevention
Public services funded by BDC
Community assets
8. Discussion
You have 20 Minutes to discuss in small groups 3
topics to suggest
Use your post it note to state:
Topic Idea
Objectives for the review
Desired outcomes what you want to achieve
Editor's Notes
#5: Performance Monitoring- We have to meet corporate priorities set out in the Broadland Business Plan and report against those indicators. Scrutiny can examine any aspect of our performance, including services that we deliver through partnerships with other organisations.
Holding the Cabinet to Account- Decisions made by the Cabinet but not yet put into practice can be reviewed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and challenged.
Policy review and development- Overview and Scrutiny can propose new policies or review existing policies and recommend changes to the Cabinet.
External Scrutiny- Any issue directly affecting Broadland residents can be scrutinised by the committee, including services provided by another organisation
#7: The key aim of the Committee is to focus on the things that improve quality of life for the local community.
Individual cases or minor matters. These should be addressed through the appropriate service area or your local councillor
individual complaints; these should be raised through the Council's Complaints Procedure
individual planning/licensing applications: These are reviewed by separate Planning and Licensing Committees
#8: Effectiveness of information sharing between the different tiers of local gov. e.g. district to parish and vice versa
State of car parks and effectiveness of maintainance.
#9: There is a poster for each area topic title, objectives, and Outcomes. Use those posters to place your post-it notes summarising what you can.