Through designing a magazine product, the author learned that using computer technologies like Photoshop and InDesign can be more effective than hand-drawing drafts. Photoshop allowed for easy editing of photos and creation of customized backgrounds and designs. InDesign facilitated putting together the contents page and double page spread. Some text elements were designed using an online font website and then edited in Photoshop.
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Seven sections question 6
1. 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? To plan my pages I drew the drafts for the front cover, contents and double page spread basing each one off magazines that I liked the look of. I found this not very effective and I feel as if I had designed it on the computer then it would have been a lot more effective. I have used both Photoshop and InDesign to produce my magazine. Photoshop was used to put together my front page and also used to edit photos that I put in my contents page and my double page spread. This was very effective as Photoshop allowed me to put different coloured background with different designs and also made it easy to edit photos.
2. The background of my magazine front page was created in Photoshop and I changed the design of my background many times before using bevel and emboss to decide on the final one. In design was used for the creation of my contents page and double page spread. Some mastheads/sell lines were made using an online website ( and then edited in Photoshop.