2. Sex Education in School
It doesnt have to be hard-just like a health class.
- Enforces abstinence idea
- Gives kids the knowledge of what could happen and what to
They have right to know.
3. What are the choices?
Abstinence only
- Wait until marriage
Contraceptive method
- Teaches how to protect yourself.
- Uses both concepts
4. The Argument
Black and White- both do not want to mix
- Abstinence only- outdated
The Majority of kids these days are having sex
- Contraception- too suggestive
This method pushes kids to have sex
There is a compromise
- Abstinence- plus
Because the argument is so big between the main two, some think its not
possible to combine the ideas.
5. Statistics
Sex ed.- not being taught correctly. Kids are paying for it:
By 18, 10 teen women and 5+ in 10 teen men had sex
村 of sexually experienced teens have not received instruction
about abstinence before first sex.
1/3 of teens have not recievec any formal instruction about
6. What is the best method?
- Kids should wait: the push for abstinence
- They need to know how to protect themselves:
- Why not? Its a compromise.
7. When Should it be Taught?
Elementary (palang napapansin na nila)
Middle School
High School (ay napabarkada sa mga Bi)
9. What Should be Taught?
There is so much
information with the
method what parts
should be taught?
10. Abstinence
Idea enforce
Infections/ Diseases
- What could happen
Inportance of waiting
- Not ready emotionally
11. Contraception
Protection could be taught based on when appropriate
Teacher could teach how
Where they could find out
Condoms/ the ring (hindi lord of the rings)
Birth Control
- The pill
- Shot
- Patch
12. Dont Want them to Learn Too Much
Parents dont want their kids
learning too much too
soon- info can be split up
based on maturity
Start young: 5th grade
- Dont stop (go to 12th)
13. What Would be Appropriate When
Fifth Grade:
- Introducing the body- anatomy
- Confusion of puberty- whats happening and why
- Introduce idea of sex
- Enforce abstinence idea
14. Continued
- Continue with abstinence
- Talk about diseases and infections
- Abstinence
- Contraception
- Everything
15. Who Should Teach It?
Who can handle the job?
Health Official
16. The Turn Out
Health Official
- Knowledge would be there
- Not what signed what forrealistic?
- Can handle teaching
- As long as serious = success
- Needs to know what theyre teaching
- Religion = conflict
18. How Should it Be Taught?
- Uncomfortable
- Out of control
- Immaturity
Separate sex
- More appropriate
- Less awkward
- Good environment
19. Obvious Choice
Separate Sex
- More controlled environment
- Necessary information taught
- Less awkward for kids
- Easier on everyone
20. Parents are Improtant
Doesnt stop with school
Way the parent reacts
affects kid greatly
21. Talking to Become more Common
Parents dont want their kids to have sex- give too man
morals and guilt trips
- Dont scare away
Need to realize teens will have sex
- Cant change much but if talk early and in an appropriate
way, can possibly change this
22. What Im Saying
Sex education needs to be taught at a younger age and with
more info
They need to be taught abstinence-plus so they can see both
sidesp choose their own path
Schools and parents need to be responsible
23. The Plan
Start at 5th grade- 12th grade
Break up information
Get parents involve