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RESPECT/ PRIVATERESPECTWhat is respect?How do you respect someone?Why is respect important when it comes to relationships/ sex?What feels good/ what feels bad? Vs. What is good/ what is bad?PRIVACYWhat is the difference between a place that is private &  a place that is public?Sex should only be done in private placesWhat are some examples of private places?
ANATOMY /RESPONSEWhat are the private parts?What are the body parts on a man?What are the body parts on a girl?Sexual responsewhat physical changes happen when a boy gets turned on?what happens when a girl gets turned on?What is Ejaculation?
EXPRESSING CONSENTWhat does consent mean?Is it o.k. to touch someone when they dont want to be touched?What is a good touch? (hand shakes, hugs, holding hands)What are bad touches? (punches, hits, shoves)How do you know when someone wants you to kiss them?Why it is important that both people consent?Why consent should be verbal or clearlystated?
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONSWhat is an STI?How do you catch them?What does it look like?What does it feel like?What is HIV?Where can you catch HIV from?What to do if you think you have an STI?How do you protect yourselfWhy protecting yourself is important (long term effects of STIs)
PREGNANCYWhat is pregnancy?How does pregnancy happen?Prevention (using condoms)What would being a mother or father feel like as a teenager?
EXPLORING OPTIONSIf you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend, does that mean you should be having sex with them?How do you know when you are ready for sex?What are some of the reasons it could be good to delay sex?What are other things to do with your boyfriend/ girlfriend besides sex? (other activities together)What is a sexual activity you could do by yourself?Can you catch a disease or become sick from touching yourself?
CONDOMSWhat are they?When should they be used?How do you use them?Where do you keep them?How do you get them?Condom demos
TALKWhy talking about sex is importantAsk questions of to boyfriend/ girlfriendWhat questions should you ask?

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Sex Education

  • 2. RESPECT/ PRIVATERESPECTWhat is respect?How do you respect someone?Why is respect important when it comes to relationships/ sex?What feels good/ what feels bad? Vs. What is good/ what is bad?PRIVACYWhat is the difference between a place that is private & a place that is public?Sex should only be done in private placesWhat are some examples of private places?
  • 3. ANATOMY /RESPONSEWhat are the private parts?What are the body parts on a man?What are the body parts on a girl?Sexual responsewhat physical changes happen when a boy gets turned on?what happens when a girl gets turned on?What is Ejaculation?
  • 4. EXPRESSING CONSENTWhat does consent mean?Is it o.k. to touch someone when they dont want to be touched?What is a good touch? (hand shakes, hugs, holding hands)What are bad touches? (punches, hits, shoves)How do you know when someone wants you to kiss them?Why it is important that both people consent?Why consent should be verbal or clearlystated?
  • 5. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONSWhat is an STI?How do you catch them?What does it look like?What does it feel like?What is HIV?Where can you catch HIV from?What to do if you think you have an STI?How do you protect yourselfWhy protecting yourself is important (long term effects of STIs)
  • 6. PREGNANCYWhat is pregnancy?How does pregnancy happen?Prevention (using condoms)What would being a mother or father feel like as a teenager?
  • 7. EXPLORING OPTIONSIf you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend, does that mean you should be having sex with them?How do you know when you are ready for sex?What are some of the reasons it could be good to delay sex?What are other things to do with your boyfriend/ girlfriend besides sex? (other activities together)What is a sexual activity you could do by yourself?Can you catch a disease or become sick from touching yourself?
  • 8. CONDOMSWhat are they?When should they be used?How do you use them?Where do you keep them?How do you get them?Condom demos
  • 9. TALKWhy talking about sex is importantAsk questions of to boyfriend/ girlfriendWhat questions should you ask?