Social networks will become ubiquitous like air, with universal sign-in across platforms. Social media will also move into enterprise applications and devices like TV. To be successful, companies should focus on relationships not technologies, measure engagement and lifetime value, create new social-enabled workflows, be ready to give up some control to customers, and fail fast and smart through risk-taking and learning from mistakes. The future of social will be defined by openness, context awareness, and asynchronous and real-time conversation around shared interests.
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1. The Future Of Social NetworksCharlene LiAltimeter GroupJanuary 12, 20101San Francisco AMA
19. #1 Focus on relationships, not technologiesWhat kind of relationship do you want?TransactionalOccasionalImpersonalShort-termPassionateConstantIntimateLoyal
26. Value of purchases+ Value of purchases- Cost of acquisition+ Value of new customers from referrals+ Value of insights+ Value of support+ Value of ideas= Customer lifetime value Percent that provide support
27. Frequency and value of the support#3 Create new workflowsSocial technologies will disrupt traditional organization structures
32. The Red Cross handbook/policies help keep order
33. #5 Fail fast, fail smart30Identify the top 5-10 worst case scenarios.Develop mitigation and contingency plans.Encourage risk taking and forgive failures.
#13: The more you fill in, the more context to your customers.
#20: The key is to focus on the relationships and connections that are enabled, not the technologies. Think about the kind of relationship that you want. Do you want it to be short term and transaction, or long-term and intimate?To help you think about this, I have a simple idea.