16. ? 大学院修士1年生
1st year students of the master course
? プログラミングの経験は少し
She had little programming skills
? 電子工作の経験はゼロ
She had no electronics skills
? 3D CADの経験はゼロ
She had no 3D CAD skills
? 製作期間はスキル習得も含めて六カ月
6 months project including acquiring skills
IAMASにおける研究プロジェクト // Research Projects at IAMAS
デザインプロセス // Design Process
51. There is something missing in our definition, vision,
of a human being: the need to make.
We are creatures who need to make.
From 'Advice to the Players' in 'Music Like Dirt' by Frank Bidart
90. トーマス?トウェイツ:トースターを1から作る方法 // Thomas Thwaites: How I built a toaster from scratch
139. The Trautman Hook for Low cost 3D Printer
-Instructables- http://www.instructables.com/id/T-hook-prosthetic-design-for-3D-printing/