Sailor Moon was a revolutionary magical girl anime and manga from the 1990s that was one of the "big three" that helped popularize anime in the US, alongside Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z. It was groundbreaking for introducing the "super sentai" or team dynamic to the magical girl genre. The story follows Usagi, a clumsy school girl who is given the ability to transform into the guardian of justice Sailor Moon to protect Earth from evil forces. It spawned numerous sequels and adaptations including a long-running anime, musical stage shows, and a live action television series. Though not the first magical girl story, Sailor Moon helped establish many of the common tropes and remains hugely influential in
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2. -Sailor Moon is considered to be one of the
big three animes that opened a new door for
our generation in the US alongside
Pokemon and Dragonball Z.
- It is also considered the biggest game
changer in shuojo anime and manga (a
genre targeted towards the female
audience). It introduced the idea of a super
sentai, or “team,” into the realm of the
magical girl genre. Sailor Moon was the first
ever series to mix both, making it one of the
big icons for this genre. Since then, many
anime and manga within the genre has
3. Sailor Moon was
originally a manga first
published February 1992
by Naoko Takeuchi
- Before Sailor Moon was
even though of, Takeuchi
published the short series
known as Codename:
Sailor V, who makes a
cameo and later on
becomes a member of the
team in the Sailor Moon
series, She is better
known as Sailor Venus.
4. The plot is about a young
teenager named Usagi, a
school girl who fails all her
tests, sneaks food in class
and plays video games all
the time.
- She meets a talking cat
named Luna who turns her
into the soldier of justice
Sailor Moon. She becomes
her mentor as Usagi learns
about a past life in a
kingdom on the moon and
her new responsibility to
protect planet earth from the
6. - On March 1992,
the animated
series made it’s
debut in Japan
and ending
February 8,
- The series in
total was 200
making it one of
the longest-
running magical
girl animes.
- - The series is
seperated into
five arcs,
including three
7. - Soon enough Sailor
Moon hit the stage
between 1993 and
2005 with the Sailor
Moon musicals, most
widely known as
- “SeraMyu” consists of
29 musicals and ran
during the Summer
and Winter
season, having over
800 performances
since its premiere in
- The musicals were so
popular, it was no
brainer that a live
8. - After the musical
craze, Sailor Moon
made another big
debut on the small
screen with the live
action series Pretty
Guardian Sailor
- The series was
broadcasted from
October 4, 2003 to
25, 2004. The show
consisted of 49
episodes, mostly
following the
manga’s plot before
shifting over to its
own storyline.
10. ? The first ever magical girl
series was Sally the Witch
in 1966.
? Since then there have been
many magical girl
animes, creating a whole
new world for the young
female mind. Now although
Sailor Moon is recognized
for creating a whole new
idea of the genre, the
evolution of a crime fighting
magical girl began with
12. - Cutie Honey is widely
known for being the
first magical girl that
used her powers to
fight crime and save
the world.
- The series has been
adapted many a time;
1973, 1997 by the
same animation
studio that brought us
Sailor Moon in
1992, 2000, a movie
and OVA in 2004, and
a TV series in 2007.
- It is because of Cutie
Honey that Naoko got
the inspiration for
Sailor V and then
later on Sailor Moon.
13. - As of recent, the
magical girl has
varied immensely
from the cute and
friendly to the violent
and sexy; and even
just plain psychotic.
- A current game
changer today is
Puella Magi Madoka
Magica, being the first
to introduce the idea
that to be a magical
girl, you give up your
soul, turning it into
their source of
magic, and have the
risk of having it
become too tainted
with despair and
become a witch.