This document provides recipes organized into different sections that use Vi-Shape Shake Mix and various health flavor packets. The sections include Energy Builders, Fruit Stand, Rise & Shine, Drink Specials, Sweet Treats, and Holiday Favorites. Each recipe lists the ingredients and instructions for making smoothies, baked goods, and other snacks using Vi-Shape products. The purpose is to offer a variety of recipe options that incorporate Vi-Shape shakes and health flavors.
2. Energy Builders
Banana Cream Chai Latte Raspberry Boost
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
1 packet Banana Energy Charge 1 packet Banana Energy Charge 1 packet Raspberry Boost Neuro
Health Flavor Health Flavor 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice
遜1 c. low Fat Yogurt 3 tbsp. ice Tea Mix (powder) or Almond Milk
(vanilla, plain, or flavored) Cinnamon to taste 46 Ice Cubes
1/2 tsp. vanilla Extract Dash of Ginger, Clove, and Black
8 oz. water Pepper Sunrise Smoothie
46 Ice Cubes 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
or Almond Milk 1 packet Orange Everyday Defense
Caf辿 Latte 46 Ice Cubes Health Flavor
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 1 packet Banana Energy Charge
遜1 tsp. Instant Coffee, Frozen Chocolate Health Flavor
or 810 oz. Cold Coffee Banana 1 packet Strawberry Phyto-Power
810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix Health Flavor
or Almond Milk 1 packet Banana Energy Charge 4 oz. Low Calorie Vanilla Yogurt
46 Ice Cubes Health Flavor 46 Ice Cubes
1 packet Chocolate Cardia Care
Caf辿 Mocha Health Flavor
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice
1 packet Chocolate Cardia Care or Almond Milk
Health Flavor 46 Ice Cubes
遜1 tsp. Instant Coffee
or 810 oz. Cold Coffee Lemon Lift
810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
or Almond Milk 1 packet Lemon Lift Neuro
46 Ice Cubes 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice
or Almond Milk
46 Ice Cubes
息2010 ViSalus Sciences速 1607 E. Big Beaver Rd. #110, Troy, MI 48083 877-VISALUS
3. Apple Pie Cran-Blueberry Peach Cream
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
1 Small Apple (seeded), 遜 c. cranberry Juice (low calorie) 1 packet Peach Complexion Care
or 村 c. Applesauce 1 c. Frozen Blueberries Health Flavor
遜 tsp. Cinnamon 4 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice 遜1 c. low Fat Yogurt
810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice or Almond Milk (vanilla, plain, or flavored)
or Almond Milk 46 Ice Cubes 遜 tsp. Vanilla Extract
8 oz. Water
Berry Blast Orange Cream 46 Ice Cubes
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
1 packet Strawberry Phyto-Power 1 packet Orange Everyday Defense Peach Dream
Health Flavor Health Flavor 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
1 c. Frozen Berries (mixed, or any of 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice 1 packet Peach Complexion Care
your favorites) or Almond Milk Health Flavor
810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice 46 Ice Cubes 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice
or Almond Milk or Almond Milk
46 Ice Cubes Orange Dream 46 Ice Cubes
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
Chocolate Covered 1 packet Orange Everyday Defense Peach Strawberry
Cherry Health Flavor Cream
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 810 oz. Orange Juice, Non-Fat Milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
1 packet Chocolate Cardia Care or Soy, Rice or Almond Milk 1 packet Peach Complexion Care
Health Flavor 46 Ice Cubes Health Flavor
1012 Frozen Cherries 1 packet Strawberry Phyto-Power
810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice Health Flavor
or Almond Milk 4 oz. Low Fat Peach Yogurt
68 slices Frozen Peaches
息2010 ViSalus Sciences速 1607 E. Big Beaver Rd. #110, Troy, MI 48083 877-VISALUS
4. Rise & Shine
Blueberry Banana Cran-Apple Spice Bars Chocolate Banana Oat
Muffins by Aly by Tony Smoothie
2 c. Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 2 c. Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
1 c. Red Mill Gluten Free Baking Flour 3 c. Dry Oatmeal 1 packet Chocolate Cardia Care
Health Flavor
1 tsp. Baking Powder 1 c. Dried Apples (cut in small pieces)
1 scoop Oatmeal
1 tsp. Baking Soda 1 c. Unsweetened Applesauce 遜 Banana
1/2 tsp. Salt 4 Ripe Bananas 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice
2 c. Dry Oatmeal 1/2 c. Wheat Germ or Almond Milk
1 Egg 1/2 c. Flax Seed Meal (ground flax) 4 Ice Cubes
1/2 c. Unsweetened Applesauce 1/2 c. Red Mill Gluten Free Baking Flour Blend and enjoy
14 oz. OIKOS Greek Yogurt, Vanilla 1 c. Craisins
3 Ripe Bananas 2 tsp. Cinnamon
Strawberry Granola
1/4 c. Flax Seed Meal (ground flax) Mix dry ingredients. Dice bananas Parfait
into small pieces. Add bananas 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
1/4 c. Wheat Germ
& applesauce to dry mix. Mash & 8 oz. Low Calorie Strawberry Yogurt
1 c. Frozen Blueberries(unsweetened)
mix together. Pour mixture into 遜 c. Fresh Berries
Mix all ingredients except blueberries greased 9x13 pan (grease with 村 c. Granola
(use a potato masher to help olive oil spray). Cook for approx Slivered Almonds
mash the bananas). When well 25 minutes at 325属. Cool on a Mix shake mix into yogurt. Layer into
blended, stir in blueberries. Using wire rack for 10 minutes, cut into a glass: yogurt, strawberries, and
1/4 cup per muffin tin, distribute 18 pieces and store in air tight granola. Repeat layers. Top with
evenly into 12 muffins. Bake at container. almonds.
350属 for 25 minutes.
Each bar contains approximately
Each muffin contains approximately
200 calories, 11.5g protein, 7.5g
195 calories, 9g protein, 7.5g fiber, Ultra Oatmeal
4g fat. 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
fiber, and 3.5g fat.
1 serving Cooked Oatmeal Cereal
1 packet Chocolate Cardia Care
Health Flavor
Dash of Cinnamon
Mix & Enjoy
息2010 ViSalus Sciences速 1607 E. Big Beaver Rd. #110, Troy, MI 48083 877-VISALUS
5. Drink Specials
Pina Colada Strawberry-Lemonade Tropical Paradise
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix Smoothie 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
2 tbsp. Sugar Free Vanilla Pudding 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 1 packet Strawberry Phyto-Power
Mix 4 oz. Low Fat Lemon Yogurt Health Flavor
Dash Coconut Flavoring 1 packet Strawberry Phyto-Power 1 packet Peach Complexion Care
村 c. Frozen or Canned Pineapple Health Flavor Health Flavor
4 Ice Cubes 46 Ice Cubes 1 packet Banana Energy Charge
Health Flavor
Root Beer Float 村 c. Frozen or Canned Pineapple
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice
or Almond Milk
48 oz. Diet Root Beer
4 Ice Cubes
46 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice
or Almond Milk
46 Ice Cubes
息2010 ViSalus Sciences速 1607 E. Big Beaver Rd. #110, Troy, MI 48083 877-VISALUS
6. Sweet Treats
Apple Crisp Chocolate Almond Pistachio Cream
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice 1 packet of Chocolate Cardia Care 2 tbsp. Sugar Free Pistachio Pudding
or Almond Milk Health Flavor Mix
遜 Apple, peeled 1 tsp. Almond Flavoring 1 Mint Leaf, or a Few Drops Mint
1/4 c. Low Fat, Low Sugar Granola 村 c. Almonds Extract (Optional)
1 tbsp. Sliced Almonds 4 Ice Cubes 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice
遜 tsp. Cinnamon (or to taste) or Almond Milk
Chocolate Peanut Butter 4 Ice Cubes
Banana Cream Pie 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 1 packet Chocolate Cardia Care Strawberry Cheesecake
1 packet Banana Energy Charge Health Flavor 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
Health Flavor 1 tbsp. Peanut Butter 遜1 c. Frozen Strawberries (or mixed
4 oz. Non-Fat Vanilla Yogurt 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice berries)
4 Ice Cubes or Almond Milk 1 tbsp. Low Fat Cream Cheese
4 Ice Cubes 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice
Butterscotch Pecan Pie or Almond Milk
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix German Chocolate Cake 遜 Graham Cracker, processed
2 tbsp. Sugar Free Butterscotch 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix (Use a blender or food processor
Pudding Mix 1 tbsp. Cream Of Coconut to turn cracker into crumbs.
村 c. Pecans 1 packet Chocolate Cardia Care Add to shake at the end.)
8 oz. Water Health Mix-in
4 Ice Cubes 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
or Almond Milk 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
Carrot Cake 4 Ice Cubes 1/41/2 c. Frozen Strawberries
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 2 tbsp. Rhubarb Sauce*
遜 c. Sliced Carrots Key Lime Pie 1/4 c. Low Fat, Low Sugar Granola
1 tbsp. Fat-Free Cream Cheese 2遜 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 1 tbsp. Sliced Almonds
Dash of Cinnamon 1 Graham Cracker, processed 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice
Dash of Nutmeg (Use a blender or food processor or Almond Milk
810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice to turn cracker into crumbs. *Rhubarb Sauce: Slice several stalks of
or Almond Milk Add to shake at the end.) fresh rhubarb about 村 inch thick, place
in saucepan. Add 1/8 cup water and 遜
4 ice cubes 2 tsp. Lime Jello teaspoon sweetner (like Splenda). Stir,
村 tsp. White Chocolate Pudding Mix cover, and simmer until very soft, about,
12 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice 1520 minutes. Stir every few minutes
or Almond Milk while cooking. Keep refrigerated.
3 Ice Cubes
息2010 ViSalus Sciences速 1607 E. Big Beaver Rd. #110, Troy, MI 48083 877-VISALUS
7. Holiday Favorites
Chocolate Mint Holiday Cheer Pumpkin Spice
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix 2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
1 packet Chocolate Cardia Care 遜 c. light Eggnog 1/3 c. Canned Pumpkin
Health Flavor 村 tsp. rum Extract Drop vanilla Extract
1 tsp. Mint Flavoring Dash Cinnamon and Nutmeg Dash Cinnamon and Nutmeg
810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice (to taste) 810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice
or Almond Milk 4 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice or Almond Milk
4 Ice Cubes or Almond Milk 46 Ice Cubes
46 Ice Cubes
2 scoops Vi-Shape速 Shake Mix
遜 tsp. Ground Ginger
村 tsp. Cinnamon
Dash of Nutmeg
810 oz. Non-Fat Milk, or Soy, Rice
or Almond Milk
4 Ice Cubes
息2010 ViSalus Sciences速 1607 E. Big Beaver Rd. #110, Troy, MI 48083 877-VISALUS
8. Flavor Variety and Health Benefits
with Shape-Up Health Flavor Mix-Ins!
Chocolate Banana Orange Peach Strawberry
Cardia Care Energy Charge Everyday Complexion Phtyo-Power
Defense Care
A concentrated blend Boost your energy with Supports a healthy Promotes healthy, Packed with
of polyphenols from healthy, fresh tasting immune function. Our vibrant skin that glows Phytonutrients, the
rich dark chocolate ingredients. Blended unique formulation from the inside out. powerful active parts
that have healthy heart with Guarana that can contains Astragalus A combination of of fruits, vegetables
benefits. Polyphenols provide a lift that lasts, Extract to support Glucosamine Sulfate, and plants. Once
are a potent form of and Green Tea which healthy immune system Collagen and Biotin known as Vitamin P,
antioxidants. Chocolate supports alertness response, Turkey Tail, a help provide healthy phytonutrients have
Cardia Care has the combined with Siberian unique mushroom with structure together with many health protective
benefits of 6-8 bars Ginseng and Cordyceps beneficial properties, Grape Seed Extract properties. Each
of dark chocolate. It is to help support stamina. Glisodin, a special melon and Pine Bark Extract packet of Strawberry
creamy, rich, decadent Banana Energy Charge extract, and OptiZinc速* promote healthy skin. Phyto-Power has the
chocolate flavor without tastes like a fresh (a highly bio-available Taste the creamy peach, equivalent of almost 50
the guilt. banana picked right off form of zinc) to help with a hint of mango strawberries of power. It
the tree! support a healthy and passion fruit and tastes like a handful of
detoxification process. Peach Complex Care rich, fresh strawberries,
*OptiZinc速 brand Zinc can help you look and and includes wild
Monomethionine (U.S. Patent feel younger! blueberry, cherry,
4,764,633) or OptiZinc速 is a
raspberry powder, grape
trademark of InterHealth N.I.
seed extract and more.
Whats in Vi-Shape速 Nutritional Shake Mix?
A unique blend of proteins that work quickly and
provide longlasting nutrition to help you burn fat and
build lean muscle.
Heart healthy non-GMO soy protein. (No Isoflavones)
Fibersol, a new patented fiber blend that helps keep
you feeling full, providing benefits of fiber without gas
that can be caused by other types of fiber.
Aminogen to help your body maximize protein and
nutrient absorption.
23 Vitamins and minerals, along with other ingredients
that help you burn fat.
息2010 ViSalus Sciences速 1607 E. Big Beaver Rd. #110, Troy, MI 48083 877-VISALUS