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2461 Quail Run Road, Fairborn, OH 45324  C: 9372414724  gotribe71@gmail.com
I am a dedicated Registered Nurse with over 19 years experience in Cardiology. My most recent position being the Director of
a Clinical Research Department and an experienced Clinical Research Coordinator. I obtained my Clinical Research
Certification in 2008 and have been a member of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals since 2001. I pride myself
on possessing strong clinical and people skills. The wealth of knowledge and experience I have gained over the last 23 years in
the nursing field has put me in a position where I now feel I can move forward in my career. I hope to do this by sharing that
knowledge and experience with your company while at the same time beginning to learn new things and continuing to grow as a
nursing professional.
Intravenous line insertion
All aspects of Clinical Research Trials
Effective and successful managerial skills
12 Lead ECG interpretation
Complete care of all patients with specialized care of
cardiac patients
Organizational skills
Overall efficiency and accuracy
Holistic care of patients and family members
Collaborative teamwork
08/1999 - 03/2016
Director of Clinical Research/Certified Clinical Research Coordinator
Dayton Heart Center - Dayton, OH
All administrative aspects of running the department including securing new study opportunities, negotiating and
executing contracts and budgets, initial Institutional Review Board submissions and all regulatory work associated with
each trial.
Direct patient care including 12 lead ECG, IV insertion, intravenous, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, blood
pressures, venipuncture and study drug administration.
Provide services within ethical and legal boundaries and ensure compliance with protocol requirements and research
standards as defined by the Food and Drug Administration, United States title 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Good
Clinical Practices, International Conference of Harmonization guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures.
Create and update the center's Standard Operating Procedures on a yearly basis.
Direct supervisor to three full time Clinical Research Coordinators.
Train staff and maintain their Good Clinical Practice, International shipping and Human Subject Protection certificates.
Review all documentation for accuracy, quality and compliance.
Routine lab maintenance tasks.
12/1996 - 08/1999
Registered Nurse
Dayton Heart Center - Dayton, OH
Assess need for, order, obtain and interpret appropriate lab tests.
Triag incoming patient phone calls.
Delegate staff nurse duties.
Counsel and educate patients on all aspects of cardiac care including diet, exercise, disease management and
understanding, medications and lifestyle.
Responsible for coordinating and running physician office, making sure all patients were seen in a timely manner and all
patient needs were met.
Ensure all follow up testing, medication refills and lab work are complete, reviewed and results relayed to the patient in a
timely fashion.
Perform non-invasive cardiac testing, including stress testing and nuclear stress testing.
10/1994 - 10/1996
Registered Nurse Cardiac Telemetry/Cardiothoracic Surgical Step Down Unit
University Hospitals of Cleveland - Cleveland, OH
Total care of medical and post surgical patients admitted to the unit.
12 lead ECG and telemetry strip interpretation.
Intravenous Line placement.
Administration of all medications.
Complete physical examinations.
Monitoring Input and Output.
Wound care.
Chest tube care.
Nasogastric tube and Tracheostomy care.
Complete and accurate documentation on all patients throughout the shift.
Effective communications with treating physicians and ancillary staff.
Maintain positive working environment and promoting team work.
12/1991 - 10/1994
Nursing Assistant/Monitor Technician
University Hospitals of Cleveland - Cleveland, OH
Perform and interpret 12 lead ECG's.
Identify and evaluate ectopic beats and abnormal rhythms and report them to the appropriate person.
Assist Registered Nurses on the unit with direct patient care.
Bachelor of Science: Nursing
Case Western Reserve University/Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing - Cleveland, OH
One of 90 students in the country admitted to the nursing program.
Received 75% academic scholarship.
Nursing program focused on Critical care with intensive clinical rotations.
Four semesters of special education in Nursing Informatics.
Major G.P.A. 3.40
Deans Honors for four semesters.
Bolton Scholar.
Undergraduate Student Nurses Association committee member.
Maintained a part time job in the nursing field the entire four years I attended nursing school.
Registered Nurse in Ohio, License number RN-255556, Exp. 8/31/2017.
Certified Clinical Research Coordinator 2008-present.
Independently started a point of care anticoagulation clinic at the office, which grew to 3 satellite offices and replaced
standard lab draws for patients on warfarin.
Independently started a successful Clinical Research Department which grew from one Study Coordinator and one
Principal Investigator to 4 full time Study Coordinators and 12 Principal Investigators.

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  • 1. PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY SKILLS WORK HISTORY SHARON DONAHUE 2461 Quail Run Road, Fairborn, OH 45324 C: 9372414724 gotribe71@gmail.com I am a dedicated Registered Nurse with over 19 years experience in Cardiology. My most recent position being the Director of a Clinical Research Department and an experienced Clinical Research Coordinator. I obtained my Clinical Research Certification in 2008 and have been a member of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals since 2001. I pride myself on possessing strong clinical and people skills. The wealth of knowledge and experience I have gained over the last 23 years in the nursing field has put me in a position where I now feel I can move forward in my career. I hope to do this by sharing that knowledge and experience with your company while at the same time beginning to learn new things and continuing to grow as a nursing professional. Intravenous line insertion Venipuncture All aspects of Clinical Research Trials Effective and successful managerial skills 12 Lead ECG interpretation Complete care of all patients with specialized care of cardiac patients Organizational skills Overall efficiency and accuracy Holistic care of patients and family members Collaborative teamwork 08/1999 - 03/2016 Director of Clinical Research/Certified Clinical Research Coordinator Dayton Heart Center - Dayton, OH All administrative aspects of running the department including securing new study opportunities, negotiating and executing contracts and budgets, initial Institutional Review Board submissions and all regulatory work associated with each trial. Direct patient care including 12 lead ECG, IV insertion, intravenous, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, blood pressures, venipuncture and study drug administration. Provide services within ethical and legal boundaries and ensure compliance with protocol requirements and research standards as defined by the Food and Drug Administration, United States title 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Good Clinical Practices, International Conference of Harmonization guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures. Create and update the center's Standard Operating Procedures on a yearly basis. Direct supervisor to three full time Clinical Research Coordinators. Train staff and maintain their Good Clinical Practice, International shipping and Human Subject Protection certificates. Review all documentation for accuracy, quality and compliance. Routine lab maintenance tasks. 12/1996 - 08/1999 Registered Nurse Dayton Heart Center - Dayton, OH Assess need for, order, obtain and interpret appropriate lab tests. Triag incoming patient phone calls. Delegate staff nurse duties. Counsel and educate patients on all aspects of cardiac care including diet, exercise, disease management and understanding, medications and lifestyle. Responsible for coordinating and running physician office, making sure all patients were seen in a timely manner and all patient needs were met. Ensure all follow up testing, medication refills and lab work are complete, reviewed and results relayed to the patient in a timely fashion. Perform non-invasive cardiac testing, including stress testing and nuclear stress testing. 10/1994 - 10/1996 Registered Nurse Cardiac Telemetry/Cardiothoracic Surgical Step Down Unit University Hospitals of Cleveland - Cleveland, OH Total care of medical and post surgical patients admitted to the unit.
  • 2. EDUCATION CERTIFICATIONS ACCOMPLISHMENTS 12 lead ECG and telemetry strip interpretation. Intravenous Line placement. Administration of all medications. Complete physical examinations. Monitoring Input and Output. Wound care. Chest tube care. Nasogastric tube and Tracheostomy care. Complete and accurate documentation on all patients throughout the shift. Effective communications with treating physicians and ancillary staff. Maintain positive working environment and promoting team work. 12/1991 - 10/1994 Nursing Assistant/Monitor Technician University Hospitals of Cleveland - Cleveland, OH Perform and interpret 12 lead ECG's. Identify and evaluate ectopic beats and abnormal rhythms and report them to the appropriate person. Assist Registered Nurses on the unit with direct patient care. 1994 Bachelor of Science: Nursing Case Western Reserve University/Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing - Cleveland, OH One of 90 students in the country admitted to the nursing program. Received 75% academic scholarship. Nursing program focused on Critical care with intensive clinical rotations. Four semesters of special education in Nursing Informatics. Major G.P.A. 3.40 Deans Honors for four semesters. Bolton Scholar. Undergraduate Student Nurses Association committee member. Maintained a part time job in the nursing field the entire four years I attended nursing school. Registered Nurse in Ohio, License number RN-255556, Exp. 8/31/2017. Certified Clinical Research Coordinator 2008-present. Independently started a point of care anticoagulation clinic at the office, which grew to 3 satellite offices and replaced standard lab draws for patients on warfarin. Independently started a successful Clinical Research Department which grew from one Study Coordinator and one Principal Investigator to 4 full time Study Coordinators and 12 Principal Investigators.