This document provides key metrics and recruiting data for the Seattle Battalion in August 2011, just before the end of the fiscal year. It shows the battalion is below goals in overall recruiting missions and budget constraints. While most diversity recruiting metrics are acceptable, Native American recruiting numbers are down. The document discusses Army advertising campaigns and illustrates they do not prominently feature diversity, especially Native Americans. This may impact the battalion's ability to connect with diverse applicants and meet recruiting goals. References several sources on the importance of military diversity and challenges in recruiting minorities.
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Shartel orgl 506 b mod 4 powerpoint diversity in army recruiting
2. Background
Key Metrics for Seattle Battalion
New Army Ad Campaign and illustrations of diversity
3. Each year the United States Army Recruiting Command
has a numeric goal of the number of Recruits they hope
to access to the Army. (
The Army has the numbers planned of: job in the Army,
gender of the applicant, amount of education (based
upon test scores) the applicant has, and specific
guidelines to bring in diverse applicants.
Seattle Recruiting Battalion has missions specifically
geared to Native American, African American, Asian
Pacific Islander and Hispanic recruiting Numbers.
4. The United States Army is a vast organization with a global
presence. One of its central sources of strength is the diversity of
its workforce, which encompasses 1.5 million personnel across the
active, reserve, civilian and contractor components. (Reyes, 2006).
For the purposes of this presentation, we will focus on recruiting
mechanisms that can increase diversity in the future soldier and
new enlistee populations.
Diversity assumes that differences can add organizational value
and enhance mission accomplishment, while EO does not assume
that improved organizational effectiveness is a primary outcome.
Diversity also focuses on the organization and its people, while
EO focuses on individuals and groups of people. (Reyes, 2006)
5. Each month a recruiting battalion compiles vast
amounts of data onto a one page round-up called
Key Metrics.
This is basically a marketing document that shows
three year averages, where the battalion stands in
overall mission accomplishmentincluding
maintaining their future soldier pool, as well as
numerical data on diversity and special mission
On the next page is the overall round-up from
Seattle Battalion for August, 2011, just before the
end of the fiscal year.
6. This document is from a monthly report completed in August,
2011. It shows numerical data on where the battalion stands in
relationship to its overall recruiting missionsand budgetary
7. Why do we need to look at diversity recruiting?
Hint: its not just because the mission dictates.
Seattle Battalion has gone down in
Market Share. That is recruits per
The available potential applicants the Army
Gets over Marines, Air Force, etc.
In the above section of Key metrics,
We see that the P:P ratio is doing ok
In most areas, except Native American Population
Local and Higher level funds
Vs. number of leads based on those funds.
8. Symbol of Strength: Opportunity
What do we see?
1) Multi-cultural Group of soldiers fades into the American Flag.
2) Members of a team (multi-cultural) ticket to anywhere in the world
3) SSG Salvatore Giuntafirst living recipient of MOH since Vietnam,
fades into an African American Captain.
9. Absent in this video showing multi-culturalism as Opportunity :
Native American Soldiers, Asian/Pacific Islanders.
As the nations military academies try to recruit more minorities,
they arent getting much help from members of Congress from
urban districts with large members of blacks, Hispanics, and
Asians. (Witte, 2009)
Does it matter in a all-volunteer force?
In the best of all possible worlds, ethnic representation
Within the Army should reflect at least roughly the
ethnic proportions of the general population. (Matthews
and Pavri, 1999)
10. What do we see?
1) Uniformnot much in the way of using specific ethnicities.
2) Soldiers mostly in combat situations.
3) No women.
11. All statutory combat exclusions affecting women have been repealed. By policy,
women are permitted to compete for assignments in aircraft, including those
Engaged in combat missionsthe main remaining policy bar to combat
participation By women lies in the directive that they not be assigned to units
engaged in Direct combat on the ground.(Matthews and Pavri, 1999)
We know this statement above is old, and that women are engaged in combat.
However, they are not included in the education symbol of strength campaign,
Which shows the education of combat (adventure) for all intents and purposes.
12. What do we see?
1) Doctor is Hispanic? Entering into multi-cultural again.
2) A female soldier interacting with the population in full battle-
rattle. Local nationals from the combat zonesand women there
too, as well as more diverse soldiers
3) Slogan: Its a chance to change the future.
13. Arguably, of the three available (on youtube) ads for the new
campaign, the one titled leadership is the most diverse, not only on the
basis of ethnicity, but also gender and potential careers in the Army.
Why are Education and Opportunity so lightly representative of
This goes back to difficulty in recruiting in general: very few people in
the general population are qualified to enlist or get a commission in
the military because of such restrictions as education (high school
diploma or General Education Degree), aptitude (Armed Forces
Qualification Test Score) , weight, number of dependents, convictions,
and drug related offenses. (Asch, Buck, Klerman, Kleykamp and
Loughran, 2009)
14. While the local battalion has numerous print ad sources for local events that
Are geared to the minorities they must recruit in order to meet mission, the
Recruiters are having a difficult time connecting to diverse applicants.
Some of this may just not speaking the language (not the actual language of
The minority recruitthe language of the target demographic of Generation Y)
Some of this may also be that the ad campaigns themselves do not promote
Diversity on the level the Army wishes to recruit. Not one of the new ads
Showed a Native American soldier.
15. Desai, A., & Roberts, M. (2008, July/Aug). Youth of Color Resist Military Recruiting. Dollars and Sense, p.
Gorman, L., & Thomas, G. W. (1993). General Intellectual Achievement, Enlistment Intentions and Racial
Representativeness in the US Military. Armed Forces and Society, 19(4), 611-624.
Lind, W. (2011, April). Men Overboard. The American Conservative, p. 22.
Matthews, L. J., & Pavri, T. (1999). Population Diversity and the US Military. Carslise, PA: US Aarmy War
College, Stratigic Studies Insitute.
Reyes (Lt.Col.), A. D. (2006). Strategic Options for Handeling Diversity in the US Army. Washington D.C.:
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.
Smith, R. J., & Ramsey, C. E. (n.d.). Attitudes of Japanese High School Students Toward the Military.
Public Opinion Quarterly, pp. 248-254.
Watson (Ph.D), J. R. (2010, March/April). Language and Culture Training: Separate Paths? Military
Review, pp. 92-97.
Witte, B. (2009, December 14). Lawmakers from Minority Districts Appointing Few to Service
Acadamies. Community College Week, p. 4.
Editor's Notes
#4: In determining whether an applicant is qualified, the Army uses Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Testing, which measures aptitude in almost any career field in order to determine where the applicant can be successful. However, when it comes to gender, there are still career fields off limits to female applicants. (i.e., when, in 1996, MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Center) personnel brought my choice of jobs, they had to cross out Infantry, Field Artillery, etc, even though based on test scores I would have done fine, I am in fact a female). Seattle Recruiting has specific missions because of being so geographically close to Asian Pacific Islands, Hispanic cultural areas (because of the migrant workers in the Yakima and Spokane areas), and Native American populations. Seattle is a very diverse location, and the Battalion has a footprint that covers Yakima, Spokane, Alaska, and parts of Idaho and Oregon as well as much of the state of Washingtonwhich is home to several Native American Tribes, such as the Quillute for you Twilight Fans.
#8: (I blocked out the numbers on fundsbecause I honestly do not know if this is releasable, better safe than sorry. If I were giving this to my intended audience, this information would not be blocked, and we would discuss the fact that so few leads came from paid campaign dollars.)Notes for page:The battalion has funding to do local paid advertising and local events through two main sources of funding. As you can see the finding being spent is not producing the ROI, or return on investment based upon the special mission production. This is why as a battalion, especially among the senior leadership of battalion, companies and stations, we need to find innovative ways to communicate with diverse populations.
#9: Background: The Army hired a new advertising firm in the early 2000s. They came up with the disastrous Army of One campaign. A few years later (which is no time in military slogan landsee Be all you can be and The few, the proud, the Marines tenures in ad life) they came up with Army Strong which has done pretty wellwell enough to get their contract renewed last year.Early last spring the ad company launched the Symbol of Strength Campaign. Please use 際際滷show mode to view video.
#12: Adventure is the term recruiters will use as the engagement mechanism for talking to a potential applicant.
#13: Not sure of the ethnicity of the doctorneeds further review.
#14: GED is no longer education enough for entry into the Armed Forces. Currently, this year the standards for entry are tighter than they ever have been before.
#15: If I were talking to the command here and not the class-I would mention the ways to use the free posters from what is called The Recruiter Store wherein recruiters can order informational brochures, posters and giveaways in several different languages, and for several different position. As this is not being presented (at this time) to the battalion leadership, I will present findings related to the class instead of the real world applications I would use in giving this class to the intended audience.*Note: this would be much longer if given to the intended audience, probably an hour long class with a lot more representation from the findings in the literature review, and from the available communication methods to potential multi-cultural recruits or officer candidate school candidates.