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B.Tech 3rd
Year (CSE+IBM)
Galgotias University
Greater Noida, India.
B.Tech 3rd
Year (CSE+IBM)
Galgotias University
Greater Noida, India.
Abstract Cloud is a vast rapidly growing technology
of present era. It is improvised form of several different
technologies like parallel computing and grid
computing. Hence it adopts the different useful features
of all those ancestors technologies for business benefits.
All those features makes it most suited for current
scenario but there are several issues that we are facing
yet that need the immediate improvements like how we
can optimize the power consumption through using
cloud technique, how we can solve bandwidth problem
in Storage as a Service, how we can efficiently utilize
storage computing and processor performance. In this
paper we have discuss all these issues and possible
Keywords Parallel computing [1], Grid computing [2],
Cloud computing technique is used for fulfillment of
business needs. It is a technique through which we
manage, store and process our data on a cloud server in
place of performing this on local server. As we are
looking for smart business strategy, we have to shift are
traditional computing infrastructure to cloud based
infrastructure. We have lot of services provided by the
cloud like
IaaS[3] (Infrastructure as a Service) in this we get the
basic hardware as a service,
PaaS[3] (Platform as a Service) in this we get the
platform environment where we run our applications,
SaaS[3] (Software as a Service) in this we get all the
software as a service.
All these services provided are used for different
purposes. In using these services we face several issues
like performance, security, availability, maintainability
and many more. Due to all these issues we are not able
to use the resources efficiently and hence major part of
the resources remains unbeneficial.
Battery life is a limited resource because each battery
has a limited life based on the usage of battery. It is a big
issue that-[how to minimize the loss of energy?]
Battery life contains
1. How long any device can work on a single charge of a
rechargeable battery.
2. Battery Lifetime  Once we charge our battery then it
will work until it will consume its all energy or we can
say it deteriorates irreversible and it will not capable to
hold effective charge.
On the basis of above two mentioned point we need to
save energy through battery as much as possible by the
help of cloud. Suppose we have our own computer
system which contain battery, so all those work which
we performed in the system it reduces battery energy
power. Lets take an example- Suppose we need to
install any application or we want to download it from
internet on our computer system then definitely it will
take time to download in our system and because of that
our battery will consume and its life time will be
decrease by this process . So by the help of cloud we
will perform our all processing and accessing work on
cloud server and we will bring any application to us by
cloud service provider who provides an instance of any
application which saves our battery.
Bandwidth is nothing but transmission of bits/sec. It is
provided by Internet Service Provider shortly named as
ISPs for accessing data and information from the
internet. So in the current scenario we need good
bandwidth to access data and information from the cloud
server. Due to limited bandwidth a issue arise that at
many places around the globe where we found difficulty
to access the resources of cloud computing [4]. Hence
we have to look for some short of optimized way to
resolve this issue. The cloud provider can use the
technique of Data Compression and Extraction of data at
both server and client side simultaneously. By the help
of data compression techniques we can easily compress
or we can say reduce the size of our data/file which will
take less bandwidth to send/access from Cloud Server.
So in the same way client also compress its data using
same techniques to send it to cloud.
Remote based cloud storage solution has come into
existence before few years .The concept between local
storage and services fully based on cloud storage has
migrate many times over development of storage
technology. Cloud technology is the latest trend of this,
providing more capacity options and more cost
flexibility for storage base users. In cloud computing
there are two areas are there which are very beneficial
like cloud backup and cloud storage. Both are allows to
the users to scale up or scale down storage requirements
to reached up to extend, improve manageability of the
system and can easily backup all the aspects of data
requirements related business from its cloud server to
personal computers.
Above scenario what I have discussed is all about the
benefits of cloud storage but there are some issues in
cloud storage besides all benefits of cloud storage.
Some issues in cloud storage are as follows:-
The big and major issue in cloud storage is that the user
has no idea where the actualdata is kept. As user kept its
data on cloud to make it more secure in case of disaster,
but what happen if the server of cloud itself kept at
frequent disaster marked area. This may cause insecurity
in the time of disaster .It is because the place where
cloud server is kept may come under effected by any
natural disaster. So still it is a big issue in cloud storage.
Maximum Utilization and Extension of processing
power is important to maximize the output. We have
limited processing power in our traditional hardware
system so if we want to utilize our system for beyond the
limitation of processing our application than we require
more processing power .In this case we can move from
traditional to cloud to satisfy our needs of processing.
Lets take a scenario of IRCTC (INDIA) [5]. During
Tatkal ticket reservation time we found difficult to
access the site for approx half an hour because number
of hits increases drastically for tatkal reservation in such
a situation sometimes server crashes .This problem can
be possibly solved by going for cloud processor services
for that much of time through pay per use. It will
increase the tolerance capacity of number of hits per/sec
of the server and thus it resolve our problem from
crashes of IRCTC server.
In above all situation and issues that we are facing
reduces its efficiency and rapid increment of this
enhance technique. Therefore in this paper we have tried
to provide possible solutions to overcome this situation.
1. www.cs.nyu.edu/courses/spring12/CSCI-GA.../ieee-
2. L.Youseff, M.Butrico, and D.Da Silva,Towards a
unified ontology of cloud computing,in Grid
Computing EnvironmentsWorkshops.
3. www.ijarcsse.com/docs/papers/Volume_4/6_June20
4. conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2013/papers/sigc
5. www.irctc.co.in
Dr. Ajay Shanker Singh
Professor & Program Chair SCSE-IBM
School of Computing Science & Engineering
Galgotias University, Greater Noida,
Email: ajay.shankersingh@galgotiasuniversity.edu.in
Contact: +91 9958077063

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  • 1. ENERGY RESOURCEFULLNESS & OPTIMIZE RESOURSES SHASHI KUMAR PANDEY B.Tech 3rd Year (CSE+IBM) Galgotias University Greater Noida, India. shashipandey@live.com ROSHAN KUMAR DUBEY B.Tech 3rd Year (CSE+IBM) Galgotias University Greater Noida, India. nandlal140796@gmail.com Abstract Cloud is a vast rapidly growing technology of present era. It is improvised form of several different technologies like parallel computing and grid computing. Hence it adopts the different useful features of all those ancestors technologies for business benefits. All those features makes it most suited for current scenario but there are several issues that we are facing yet that need the immediate improvements like how we can optimize the power consumption through using cloud technique, how we can solve bandwidth problem in Storage as a Service, how we can efficiently utilize storage computing and processor performance. In this paper we have discuss all these issues and possible solutions. Keywords Parallel computing [1], Grid computing [2], issues. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing technique is used for fulfillment of business needs. It is a technique through which we manage, store and process our data on a cloud server in place of performing this on local server. As we are looking for smart business strategy, we have to shift are traditional computing infrastructure to cloud based infrastructure. We have lot of services provided by the cloud like IaaS[3] (Infrastructure as a Service) in this we get the basic hardware as a service, PaaS[3] (Platform as a Service) in this we get the platform environment where we run our applications, SaaS[3] (Software as a Service) in this we get all the software as a service. All these services provided are used for different purposes. In using these services we face several issues like performance, security, availability, maintainability and many more. Due to all these issues we are not able to use the resources efficiently and hence major part of the resources remains unbeneficial. I. BATTERY LIFE Battery life is a limited resource because each battery has a limited life based on the usage of battery. It is a big issue that-[how to minimize the loss of energy?] Battery life contains 1. How long any device can work on a single charge of a rechargeable battery. 2. Battery Lifetime Once we charge our battery then it will work until it will consume its all energy or we can say it deteriorates irreversible and it will not capable to hold effective charge. On the basis of above two mentioned point we need to save energy through battery as much as possible by the help of cloud. Suppose we have our own computer system which contain battery, so all those work which we performed in the system it reduces battery energy power. Lets take an example- Suppose we need to install any application or we want to download it from internet on our computer system then definitely it will take time to download in our system and because of that our battery will consume and its life time will be decrease by this process . So by the help of cloud we will perform our all processing and accessing work on
  • 2. cloud server and we will bring any application to us by cloud service provider who provides an instance of any application which saves our battery. II. AVAILABLE BANDWIDTH UTILIZATION IN STORAGE Bandwidth is nothing but transmission of bits/sec. It is provided by Internet Service Provider shortly named as ISPs for accessing data and information from the internet. So in the current scenario we need good bandwidth to access data and information from the cloud server. Due to limited bandwidth a issue arise that at many places around the globe where we found difficulty to access the resources of cloud computing [4]. Hence we have to look for some short of optimized way to resolve this issue. The cloud provider can use the technique of Data Compression and Extraction of data at both server and client side simultaneously. By the help of data compression techniques we can easily compress or we can say reduce the size of our data/file which will take less bandwidth to send/access from Cloud Server. So in the same way client also compress its data using same techniques to send it to cloud. . . III. STORAGE CAPACITY Remote based cloud storage solution has come into existence before few years .The concept between local storage and services fully based on cloud storage has migrate many times over development of storage technology. Cloud technology is the latest trend of this, providing more capacity options and more cost flexibility for storage base users. In cloud computing there are two areas are there which are very beneficial like cloud backup and cloud storage. Both are allows to the users to scale up or scale down storage requirements to reached up to extend, improve manageability of the system and can easily backup all the aspects of data requirements related business from its cloud server to personal computers. Above scenario what I have discussed is all about the benefits of cloud storage but there are some issues in cloud storage besides all benefits of cloud storage. Some issues in cloud storage are as follows:- The big and major issue in cloud storage is that the user has no idea where the actualdata is kept. As user kept its data on cloud to make it more secure in case of disaster, but what happen if the server of cloud itself kept at frequent disaster marked area. This may cause insecurity in the time of disaster .It is because the place where cloud server is kept may come under effected by any natural disaster. So still it is a big issue in cloud storage. IV. PERFORMANCE INCREASES USING CLOUD PROCESSOR RESOURCES Maximum Utilization and Extension of processing power is important to maximize the output. We have limited processing power in our traditional hardware system so if we want to utilize our system for beyond the limitation of processing our application than we require more processing power .In this case we can move from traditional to cloud to satisfy our needs of processing. Lets take a scenario of IRCTC (INDIA) [5]. During Tatkal ticket reservation time we found difficult to access the site for approx half an hour because number of hits increases drastically for tatkal reservation in such a situation sometimes server crashes .This problem can be possibly solved by going for cloud processor services for that much of time through pay per use. It will increase the tolerance capacity of number of hits per/sec of the server and thus it resolve our problem from crashes of IRCTC server. V. CONCLUSION In above all situation and issues that we are facing reduces its efficiency and rapid increment of this enhance technique. Therefore in this paper we have tried to provide possible solutions to overcome this situation.
  • 3. VI. REFERENCES 1. www.cs.nyu.edu/courses/spring12/CSCI-GA.../ieee- micro-echelon. 2. L.Youseff, M.Butrico, and D.Da Silva,Towards a unified ontology of cloud computing,in Grid Computing EnvironmentsWorkshops. 3. www.ijarcsse.com/docs/papers/Volume_4/6_June20 14/V4I6-0158 4. conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2013/papers/sigc omm/p351 5. www.irctc.co.in SUPERVISED BY:- Dr. Ajay Shanker Singh Professor & Program Chair SCSE-IBM School of Computing Science & Engineering Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India-203201 Email: ajay.shankersingh@galgotiasuniversity.edu.in drajay.cse@gmail.com Contact: +91 9958077063