This document provides guidelines for resident street parties, including:
1) Legislation allows the Minister and by delegation local councils to close roads for events.
2) Requirements for street parties include the street having under 1,000 vehicles per day and limiting the number of parties per weekend.
3) Residents must consult neighbors, place ads, and submit checklists to council 4+ weeks in advance for review and approval of traffic management and risk management plans.
3. Legislation
• Road Traffic Act 1961 gives power to the Minister to
close any road.
• On 22 August 2013 the Minister for Transport and
Infrastructure issued an Instrument of General
Approval and Delegation to Council for Closing Roads
for Events.
• Sub delegation made by the Council to the Chief
Executive Officer
6. Street Party Kit
• Local Street
• Less then 1000vpd
• Limit the amount of parties per weekend
• Council staff run the Work Zone
• Residents needs to consult with street
• Advert in the Local Messenger
• Resident Check list
7. Councils Checklist
Lead Time Action Who
0 Street party happens Resident
Minimum 2 days
prior (Section 33
(3) of the Road
Traffic Act 1961)
Ad in Messenger and on Councils website Council
Minimum 1 week
Resident undertakes a letterbox drop Resident
2 Weeks prior Notify resident that the Street party is
2 Weeks prior CEO signs off on road closure Council
3 Weeks prior Report written for CEO sign off Council
3-4 Weeks prior Traffic Management Plan and Traffic
Impact Statement created
4 Weeks prior Traffic Engineer confirms street is
suitable and confirms this with resident
Minimum 4
Weeks prior
Resident provides Council with details of
Street party:
ï‚· Name of Street and sketch of
portion of road to be closed
ï‚· Date and time
ï‚· Details of activity
ï‚· List of neighbourhood support
ï‚· Risk Management plan (template)
Time Frame
#3: Talking about street parties for community events or residents getting together not major events like Clipsal etc or construction traffic work zone
#4: Minister has given power to Council to close any roads under Councils care as well as give exemption to a number of Australian Road Rules.
Cant be any roads that runs into or intersects with a DPTI road or a road that will affect traffic on an arterial road.
The CEO can’t sub delegate the power to other Council employees.
#5: In the past road closures have been a very informal process in which we’ve vever had any issues.
Generally only get 1 or 2 street parties a year, usually the same 3 or 4 streets
Ellesmere St has been having a street party for 35 years. They have their own people with WZTM tickets so we always just dropped off the signs on Friday and picked them up on Monday.
#6: Street Party request on Grand Final Day, generally we assume that all residents are happy to have a street party but on this occasion one neighbour was completely against it.
A new December street party initiative set up by Elected Members for $50. All of a sudden there was an influx of street party requests.
Another issues that was raised was that were allowing the residents to run the Work Zone however this run the risk of Council being liable if anything happened as some of the streets didn’t have any residents with WZTM tickets.
#7: With the influx of street party requests, council had had to set up a formal process for accessing and approving street parties
Created a Street Party Kit (borrowed from Charles Sturt Council)
#8: Council charges $200 for street party + $50 for the traffic management plan/Traffic Impact Statement and Splits the advertising cost 50/50
In December it’s a flat $100
Costs Council about $800 to have a street party.