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ShilpaKapil Patil Email: shilpap0709@gmail.com
SAP MM-WM/ P2P Consultant Mobile:+91 9967570690
Visa status in NewZealand: NZ Residentvisa(Application# 14671714)
Professional Summary:
 SAP MM-WM consultantwith total 10+ yearsof experience.InthatSAP MM-WM Implementationandpost
Implementationsupport 7yearsand 3+ years of domainexperiencemainlyinProcurement,VendorManagement,
ProjectManagement andSoftware development,ImplementationandMaintenance.
 P2P experience involvedworkingonSAPRoll-out(Global Template),ProductionSupportsandtestingprojects.Well
versedwithASAPimplementationmethodologyincluding5phase implementation (Project preparation, Business
Blueprint, Realization, Final preparation, Go-live & support)
 ConsultingresponsibilitiesincludedBusinessprocessmapping, System Configuration, Integration testing and User
training. Experiencedwithenhancements and user exits in WMincluding preparation of functional specifications
and coordinating with technical consultants for RICEF developments
 MM-WM Consultant responsible for Support in like Purchasing, Master Data, Inventory Management, &
Warehouse Management, Stock transfer, Consignment Process
 Supportingthe clientwith MM-WMConfiguration,developmentandenhancement forsmoothrunning of business
 Batch ManagementinWarehouse Management, Automatic Batch Determination, Stock Putaway; Create Transfer
Request & Transfer Order, Automatic Storage Bin Determination
 Warehouse Stock Movements : Interim Bins to Storage Bin an vice versa, Goods Receipt with Inbound Delivery,
CreatingInbound Delivery, Creating Transfer Order with Inbound Delivery, Goods Issue with Outbound Delivery,
Create Delivery with reference to Sales Order, Picking Process: Create and confirm Transfer Order, Post Goods
Issue, Putaway strategies: Fixed Bin Storage, Open Storage, Next Empty Bin, Bulk Storage, Storage Unit
Management: Putaway with Storage Unit Management, Picking with Storage Unit Management, Cross Docking:
Planned Cross Docking with Network Order, Cross Docking Movements One step & Two Step Special Storage Bin
configuration for cross dock material
 Excellent team-player of system implementation, open to new ideas and concepts, self-motivated, able to work
underpressure anddelivertimelyandqualityresults, and able to communicate effectively at different levels and
excellentcommunicationandinterpersonal skills,involvedininteractingwithcore team, dealing with end-users in
conducting workshops, documenting specifications
Professional Experience:
Tata ConsultancyServicesLtd. August2012  till date
Client:Associate BritishPorts IndustryBusiness: PortBusiness Nature of Project:S4 Hana
Duration:May 2016 till currentdate SAPVersion:SAPECC6.0 Role:SAP MM-WM Consultant
 Involve in PlanningandBlueprinting.
 Interactedwithenduserstounderstandproblems,analyses& provide immediatesolutiontothe customersfor
highpriorityproblemsandinvolvedinvariousbusinessmeetingstoanalyze anddocumentthe business
requirementsrelatedto warehouse managementandlogistics.
 Configurationof organizationstructure inLogistic Execution Warehouse management, Storage Type, Storage Unit
Type, Storage Type Indicator, Storage type Search, Storage section search, Putaway and Picking strategies, Block
 Logistics experienceinvolvedworkingonSAPRoll-out(GlobalTemplate),ProductionSupportsand testing projects.
Well versed with ASAP implementation methodology including 5 phase implementation (Project preparation,
Business Blueprint, Realization, Final preparation, Go-live & support).
 Consulting responsibilities included Business process mapping, AS-IS / TO-BE, System Configuration, Integration
testing and User training. Experienced with enhancements and user exits in MM-WM including preparation of
functional specifications and coordinating with technical consultants for RICEF developments.
Client:Bekaert IndustryBusiness: Tire Cord Nature of Project:ProductionSupport
Duration:May 2013 till May 2016 SAPVersion:SAPECC6.0 Role:SAP WM Consultant
 AutoPickslipand Putaway transferordercreationandPrintout.
 AddressLabel andCartonlabel printingandautomation.
 Sort fieldupdatinginstorage binsforpickingandPutaway.
 AutoInboundcreationafterGoodsIssue withSPEDoutput.
 Preparedtestscriptsforstandard businessprocessesanddevelopmentsidentified.
 CoordinationwithClientondailybasisforsuccessful executionof process.
 Coordinatingwiththe technical teamfornew developmentandprepareddetailedfunctional specificationfor
several reportsrequiredasa part of businessrequirement.
 CustomizationandconfigurationchangesasperBusinessprocessof the Clientsrequirementandsolvedseveral
issuesfromProcurement,InventoryandWarehouse functionality.
 Workedon enhancementswhichinclude automationof processstepsininventoryandwarehousemodules,which
inturn has integrationwithSD,PPmodules.
 Workedon the stock placementandstockremoval strategiesinwarehousemanagement.
 Efficientinhandlingdaytoday warehouse movementissuescaused bymanual errors.
 Implementedbarcode scanningforTransferorder,byhavingbar code on outputof the transportorders.
 Involvedinevaluatingthe integrationof MMwithSD, WM and QMmodules.
 Conductingrootcause analysis& preparingRootCause analysisreportforthe workordersraisedbythe client.
 PreparingtestcasesforqualitytestingwithTestingTool TTKF.
 Create and Approve FunctionalSpecificationDocumentsforEnhancements.
Client:Bose IndustryBusiness: Retail Nature of Project:ProductionSupport
Duration:August 2012 t0 May 2013 SAPVersion:SAPECC6.0 Role:SAP MM Consultant
 Handlingdayto day ticketsonMM / WM, SRM& EDM (Material Master) forsmoothrunningof the business
 MM  Procurement, Inventoryrelatedincidentslike ThirdpartyPFR(Purchase forresale),IntraCompany,
 Workingon SRMClassicScenario  IncidentbasedonErrors inShoppingcart approvals,providingcostcentre
access,change PlantAddressetc.
 Material Master Data  ExtendMaterials,Masschange in ProductHierarchy& Profitcentres
 Handle ConfigurationRequestaswell assmall programenhancements/changes
1. Enterprise Structure (Plant, Storage location, Purchasing Group)
2. Logistics Execution
3. Release Strategy
 Workedon RemedyTool /Issue Trackersupporttoolsto handle incidents/tickets
Reliance IndustriesLtd. January 2006  June 2012
Client:Reliance Life Sciences IndustryBusiness: Life Sciences Nature of Project:E2E Implementation /
Data Migration
Duration:June 2010 till December
SAPVersion:SAPECC6.0 Role:SAP MM Consultant
Process Description:
This process is to facilitate the plasma tracking right from receipt of plasma to the issue of plasma for production in the
system. It will cover all the intermediate stages as follows,
 Receiptof plasmamaterial atgate
 visual inspectionandsortingof plasmabags
 Minipool creation
 GRN creation  MB01
 Minipool acceptance /rejection QA11
 Intermediatepool creation/acceptance /rejection
 Mega pool creation/ acceptance
 Requirement Gathering: Understand existing Business Process ,Get details of new additions in existing system.
 Logic developmenttocreate Z-transactions to implement Physical Plasma tracking process into SAP system with
help of ABAP Team
 Requirement Gathering:
 Convert Old file format data in to new
 Gap Analysis: Check Duplication Data, Checks other defective Manual Entries
 Logic development to create transactions to upload old file (.xls files) data into new SAP tables
 Unit Testing
 Migration of Old data in New Tables
 Standard Functionality used which is as follows,
o PO ,GRN, Stock Transfer
o Quality Inspection
o Handle UAT at Client site on my own.
o Conduct End User Training Sessions Training to Power user/ End user
o Create End user Manual
o Post Implementation support
Client:Reliance Industries IndustryBusiness: Oil &Gas,
Nature of Project:Productionsupport
Duration:June 2008 till June 2012 SAP Version:SAPECC6.0 Role:SAP MM Consultant
 Handlingdayto day issue andresolutionsforsmoothrunningof the business
 Lead the SupportTeamand Manage the IncidentArray.
 Workedon In-house supporttool (SIMS) tohandle incidents/ tickets
 ProvidingsolutionsonvariousissuesrelatedtoMM module (e.g.Procurement,QualityManagement,Inventory,
OwnDevelopment,enterprisesstructure &assignmentsetc.)
 Primaryresponsible forstackmanagement,handlingticketsandapplicationsupporttoenduser
 Workedon Material Managementbusinessprocesseslike,ExternalProcurement&Internal Procurement
 Workedon solutionmanagerwhichisusedtomove the transportrequestfromdevelopmentservertoQuality/
 Handle ConfigurationRequestaswell asenhancements
 Workedon SLED (shelf life) functionalityandhadimplementedvalidationswhile creatingprocessorders,tovalidate
the remainingshelf life of components.
 End User manuals
 Team leadforSupportand SAPHelpdesks
 Course Creatorof SAPtraininginMM, SAPEnd User TrainerforMM & QM
Domain  Functional Experience
Employer:Reliance IndustriesLimited(Jan 2006 to May 2008)
Project : JERP (Jamnagar Refinery Extension Project)
Position : Executive Purchase.
Job Responsibilities:
 Procurementof RawmaterialsandConsumables.
 Execute QualityTestingReports.
 Create MIS on ProjectProgressonweeklybasis.
 Selectionof Vendors,VendorListing&VendorEvaluation
 VendorRatingbasedonQuality& Delivery.
 Out source and ImplementSoftwareforRequiredProcess.
 Provide Maintenance andSupporttonewimplementations.
 Preparationof RequestforQuotation,MaintainandCompare Quotations.
 Planning&forecastingof Materials.
 Placementof Purchase orders,Sub-Contractingetc.
 Maintenance of Purchase records,Drawings,Amendments.
Degree University Year of Passing
B.E. (InformationTechnology) Mumbai June 2005
Diplomain ComputerTechnology Board Of Technical Education,Mumbai June 2002
Personal Details:
Date of Birth 1st August1980
Marital Status Married
Residence 186, Patil House,Patil Lane,V.N.PuravMarg, SionChunabhatti Mumbai
400022, Maharashtra, India

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  • 1. ShilpaKapil Patil Email: shilpap0709@gmail.com SAP MM-WM/ P2P Consultant Mobile:+91 9967570690 Visa status in NewZealand: NZ Residentvisa(Application# 14671714) Professional Summary: SAP MM-WM consultantwith total 10+ yearsof experience.InthatSAP MM-WM Implementationandpost Implementationsupport 7yearsand 3+ years of domainexperiencemainlyinProcurement,VendorManagement, ProjectManagement andSoftware development,ImplementationandMaintenance. P2P experience involvedworkingonSAPRoll-out(Global Template),ProductionSupportsandtestingprojects.Well versedwithASAPimplementationmethodologyincluding5phase implementation (Project preparation, Business Blueprint, Realization, Final preparation, Go-live & support) ConsultingresponsibilitiesincludedBusinessprocessmapping, System Configuration, Integration testing and User training. Experiencedwithenhancements and user exits in WMincluding preparation of functional specifications and coordinating with technical consultants for RICEF developments MM-WM Consultant responsible for Support in like Purchasing, Master Data, Inventory Management, & Warehouse Management, Stock transfer, Consignment Process Supportingthe clientwith MM-WMConfiguration,developmentandenhancement forsmoothrunning of business Batch ManagementinWarehouse Management, Automatic Batch Determination, Stock Putaway; Create Transfer Request & Transfer Order, Automatic Storage Bin Determination Warehouse Stock Movements : Interim Bins to Storage Bin an vice versa, Goods Receipt with Inbound Delivery, CreatingInbound Delivery, Creating Transfer Order with Inbound Delivery, Goods Issue with Outbound Delivery, Create Delivery with reference to Sales Order, Picking Process: Create and confirm Transfer Order, Post Goods Issue, Putaway strategies: Fixed Bin Storage, Open Storage, Next Empty Bin, Bulk Storage, Storage Unit Management: Putaway with Storage Unit Management, Picking with Storage Unit Management, Cross Docking: Planned Cross Docking with Network Order, Cross Docking Movements One step & Two Step Special Storage Bin configuration for cross dock material Excellent team-player of system implementation, open to new ideas and concepts, self-motivated, able to work underpressure anddelivertimelyandqualityresults, and able to communicate effectively at different levels and excellentcommunicationandinterpersonal skills,involvedininteractingwithcore team, dealing with end-users in conducting workshops, documenting specifications Professional Experience: Tata ConsultancyServicesLtd. August2012 till date Project:05 Client:Associate BritishPorts IndustryBusiness: PortBusiness Nature of Project:S4 Hana Implementation Duration:May 2016 till currentdate SAPVersion:SAPECC6.0 Role:SAP MM-WM Consultant Responsibilities: Involve in PlanningandBlueprinting. Interactedwithenduserstounderstandproblems,analyses& provide immediatesolutiontothe customersfor highpriorityproblemsandinvolvedinvariousbusinessmeetingstoanalyze anddocumentthe business requirementsrelatedto warehouse managementandlogistics.
  • 2. Configurationof organizationstructure inLogistic Execution Warehouse management, Storage Type, Storage Unit Type, Storage Type Indicator, Storage type Search, Storage section search, Putaway and Picking strategies, Block Structure. Logistics experienceinvolvedworkingonSAPRoll-out(GlobalTemplate),ProductionSupportsand testing projects. Well versed with ASAP implementation methodology including 5 phase implementation (Project preparation, Business Blueprint, Realization, Final preparation, Go-live & support). Consulting responsibilities included Business process mapping, AS-IS / TO-BE, System Configuration, Integration testing and User training. Experienced with enhancements and user exits in MM-WM including preparation of functional specifications and coordinating with technical consultants for RICEF developments. Project:04 Client:Bekaert IndustryBusiness: Tire Cord Nature of Project:ProductionSupport Duration:May 2013 till May 2016 SAPVersion:SAPECC6.0 Role:SAP WM Consultant Responsibilities: AutoPickslipand Putaway transferordercreationandPrintout. AddressLabel andCartonlabel printingandautomation. Sort fieldupdatinginstorage binsforpickingandPutaway. AutoInboundcreationafterGoodsIssue withSPEDoutput. Preparedtestscriptsforstandard businessprocessesanddevelopmentsidentified. CoordinationwithClientondailybasisforsuccessful executionof process. Coordinatingwiththe technical teamfornew developmentandprepareddetailedfunctional specificationfor several reportsrequiredasa part of businessrequirement. CustomizationandconfigurationchangesasperBusinessprocessof the Clientsrequirementandsolvedseveral issuesfromProcurement,InventoryandWarehouse functionality. Workedon enhancementswhichinclude automationof processstepsininventoryandwarehousemodules,which inturn has integrationwithSD,PPmodules. Workedon the stock placementandstockremoval strategiesinwarehousemanagement. Efficientinhandlingdaytoday warehouse movementissuescaused bymanual errors. Implementedbarcode scanningforTransferorder,byhavingbar code on outputof the transportorders. Involvedinevaluatingthe integrationof MMwithSD, WM and QMmodules. Conductingrootcause analysis& preparingRootCause analysisreportforthe workordersraisedbythe client. PreparingtestcasesforqualitytestingwithTestingTool TTKF. Create and Approve FunctionalSpecificationDocumentsforEnhancements. Project:03 Client:Bose IndustryBusiness: Retail Nature of Project:ProductionSupport Duration:August 2012 t0 May 2013 SAPVersion:SAPECC6.0 Role:SAP MM Consultant Responsibilities: Handlingdayto day ticketsonMM / WM, SRM& EDM (Material Master) forsmoothrunningof the business MM Procurement, Inventoryrelatedincidentslike ThirdpartyPFR(Purchase forresale),IntraCompany, Consignment,Subcontracting Workingon SRMClassicScenario IncidentbasedonErrors inShoppingcart approvals,providingcostcentre access,change PlantAddressetc. Material Master Data ExtendMaterials,Masschange in ProductHierarchy& Profitcentres Handle ConfigurationRequestaswell assmall programenhancements/changes
  • 3. 1. Enterprise Structure (Plant, Storage location, Purchasing Group) 2. Logistics Execution 3. Release Strategy Workedon RemedyTool /Issue Trackersupporttoolsto handle incidents/tickets Reliance IndustriesLtd. January 2006 June 2012 Project:02 Client:Reliance Life Sciences IndustryBusiness: Life Sciences Nature of Project:E2E Implementation / Data Migration Duration:June 2010 till December 2010 SAPVersion:SAPECC6.0 Role:SAP MM Consultant Process Description: This process is to facilitate the plasma tracking right from receipt of plasma to the issue of plasma for production in the system. It will cover all the intermediate stages as follows, Receiptof plasmamaterial atgate visual inspectionandsortingof plasmabags Minipool creation GRN creation MB01 Minipool acceptance /rejection QA11 Intermediatepool creation/acceptance /rejection Mega pool creation/ acceptance Responsibilities: Requirement Gathering: Understand existing Business Process ,Get details of new additions in existing system. Logic developmenttocreate Z-transactions to implement Physical Plasma tracking process into SAP system with help of ABAP Team Requirement Gathering: Convert Old file format data in to new Gap Analysis: Check Duplication Data, Checks other defective Manual Entries Logic development to create transactions to upload old file (.xls files) data into new SAP tables Unit Testing Migration of Old data in New Tables Standard Functionality used which is as follows, o PO ,GRN, Stock Transfer o Quality Inspection o Handle UAT at Client site on my own. o Conduct End User Training Sessions Training to Power user/ End user o Create End user Manual o Post Implementation support
  • 4. Project:01 Client:Reliance Industries IndustryBusiness: Oil &Gas, Petrochemical Nature of Project:Productionsupport Duration:June 2008 till June 2012 SAP Version:SAPECC6.0 Role:SAP MM Consultant Responsibilities: Handlingdayto day issue andresolutionsforsmoothrunningof the business Lead the SupportTeamand Manage the IncidentArray. Workedon In-house supporttool (SIMS) tohandle incidents/ tickets ProvidingsolutionsonvariousissuesrelatedtoMM module (e.g.Procurement,QualityManagement,Inventory, OwnDevelopment,enterprisesstructure &assignmentsetc.) Primaryresponsible forstackmanagement,handlingticketsandapplicationsupporttoenduser Workedon Material Managementbusinessprocesseslike,ExternalProcurement&Internal Procurement Workedon solutionmanagerwhichisusedtomove the transportrequestfromdevelopmentservertoQuality/ Testingserverforusertestingandfinallytoproductionservers Handle ConfigurationRequestaswell asenhancements Workedon SLED (shelf life) functionalityandhadimplementedvalidationswhile creatingprocessorders,tovalidate the remainingshelf life of components. End User manuals Team leadforSupportand SAPHelpdesks Course Creatorof SAPtraininginMM, SAPEnd User TrainerforMM & QM Domain Functional Experience Employer:Reliance IndustriesLimited(Jan 2006 to May 2008) Project : JERP (Jamnagar Refinery Extension Project) Position : Executive Purchase. Job Responsibilities: Procurementof RawmaterialsandConsumables. Execute QualityTestingReports. Create MIS on ProjectProgressonweeklybasis. Selectionof Vendors,VendorListing&VendorEvaluation VendorRatingbasedonQuality& Delivery. Out source and ImplementSoftwareforRequiredProcess. NegotiationwithVendors. Provide Maintenance andSupporttonewimplementations. Preparationof RequestforQuotation,MaintainandCompare Quotations. Planning&forecastingof Materials. Placementof Purchase orders,Sub-Contractingetc. Maintenance of Purchase records,Drawings,Amendments.
  • 5. Education: Degree University Year of Passing B.E. (InformationTechnology) Mumbai June 2005 Diplomain ComputerTechnology Board Of Technical Education,Mumbai June 2002 Personal Details: Date of Birth 1st August1980 Marital Status Married Residence 186, Patil House,Patil Lane,V.N.PuravMarg, SionChunabhatti Mumbai 400022, Maharashtra, India