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Shin dogu- 珍 道 具The art of building weird tools.
A shindogu must follow some rulesIt must be not of real useIt must exist, must be actually built It is not for sale It must be for everyday activities It cannot be patented It must be anarchicIt cannot contain propagandaIt cannot promote prejudices It cannot contain any Taboo
Mr. Kawakami is a Japanese inventor and writer who first made the idea prominent in a book translated into English, in the mid-nineties, as 101 Un-useless Japanese Inventions: The Art of Chindogu. What is that? Kenji Kawakami describes Chin doguas "invention dropouts," anarchically brilliant ideas that have broken free from "the suffocating historical dominance of conservative utility." Why a Chin dogu? One might wish to design Chin dogufor a number of reasons, for example to improve one's mental agility, to develop them as an art form, or simply to reveal in a purely creative act without worrying about utility or making money.
What   are   these    for?SlippersBroomSpadesweep
AND       THIS?HelmetHolderSleep
SunflowerHairguardEatA     flower?
Butter stickSpread
	???Magnifying glassLight
HatToilet paperEar Extenders
PortableZebra crossing
Baby petticoatMopUmbrellaCollect
ChewCounter	Socks
Can you think of any weird invention now?

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Shin dogu