The Sandvik Way document outlines an approach to continuous improvement. It describes establishing a culture of continuous improvement through six cultural enablers: engagement and awareness, communication, ownership and improvement, standardization, and leadership. These enablers were implemented across the Coventry business using 17 lean tools and 100% of employees were trained. The results included improved communication, empowered teams solving problems, standardized processes, and increased equipment effectiveness saving 贈400,000. Employees found the new approach to be an important part of the company's culture.
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SHMC review continuous improvement
1. The Sandvik Way
Approach to Continuous Improvement
Put quite simply it is a way of working.
Which helps to provide the ability and
control for everyone to Continuously
2. SHM Coventry
Aim Create a Culture of Continuous
Cultural Enablers
17 20Lean Tools
3. Engagement & Awareness
For everyone
Everyone found out What it is all about!
Identified Vision of not getting left behind, and
Continuous Improvement = Best In Group.
Need to Improve to get more sales.
And message delivered of Where you can
of Coventry Business
have been through the Introduction training
4. Communication
Spanning the Business
Much Improved Communication up and down the
Effective communication and teamwork
People involved and skills and experience utilised
Health, Safety and Environment focus improved 9 170 people attend a Communication Centre at
Improving as a Team least once a day.
Communication Centres
5. Ownership & Improvement
Teams improving together
Workplace Standard improvement
Different dept. support with Observation
Team based problem solving
Employee empowerment with 3S ownership
Personal Development review and planning for
all workforce
Of people received a new and
improved appraisal. The best
system ever.
Training in Problem Solving
Production workforce trained in
Action Review (3S) and using.
People trained in Workplace
Standards (5S) and given ZONE
6. Standardise
Maintaining the foundation
New Operations Process Audits with Senior Team support and
Support service involvement and Audits
Single piece flow and Pull Production (KanBan) improvements
Overall Equipment Effectiveness used to improve machinery and
personnel involvement
Of machines measured for
effectiveness and Downtime
Improvements - identified through
Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Manager Audits every year to
support Non Conformances
Daily Supervisor Audits to identify
Non Conformance's
7. "one of the most
What people had to say important things for our
Production Operatives culture is people being
happy, that's why we are
"why hasn't this been getting there" P.S
done before J.S
"we need a better way of
"I might not know much filling in our OEE, because "I've got some
about TSW, I haven't we are over processing ideas on how to
been on my training yet; B.C
remove this
but I can see it making a motion
difference" "I'm really fired up pumped
and ready to go and waste, come
A.P and see" M.D
improve" N.M
8. It is the way we behave,
What people had to say it is REAL compared to
Managers other systems I have
Its a way of life seen" C.B
It is like electricity, the
heartbeat of Coventry
It helps inspire myself, M.F Simply, it is
and encourage others" OUR culture"
R.C Everything we are striving A.H