This document provides a shooting schedule for the film "Fisticuffs" with details about scene locations, times of day, shot descriptions and characters. The schedule includes two shoot days - Sunday February 12th and Saturday December 8th. Sunday's scenes will be urban locations in Market Rasen involving characters walking and fighting. Saturday's scenes will take place at an equestrian centre in Caistor and involve horse riding, with mid and long shots described of the horse from different angles. No props are needed for the fighting scenes so the focus is on the characters, while a bottle will be used and smashed in one scene to portray the characters as rebels.
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Shooting schedule
1. Scene
Shooting Schedule: Int/Ext Gemma Green, Jessica Hordon, Megan Johnson , Jade Clarke
Group: Shot Description/Summary Location Characters
Film: Fisticuffs Props/Equipment
Shoot Day 1
Urban scene EXT Day Close up on billies feet (stepping Market Rasen, Billie Blake playing Fag and a stone. A
Sunday onto a path) and then long shot Chapman street the part of fag to show the more
2/12/12 of her walking. Elizabeth. rebel side of her and
stone for her to kick.
Sunday Urban scene Ext Night Tracking shot of characters Market Rasen , Extra characters Only a bottle is used
2/12/12 walking down the street. streets in this scene so that
the focus is on the
scene and
Urban scene EXT Night Close up on feet, shots switches Market Rasen, All of the cast Only a bottle is used
Sunday from one group to another to School park. in this scene so that
2/12/12 show the different teams the focus is on the
walking. scene and
Urban scene EXT Night Lots of different shots on fighting Market Rasen , All of the cast No props are used in
scenes (close ups, long shots, School park this so that the main
Sunday hand held shots etc. ) focus will be on the
2/12/12 characters fighting.
Urban scene EXT Night Long shot of Elizabeth , Jodie, Market Rasen, Elizabeth, Jodie, A bottle is used
Sunday Becky and Stella walking away School park Becky and Stella within this to get
2/12/12 from the fight . smashed to show
that they are chavs
and rebels and to
add emphasis.
Shoot Day 2
Posh , horse EXT Day Long shot of field, setting the Caistor equestrian none Jumps?
Saturday riding scene location for the first scene. centre.
Posh , horse EXT Day Mid shot of horse from bellow Caistor equestrian None Horse and Elizabeth
riding scene the neck. Front view of horse. centre.
Posh , horse EXT Day Mid shot from bellow the neck Caistor equestrian None Horse and Elizabeth
Saturday riding scene down of the horse. Side view of centre.
8/12/12 horse.