The short film Post It Love is about two shy office workers who express their romantic interest in each other through clever images made of post-it notes scattered around their office. Over the course of the film, the man and woman leave increasingly elaborate notes for each other, from simple smiles to hearts and flowers, testing the waters of their mutual affection without directly communicating. In the finale, they both realize the other has been leaving the notes when the man creates a large collage of their faces, and they share a smile, revealing their shy but developing relationship.
2. The short film I have chose to analyse is a film called Post It Love,
running approximately 3 minutes long. The film is about two shy
office workers who like each other, and are expressing their love
through well-mastered and clever post-it note images scattered
around the office. Each of them takes turn to better their image until
the finale when they both catch each other in the act and give each
other a cheeky smile.
3. Representation
The short film has two main characters, a male and female. They are represented as being
two people who are very shy but share a loving interest in each other, and this is shown
using various different techniques. In scene 1 they are found photocopying some paper and
as you can see they have both gone on different copier machines (scene 1) because they are
too shy to talk to each other. When standing in front of the machines the shyness is once
again represented because they both peer over the wall-section to glance at the other
person simultaneously.
In scene 2 they both quickly look down when they spot the other person staring at the,. The
girl is in a close up shot and you can see a small smile appearing as if to portray her
happiness that the male was looking at her too.
4. When the girl gave a smile in scene 2, this has obviously proven to the girl that the
male is indeed interested in her, but the shyness is one again conveyed when she
leaves a piece of blue paper with a smiley face made out of post it note in scene 3.
This portrays the shyness because the
girl had no confidence to speak to the
male, and vice versa. After receiving
the post it note smile the male rolls
back on his chair and peers down the
office to see the girl also looking at
him (scene 4), within no time they
both withdraw to their section
because they once again spot each
other looking. This shows nervousness
between the pair because they show a
lack of verbal communication and
5. The male has now realized that the female has shown some affection for him so he
wants to immediately show his to her but a step further, scene 5 shows the female
lifting up her blinds and finding a bright yellow sun made out of post it notes stuck
on her window. This once again portrays the shyness because the male too hasn’t
had the courage to speak to the female but instead represents his love and interest
in her by returning the idea only bettering it slightly. The girl perceives this as the
male being interested in her and sits at her desk and cheekily ponders what to do
next. This represents the interest they have in each other because she doesn’t
want it to stop here; she wants it to keep going.
6. The next scene (6) shows the male character sorting out his tie in the toilet; an anonymous
character walks into the cubicle behind and shuts the door only to reveal the next step in the
loving interest between the two characters. This time round it’s a thought bubble containing
a pink heart, (made out of post it notes), placed perfectly where the male is standing. Once
again representing the shyness because the female still hasn’t brought up enough courage to
speak to the male instead leads him on with another picture. The heart represents her
loving interest and cleverly tries to give a sign to the male that he may be thinking the same.
Cleverly the male knows that the female uses the stock room frequently, so expertly in line with
the light switch he masters a beautiful flower (scene 7) on the wall and with the over the
shoulder shot it shows her holding the flowers. This represents the loving interest because he
has responded to the heart with a bunch of flowers.
7. Walking down the corridor, she stops (scene 9) and the camera zooms in to a close
up and suddenly a huge expression of shock is shown, and scene 10 clearly explains
why. The male has beaten her to the final post with a huge collage of their faces on
the back wall of the office, and this concludes both the loving interest and shyness
representation because after all these signs they both show that they like each
other but both have trouble speaking to each other. Through images and leading
each other on it has shown both characters that they both share a keen interest in
each other, which is represented throughout the 3 minutes running time. The film
finishes with the female in a close up shot expressing her happiness with a huge