The document discusses the process of shortlisting candidates during the recruitment and selection process. Shortlisting involves identifying a manageable number of candidates who are best suited for a position based on pre-determined criteria. The key steps are to apply fair selection criteria aligned with job requirements, conduct a thorough evaluation of candidates using tools like scoring matrices, ensure documentation of the process and outcomes, and notify unsuccessful candidates in a timely manner through letters of regret. Shortlisting aims to reduce a large applicant pool to a shortlist of qualified candidates who can then progress to the interview stage of selection.
2. Short listing
- is the process of deciding which applicants should be
followed up with an interview and which applicants
can be immediately ruled out.
3. What is the purpose of short listing
- after having completed the process and eliminated
those applicants that do not meet the basic
requirements, the next objective should be to identify
a manageable size (pool) of applicants (a short-list)
who are best suited to fill the position successfully and
from whose ranks the most suitable candidate(s) is/are
to be selected.
4. Figure 4 Short-listing: A breakdown of activities
Apply short-listing criteria & shortlist successful candidates
Line management
Assisted by HR Component & overseen by Selection Committee
Letters of regret Obtain approval for shortlist & commence Non-short-listed candidates
Line management with final selection put on record
Assisted by Selection committee Line management
HR Component Assisted by HR Component Assisted by HR Component
5. Principles apply to the short-listing process are basically
the same as those for the screening process and entail the
A fair set of short-listing criteria should apply, with the sole purpose of
identifying a pool of best suited candidates for a specific position.
Short-listing criteria must be in line with the job content and
appointment, as well as advertised requirements so that applicants
shortlisted are clear on the criteria that apply in a consistent manner.
6. Any waivers (i.e. applicants being short-listed without meeting short-
listing requirements) should be fully motivated, approved and be
properly documented.
A declaration of a conflict interest should be made if any candidate is
related to or a friend of an official involved in the short-listing process,
together with steps taken to uphold fairness, equality and objectivity,
if such relationship exist.
The various activities of the short-listing process should be
documented and put on record.
7. How can discrimination be avoided in practice as far as
short-listing is concerned
I. Avoid a tendency to select applicants similar to oneself
- shortlisting should be conducted in a neutral and objective manner.
Pertinent in this regard is to take care not to shortlist applicants who
are similar (in race, gender, age, etc.) to oneself.
8. II. Identify selection criteria with circumspection
- the selection criteria used in this phase of the selection
process should be clearly specified and should only relate
to the job content and the minimum prescribed entry
requirements for careers in the Public Service.
9. Important short-listing issues
I. May short-listing be used to reduce a vast number of
applications to a manageable size?
- as stated, the primary objective of the short-listing process is to
reduce the number of qualifying applicants to a manageable size for
purposes of selecting the most suitable candidate.
10. II. Is it necessary to apply a fixed set of selection criteria for
short-listing purposes?
- to be fair and objective in short-listing candidates, it is essential that
a fixed set of selection criteria be applied in terms of each and every
candidate that was screened successfully.
11. III. What can be used as selection criteria for short-listing
Criterion 1: Successful screening of candidates
- only candidates that were successfully screened should be taken into
account for purposes of short-listing.
12. Criterion 2: The level of qualifications and competencies
( A higher level may be viewed as a more favorable consideration.)
- to be short-listed, a candidate should at least meet the minimum
appointment, as well as advertised requirements in respect of
qualifications and competencies.
13. Criterion 3: The relevancy of qualifications and competencies
( A higher relevancy may be viewed as a more favorable consideration)
- in order to be short-listed, the qualifications and competencies of a
candidate should be relevant. The more relevant qualifications and
competencies of applicants are, the more favorable their candidature to
the employer.
14. IV. May selection criteria that were not specified in the
advertisement be utilized for short-listing purposes?
- for example, may formal qualifications or non-tertiary professional
knowledge that are at a higher level as the minimum advertised, be
given a more favorable consideration for short-listing purposes than
the minimum required? If it is accepted that the objective is to appoint
the most suitable candidate, it stands to reason that a higher level and
higher relevancy of qualifications and competencies will be more
favorable to the employer, as long as these are linked to the job content,
and do not work against affirmative action and employment equity
15. V. Who should be responsible for the short-listing of
- since short-listing requires an in-depth knowledge of the advertised
position, line management and selection committee needs to be
involved first-hand in the process of short-listing candidates.
16. VI. May a standardized format be utilized to assist in short-
- the utilization of a standardized format (such as SCORING MATRIX
has the same advantages and disadvantages as mentioned under
screening of applicants. Information gleaned from application forms
and CVs should be used for scoring candidates by utilizing the
SCORING MATRIX, which should produce a SHORT-LISTING
SCORE for each applicant. A realistic cut-off point should then be
determined to assist with identifying a manageable pool of candidates
for interviewing purposes.
17. VII. What are the steps that should be followed in ensuring
the accountable short-listing of candidates?
1. Keep a list of all applicants considered for short-listing on which
important information is captured.
List of applicants for short-listing purposes:
names of applicants considered for short-listing
outcome of short-listing process
notification of applicants not short-listed
18. 2. Identify fair short-listing criteria
Possible short-listing criteria:
applicants must have been successfully screened
the level of qualifications and competencies (knowledge, skills and, if
required, experiences)
the relevancy of qualifications and competencies (knowledge, skills
and, if required, experience)
19. 3. Ensure that the criteria are:
aligned towards identifying a pool if applicants who are best suited for
the post; and
in line with the advertised requirements as well as the job content.
20. 4. Ensure that the advertised requirements provide for the
assessment of potential by making provision for non-tertiary
professional knowledge obtained.
An advertisement can typically be worded as follows:
- skills, knowledge and expertise acquired through means other than formal
qualifications will also be considered. Applicants have to fully elaborate on
the level of such and how these were acquired in their CVs.
21. 5. Demonstrate that a fair short-listing process was applied by
conducting a thorough paper exercise for example, by utilizing the
SCORING MATRIX for each applicant.
Outcome of the short-listing process:
Applicant short-listed? Yes No
22. 6. Ensure that unsuccessful candidates are notified in due
time by utilizing a letter of regret.
Letter of regret:
I regret to inform you that your application for the above-
mentioned post was not successful.
23. 7. Ensure that all relevant information is put on record.
Documentation to be put on record:
copy of the advertisement
application form
outcome of screening process
outcome of short-listing process
letter of regret.
24. VIII. Should the outcome of the short-listing process be put
on record?
- short-listing of candidates is an important decision-making activity
that forms part of the total selection process. This activity also has an
important impact on the rights and expectations of applicants, the
process should be managed in a responsible and accountable manner.
It is important that it too be documented and put on record.
25. IX. May letters of regret be forwarded to applicants after
short-listing is finalized?
- As mentioned earlier, applicants should be notified as soon as
possible about the outcome of their application for a position.