The document outlines the basic elements of short fiction stories, including characters, setting, plot, point of view, and theme. It defines the main character and antagonist, and describes how characters are characterized through physical description, thoughts, actions, and how others see them. It also defines the key components of setting, the stages of plot structure, types of conflict, points of view, and how themes can be directly stated or implied.
3. CHARACTERS Actors in the storys plot May be human, animal, object, etc. Protagonist main character Antagonist person in conflict with the main character *Not all stories have an antagonist.
4. Characterization Characterization - the creation and convincing representation of fictitious characters Physical appearance Thoughts, feelings, and dreams Actions How others view them
5. Character Types Individual - round, have many sides and complex personalities Developing - dynamic, many-sided personalities that change, for better or worse, by the end of the story Static - stereotype, have one or two characteristics that never change
6. SETTING - Time and location where the story take place Place - geographical location Time - historical period, time of day, year, etc. Weather conditions Social conditions - customs, status Mood or atmosphere - the feeling created in the reader
7. Stages of plot Exposition introduce characters, setting, conflict Rising Action events that intensify conflict Climax emotional highpoint Falling Action subsequent events caused by climax Resolution (or Denouement) ending, outcome
8. CONFLICT - Internal or External Man vs. Man - External struggle between two or more individuals Man vs. Himself - Internal struggle concerning emotion and decision Man vs. Environment - External struggle between man and his surroundings (including nature) Man vs. Animal - External struggle between man and beast
9. POINT OF VIEW - Who is telling the story? First Person narrator is a character IN the story (I is used) Third Person - narrator is NOT a character is the story (he or she) Third Person Limited narrator reveals thoughts of only one character Third Person Omniscient narrator reveals thoughts of all characters
10. Theme Central idea or message of the story Stated directly presented in story Implied theme may be inferred by the reader based on elements of the story