This document provides instructions for a short vowel A lesson, asking students to look at pictures, say the words represented, and try writing the words correctly to prepare for a test the next day.
This document provides an introduction to nouns, verbs, and adjectives. It defines nouns as people, places, or things, and gives examples of each. Verbs are defined as words that show action or existence, and examples of action verbs and verbs of existence are given. Adjectives are defined as words that describe nouns, and examples of adjectives are provided. The document concludes by assigning students the task of taking photos to represent a noun, verb, and adjective for a class PowerPoint.
This document discusses possessive pronouns and the word "whose". It defines possessive pronouns as pronouns that demonstrate ownership and provides examples of possessive adjectives and pronouns. It also discusses the rules and proper usage of "whose" in questions involving possession, noting that "whose" is used to ask about the owner of something and that the noun it replaces does not need to be stated if understood by the speaker and listener.
Words with the Long /o/ Sound Spelled as ow, oa, and o_eMAILYNVIODOR1
This document provides a list of words containing the long /o/ sound spelled as ow, oa, and o_e. It includes 20 individual words and 10 phrases using some of those words. The purpose is to help the reader practice reading and identifying words with the long /o/ vowel sound.
This document is a lesson plan from the Department of Education Region III Division of Pampanga for the Magalang South District Sta. Cruz Elementary School. It was prepared by Rosario G. Castro and focuses on teaching words with short "a" sounds through reading sentences and answering questions. The lesson plan covers words in the -at, -an, -ad, -ar, -am, -ap, -ax, and -as families. Students are asked to identify pictures, read sentences, and answer questions about who, what, where to reinforce comprehension of words with short "a" sounds. References included a kindergarten worktext and Google images.
A possessive noun shows ownership or possession of something. It is formed by adding 's to most singular nouns, like "the girl's shirt." For plural nouns ending in s, only an apostrophe is added, such as "the sisters' names." Plural nouns not ending in s take 's, as in "the children's artwork." Possessive nouns identify who or what the modified noun belongs to.
This document discusses possessive pronouns and how they show ownership. It explains that singular possessive pronouns include my, your, his, and her, while plural possessive pronouns are its, our, your, and their. Possessive pronouns can be used instead of possessive nouns to indicate who or what owns something.
This document discusses prepositions of place, which are used to show the position or location of one thing in relation to another. It lists common prepositions of place such as in, on, under, over, by, at, across, behind, in front of, and between.
1. The document outlines three rules for making nouns plural in English: add -s to most nouns, add -es to nouns ending in s, z, ch, x, tch, o, ss, and sh, and change y to i and add -es when a noun ends in a consonant and y.
2. Examples are provided to illustrate each rule, such as girls, tortoises, cameras, and monkeys for rule 1; boxes, mosses, and foxes for rule 2; and babies, kitties, and bunnies for rule 3.
This document contains a phonics lesson on the short 'a' sound represented by the letter 'a' in one-syllable words. It provides 7 lists of words containing the short 'a' sound followed by prefixes or suffixes like -ab, -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -at. The final section gives directions to identify more words with the short 'a' sound.
Consonant blends or Consonant digraphs? Lynn Scotty
Consonant Digraphs are when 2 or more consonants are blended together to make one new sound. Consonant Blends are when 2 or more consonants are blended together with each sound heard.
The document is an interactive reading exercise that prompts the user to identify the starting letter of pictures. It asks the user to identify the starting letter of 13 sets of pictures. For each set, it provides feedback depending on whether the user's answer is correct or incorrect, ultimately congratulating the user on completing the exercise.
The document provides examples and explanations of different types of chronological order and narrative techniques:
1. It defines chronological order as events presented in the actual sequence in which they occurred.
2. It explains "story-within-a-story" as a narrative technique where the story jumps from present events to the past through flashbacks to explain how the characters arrived at their current situation.
3. It demonstrates these concepts through examples of ordering events chronologically and using alternating scene formats to signify flashbacks in a story.
Verbs express actions or states of being and are essential parts of sentences. There are several types of verbs including action verbs, linking verbs, and helping verbs. Verb tense indicates when the action occurs, with choices being present, past, or future tense. Many verbs follow regular patterns to change tenses but some verbs are irregular and must be memorized. Maintaining consistent verb tense is important when writing.
The document discusses irregular verbs in English and provides examples of different types of irregular verbs categorized by their formation. It describes irregular verbs that have the same form for the infinitive, past tense and past participle (e.g. hit, hurt). It also lists irregular verbs that have two forms for the past tense and past participle (e.g. dream, learn). Finally, it outlines irregular verbs where the past tense and past participle are different from the infinitive and each other (e.g. arise, awake, begin).
In this powerpoint we were able to come up with a lesson, explain it, and list questions for the child to answer. There were links that would tell the child if they got the question right or wrong. This was very educational and I plan on using this one in my classroom
This document defines and provides examples of different types of verbs: action verbs that show action, linking verbs that connect subjects to predicates, and helping verbs that assist main verbs. It explains that action verbs tell what a subject does, linking verbs link subjects to predicates without showing action, and helping verbs come before and help main verbs. Examples of each verb type are given and readers are asked to identify verbs in sample sentences.
Two words rhyme when they have the same ending sound. The document provides examples of rhyming word pairs like "bat" and "cat" as well as non-rhyming pairs like "book" and "cup". It encourages playing a rhyming word game by writing down the word that rhymes with a given word, such as "spoon" rhyming with "moon" or "frog" rhyming with "dog".
Words with the Long /e/ sound spelled as ee and eaMAILYNVIODOR1
This document provides examples of words containing the long /e/ sound spelled as "ee" or "ea". Some of these words include sheep, deer, jeep, seeds, feet, teeth, feed, bee, three, seal, meat, leaf. The document then lists these words in phrases and sentences to demonstrate their usage.
Here is a possible sequence of events before going to school:
First, I wake up in the morning when my alarm clock rings. Then, I get out of bed and do my morning routine which includes taking a bath, brushing my teeth and getting dressed in my school uniform. Afterwards, I have my breakfast which usually consists of bread, milk and fruits. Finally, I pack my school bag with my notebooks, pencil case and other school necessities. Then I'm ready to go to school.
Parent Resources to Teach Kids 18 Consonant Blends-Charts, Practice Pages & A...Lynn Scotty
Teaching video using this slideshow -
This video focuses on 18 consonant blends: bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, pl, pr, sc, sk, sl, sn, sp, st and tr
This document defines synonyms as two different words that mean the same thing and provides examples of synonyms for common words like big, quickly, cold, happy, small. It explains that synonyms are different words with equivalent meanings and can be used interchangeably in sentences to vary vocabulary without changing the core meaning. Examples are provided to illustrate synonyms for different parts of speech like adjectives and adverbs.
1) The document discusses various English tenses used to talk about the future, including will, be going to, present continuous, present simple, future continuous, future progressive, and future perfect.
2) It provides examples of how each tense is used, such as using will to express intentions or predictions, be going to for plans or predictions based on evidence, and present continuous for arranged future events.
3) The key difference between future continuous and future perfect is explained, with future continuous expressing an action ongoing at a specific future time and future perfect expressing an action completed before another future time or event.
The document is about a grade 1 lesson plan on long a sounds. It includes objectives, a drill, review, poem, questions, examples of words with long a sounds grouped by patterns, generalizations about word patterns, an application activity of matching words to sounds, and an evaluation with sentences to complete. The homework is to use 5 words in sentences.
This document provides a lesson plan for teaching short e vowel sounds to students. It includes objectives to recognize and read words with the short e sound correctly. It then presents pictures and words for students to name, followed by a poem and phrases/sentences for students to read that incorporate short e words. It concludes with a brief evaluation and homework assigning students to identify short e words in a list.
This document discusses phonograms, which are groups of letters that make a single sound. It provides examples of common English digraphs like "ch", "ck", "qu", "ph", "sh", "tch", "th", and "wh" and demonstrates each with a word where it is used, such as "chin", "black", "queen", "phone", and "whistle". The document also mentions counting phonemes in words and naming syllable types.
The document discusses pronouns, which take the place of nouns. Pronouns include I, me, my, you, he, him, she, her, they, them, it, we, and us. Examples are provided to demonstrate how pronouns replace nouns or noun phrases (the antecedent). The document then provides practice identifying pronouns and choosing the pronoun that correctly refers to the antecedent in several sentences.
This document provides instruction on using the articles "a", "an", and "the" in English. It explains that "a" and "an" are used before singular nouns to refer to one unspecified person or thing, with "an" used before words beginning with a vowel sound. "The" is used to refer to a specific or defined noun. It gives examples of when to use definite ("the") vs indefinite ("a"/"an") articles. It also discusses cases where no article is used, like with names or plural nouns. Exercises are included to help readers identify the correct article in different contexts.
The document is a collection of random words with no clear meaning or narrative. It does not provide any essential information that could be summarized in 1-3 sentences.
The 2nd grade high-frequency words document lists 38 words that students should automatically recognize by the end of 2nd grade, including words like "over", "only", "place", "back", "after", and "name".
1. The document outlines three rules for making nouns plural in English: add -s to most nouns, add -es to nouns ending in s, z, ch, x, tch, o, ss, and sh, and change y to i and add -es when a noun ends in a consonant and y.
2. Examples are provided to illustrate each rule, such as girls, tortoises, cameras, and monkeys for rule 1; boxes, mosses, and foxes for rule 2; and babies, kitties, and bunnies for rule 3.
This document contains a phonics lesson on the short 'a' sound represented by the letter 'a' in one-syllable words. It provides 7 lists of words containing the short 'a' sound followed by prefixes or suffixes like -ab, -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -at. The final section gives directions to identify more words with the short 'a' sound.
Consonant blends or Consonant digraphs? Lynn Scotty
Consonant Digraphs are when 2 or more consonants are blended together to make one new sound. Consonant Blends are when 2 or more consonants are blended together with each sound heard.
The document is an interactive reading exercise that prompts the user to identify the starting letter of pictures. It asks the user to identify the starting letter of 13 sets of pictures. For each set, it provides feedback depending on whether the user's answer is correct or incorrect, ultimately congratulating the user on completing the exercise.
The document provides examples and explanations of different types of chronological order and narrative techniques:
1. It defines chronological order as events presented in the actual sequence in which they occurred.
2. It explains "story-within-a-story" as a narrative technique where the story jumps from present events to the past through flashbacks to explain how the characters arrived at their current situation.
3. It demonstrates these concepts through examples of ordering events chronologically and using alternating scene formats to signify flashbacks in a story.
Verbs express actions or states of being and are essential parts of sentences. There are several types of verbs including action verbs, linking verbs, and helping verbs. Verb tense indicates when the action occurs, with choices being present, past, or future tense. Many verbs follow regular patterns to change tenses but some verbs are irregular and must be memorized. Maintaining consistent verb tense is important when writing.
The document discusses irregular verbs in English and provides examples of different types of irregular verbs categorized by their formation. It describes irregular verbs that have the same form for the infinitive, past tense and past participle (e.g. hit, hurt). It also lists irregular verbs that have two forms for the past tense and past participle (e.g. dream, learn). Finally, it outlines irregular verbs where the past tense and past participle are different from the infinitive and each other (e.g. arise, awake, begin).
In this powerpoint we were able to come up with a lesson, explain it, and list questions for the child to answer. There were links that would tell the child if they got the question right or wrong. This was very educational and I plan on using this one in my classroom
This document defines and provides examples of different types of verbs: action verbs that show action, linking verbs that connect subjects to predicates, and helping verbs that assist main verbs. It explains that action verbs tell what a subject does, linking verbs link subjects to predicates without showing action, and helping verbs come before and help main verbs. Examples of each verb type are given and readers are asked to identify verbs in sample sentences.
Two words rhyme when they have the same ending sound. The document provides examples of rhyming word pairs like "bat" and "cat" as well as non-rhyming pairs like "book" and "cup". It encourages playing a rhyming word game by writing down the word that rhymes with a given word, such as "spoon" rhyming with "moon" or "frog" rhyming with "dog".
Words with the Long /e/ sound spelled as ee and eaMAILYNVIODOR1
This document provides examples of words containing the long /e/ sound spelled as "ee" or "ea". Some of these words include sheep, deer, jeep, seeds, feet, teeth, feed, bee, three, seal, meat, leaf. The document then lists these words in phrases and sentences to demonstrate their usage.
Here is a possible sequence of events before going to school:
First, I wake up in the morning when my alarm clock rings. Then, I get out of bed and do my morning routine which includes taking a bath, brushing my teeth and getting dressed in my school uniform. Afterwards, I have my breakfast which usually consists of bread, milk and fruits. Finally, I pack my school bag with my notebooks, pencil case and other school necessities. Then I'm ready to go to school.
Parent Resources to Teach Kids 18 Consonant Blends-Charts, Practice Pages & A...Lynn Scotty
Teaching video using this slideshow -
This video focuses on 18 consonant blends: bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, pl, pr, sc, sk, sl, sn, sp, st and tr
This document defines synonyms as two different words that mean the same thing and provides examples of synonyms for common words like big, quickly, cold, happy, small. It explains that synonyms are different words with equivalent meanings and can be used interchangeably in sentences to vary vocabulary without changing the core meaning. Examples are provided to illustrate synonyms for different parts of speech like adjectives and adverbs.
1) The document discusses various English tenses used to talk about the future, including will, be going to, present continuous, present simple, future continuous, future progressive, and future perfect.
2) It provides examples of how each tense is used, such as using will to express intentions or predictions, be going to for plans or predictions based on evidence, and present continuous for arranged future events.
3) The key difference between future continuous and future perfect is explained, with future continuous expressing an action ongoing at a specific future time and future perfect expressing an action completed before another future time or event.
The document is about a grade 1 lesson plan on long a sounds. It includes objectives, a drill, review, poem, questions, examples of words with long a sounds grouped by patterns, generalizations about word patterns, an application activity of matching words to sounds, and an evaluation with sentences to complete. The homework is to use 5 words in sentences.
This document provides a lesson plan for teaching short e vowel sounds to students. It includes objectives to recognize and read words with the short e sound correctly. It then presents pictures and words for students to name, followed by a poem and phrases/sentences for students to read that incorporate short e words. It concludes with a brief evaluation and homework assigning students to identify short e words in a list.
This document discusses phonograms, which are groups of letters that make a single sound. It provides examples of common English digraphs like "ch", "ck", "qu", "ph", "sh", "tch", "th", and "wh" and demonstrates each with a word where it is used, such as "chin", "black", "queen", "phone", and "whistle". The document also mentions counting phonemes in words and naming syllable types.
The document discusses pronouns, which take the place of nouns. Pronouns include I, me, my, you, he, him, she, her, they, them, it, we, and us. Examples are provided to demonstrate how pronouns replace nouns or noun phrases (the antecedent). The document then provides practice identifying pronouns and choosing the pronoun that correctly refers to the antecedent in several sentences.
This document provides instruction on using the articles "a", "an", and "the" in English. It explains that "a" and "an" are used before singular nouns to refer to one unspecified person or thing, with "an" used before words beginning with a vowel sound. "The" is used to refer to a specific or defined noun. It gives examples of when to use definite ("the") vs indefinite ("a"/"an") articles. It also discusses cases where no article is used, like with names or plural nouns. Exercises are included to help readers identify the correct article in different contexts.
The document is a collection of random words with no clear meaning or narrative. It does not provide any essential information that could be summarized in 1-3 sentences.
The 2nd grade high-frequency words document lists 38 words that students should automatically recognize by the end of 2nd grade, including words like "over", "only", "place", "back", "after", and "name".
This document provides a short vowel review for kindergarten students. It introduces the short vowel sounds //, //, /牒/, //, and /鏑/ with example words containing each vowel sound. For each vowel, it lists a word to demonstrate the sound and additional words with that vowel sound to practice. The goal is to help kindergarteners learn and review the core short vowel sounds.
This is my first PowerPoint presentation I've done in years. My classroom has recently had a SmartBoard installed so I definitely could use the extra practice in creating PowerPoint presentations to supplement my lessons. Thanks for viewing!
The document discusses long and short vowel sounds. It notes that there are 5 short vowel sounds - a, e, i, o, u - and provides examples of words containing each sound. Similarly, it states there are 5 long vowel sounds and gives examples for each one. The document includes illustrations of example words for each vowel sound. It concludes with a short quiz to test recognition of long and short vowel sounds in different words.
The document lists various words containing short and long vowel sounds to help teach vowel identification. It includes common nouns like cat, dog, frog, and objects like hat, mop, drum, yo-yo. The purpose is to expose the reader to different vowel sounds so they can recognize vowels in words.
Here are 10 common spellings each for the long vowel /i:/ and short vowel /i/ in English:
ee, as in tree
ea, as in leaf
ie, as in chief
e, as in machine
e_e, as in these
ey, as in they
ei, as in seize
eigh, as in eight
i, as in police
y, as in rhyme
i, as in bit
y, as in happy
ie, as in friend
igh, as in high
e, as in women
a, as in various
o, as in women
u, as in business
This document discusses the different types of vowel sounds in English: short vowels like in "hut" and "hat", long vowels like in "boot" and "ball", and diphthongs which are double vowel sounds like in "deer" and "boy". Examples are provided for each vowel sound type to demonstrate pronunciation.
This document provides instructions for recognizing and writing words that contain the short vowel i sound. Learners are asked to look at pictures, say the word each picture represents, and then try to write all the words correctly using a pencil and paper.
This document provides pictures for children to look at and say the word for each picture shown to practice long vowel u words, then instructs them to take pencil and paper to try writing all the words correctly in 3 sentences or less.
This document provides pictures for children to look at and say the word for each picture to practice long vowel I sounds, and then instructs them to take pencil and paper to try writing the words they said correctly.
This document provides instructions for recognizing and writing words that contain the short vowel sound "u". Learners are told to look at pictures, say the words they represent, and then try writing the words correctly using pencil and paper. An example sentence is also provided to demonstrate a word containing the short "u" sound.
The document discusses the various fields of science and the types of scientists that work in each field. It describes scientists that study engineering, medicine, architecture, zoology, marine biology, paleontology, geology, meteorology, botany, astronomy, volcanology, and entomology. The summary encourages readers that they too could become scientists.
This document provides instruction on short vowel sounds for phonics. It includes exercises for students to identify words with the same vowel sound by circling or crossing out pictures and words in lists. The exercises focus on the short vowel sounds for a, e, i, o, and u and include pictures and words for students to practice identifying matches in vowel sounds.
The document is a presentation for UKG (Upper Kindergarten) kids made by Kiran Arya. It includes lists of word families organized by vowel sound, including words ending in "at", "ap", "an", "ad", and other vowel combinations like "ag", "am", and "ab". It provides examples of words for students to learn about patterns in word sounds and families.
This document appears to be listing words that contain the short e sound. It includes the words ten, end, shelf, when, kept, jet, and bed, all of which contain a short e sound. The document is very brief, simply listing these words in a single paragraph with no other context provided.
The document appears to be practicing spelling various words by writing them out letter by letter with spaces between each letter. The words practiced include: bat, sat, cat, pat, mat, fat, hat, pat, fat, hat, bat, sat, cat, mat. Towards the end, it instructs the reader to "Spell the word correctly" and provides letter cues for bat, sat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat with spaces between each letter.
This document lists 14 three-letter words that can be formed using the letters S, A, T, P, N, I. The words include sat, pat, tap, sap, nap, tan, pan, sit, pit, nit, pip, sip, tip, and tin.
Este documento presenta la informaci坦n sobre el segundo grado en la escuela. Detalla las maestras, la agenda de clases, las unidades de estudio, las expectativas de disciplina, la colaboraci坦n entre padres y maestros, las excursiones, las tareas, la evaluaci坦n y los programas. Tambi辿n proporciona detalles sobre el blog y correo electr坦nico de los maestros y las citas.
Este documento presenta la informaci坦n para el segundo grado en la escuela, incluyendo las maestras, la agenda de clases, las unidades de estudio, las pol鱈ticas de tareas, disciplina y evaluaci坦n, y los recursos disponibles como los blogs de los maestros y la biblioteca digital.
This document provides instructions to look at pictures, say the word each picture represents, take a pencil and paper, and try to write down all the words correctly in 3 sentences or less.
This document provides instructions to look at pictures, say the word each picture represents, take a pencil and paper, and try to write down all the words correctly in 3 sentences or less.
This document provides instructions for recognizing and writing words with the long vowel e sound. Learners are asked to look at pictures, say the word each picture represents, take a pencil and paper, and try to write all the words correctly.
This document discusses the different types of stories and their key elements. Stories can be short or long, written by an author, and illustrated with pictures. All stories have a title and many include characters. The setting refers to where the story takes place. Some stories provide facts, others are just for fun, and fables aim to teach a lesson. Importantly, stories contain a beginning, middle, and end. The document concludes by asking what kind of stories the reader enjoys.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.