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Short Breaks For Parents and
Carers of Children With
Helping You To Make The Right
Version 1
Caerphilly County Borough Council provides a universal range of services that can
provide a short break for children and young people with disabilities, their parents and
carers. Some services are provided directly by Education, Childrens Services, Sport
and Leisure, Youth Services or through partnerships with other organisations like
GAVO, Action For Children and Barnardos for community based services local to where
people live. Our Children and Young People Partnership also fund a range of services
for disabled children and are available from the Caerphilly Childrens Centre.
The statement is provided as a guide only and more information can be obtained about
services by using the contact information at the end.
What are Short Breaks?
Short breaks, sometimes called respite, provide parents and carers who have children
and young people with disabilities with a break from caring for a few hours in the day or
overnight stay for children with complex disabilities. There is a good range of services
that includes after school activities, community based play, sport and leisure.
Most services mentioned in the statement will be based on an assessment of a childs
needs to ensure that it best supports the child and helps them develop while providing
an opportunity for parents and carers to take a break. Provided a child has a social
worker, parents and carers will also be entitled to an assessment in their own right
which will help the social worker to understand the level and extent of care they are
Who are Short Break for?
Children and young people with disabilities between the age of 0 and 17 to enable them
 Enjoy a fun and positive time away from their parents or carers
 Develop friendships and socialise
 Take part in inclusive activities with non disabled children
 Develop new skills and abilities
Parents and carers with caring responsibilities for children and young people aged 0 to
18. The range of services available should provide:
Version 1
Who Is Eligible For Short Breaks and Support Service?
Any parent or carer who has a child with a disability living in Caerphilly County Borough
Council will be able to access one or more services depending on their childs needs and
what the service is able to offer. Apart from universal services most services will
carry out an assessment so they can make sure it is right for the child and supports
their needs. The chart below is provided as a guide to illustrate the 3 tiers of services
Level Assessment Service Example
Level 1
Universal -
Open to
No assessment needed. Parent or
carer will be able to ask for a
service by ringing up or going along.
 Cubs, Brownies, Scouts
 After school clubs
 School play
 Youth activities
 Sport and leisure clubs
 Disability Sport Services
Level 2
Targeted to
help meet
A short (Initial) assessment will be
carried out by the organisation
providing the service. Parents and
carers may ask a professional to
refer them.
 Child-disability Play Services
 Child-disability nursery and
community based play
 Child-disability School holiday
 Saturday Club
Level 3
for complex
A longer (Core) assessment will be
carried out by the Children With
Disability Team, which will look at
short breaks and to see if there are
other things that can help a family.
 Sitting Service
 Outreach Service
 Family Link
 Blackwood Resource Centre
 Direct Payments
What Sort of Short Breaks Are Available?
There are many services that provide short breaks for children with disabilities and
their parents and include:
Version 1
 Community Based Services
Services close to where the child and family live such as: Scouts, Guides, after
school clubs, youth activities, sports clubs, playgroups, holiday play and family
support services
 Disability Sport
Range of sporting and leisure activities open to children with disabilities and using
leisure centres across Caerphilly County Borough Council
 Nursery for Pre School Children
Based at Caerphilly Childrens Centre for children with disabilities not able to
access other nursery provision or community based playgroups.
 Community Based Play for Pre School Children
Access for children with disabilities to community based playgroups with support.
 Saturday Club
Based at Trinity Fields School where children and young people aged 8 to 17 mix
with their peers in a fun and stimulating environment
 Sitting Service
Trained sitters able to look after children in the family home while the parents or
carers take a break
 Outreach Service
Leisure service for children and young people to do activities of their choosing
within the community or to be integrated into an activity of their choosing such as
Scouts/Guides or youth services.
 School Holiday Play And Leisure
Fun activities that are age appropriate during school holidays at the Caerphilly
Childrens Centre and Trinity Fields School for children not able to access other
community based play.
Version 1
 Family Link Foster Care
Overnight break for children with a community based foster carer.
 Blackwood Resource Centre
Overnight break for children aged five and over in a residential setting.
All children have different needs and often it is a good idea to ring a service and talk
about what the service can offer and if it is right for you and your child. To find out
more see page 4 of the statement.
Direct Payments
Where an assessment has been undertaken by the Children With Disabilities Team and
it is agreed that a disabled child or young person is eligible for a service, one option for
providing that service would be through the provision of a direct payment to the family.
It would be agreed what service was needed and what it should achieve for the child.
Regular reviews would be undertaken by the childs social worker to ensure that the
service the family was purchasing with the direct payment was meeting the needs of
the child or young person. After a direct payment is agreed families arrange for
someone to undertake the work with their son or daughter. This could be a carer
coming into the home or it could be someone to take the young person out and about .If
a direct payment is agreed support can be given to help the family manage. Information
about this can be given by the Children with Disabilities team and more information is
provided about that team on page 4
How Do I Ask For Short Breaks?
Contact and Referral
If your child has a disability you can ask for help by ringing Childrens Services Contact
and Referral Service free on:
0808 100 1727
They will ask you for some information about your child and your circumstances to see
if you are eligible for an assessment. If you are not the person at the other end of the
phone will provide you with information and tell you about other services that may be
able to help including contact details.
Version 1
The Children With Disabilities Team
The Children With Disabilities Team provides a social work services to disabled
children and their families that includes assessment, planning, support, information and
short break services. There is also an Occupational Therapy service within the team for
children needing help to access all parts of their home and to be able to get out and
about. The manager Glenice Robinson and the team can be contacted on:
029 2084 9700
Integrated Services for Children With Additional Needs (ISCAN)
ISCAN is a service for parents and carers of children with disabilities up to the age of
12 and is based at the Caerphilly Childrens Centre. The service aims to provide co-
ordinated care for a child and their family by appointing a lead professional to work
with the family and make sure they get the right range of services and support. The
ISCAN lead professional will help make referrals to other services like short breaks.
In partnership with the Disability Sport Officer, ISCAN also offer holiday sports
sessions for school aged children with disabilities providing opportunities to have fun
try out different activities and to mix with their peers
More information can be obtained by ringing Bev Lane on the number below:
029 2086 7447
Caerphilly Childrens Centre
Caerphilly Childrens Centre provides a base for a range of health and social care
services and is managed by Action For Children. Since November 2011 it also provides
Families First for children with mild to moderate disabilities, which includes family
support, community based play and activities for children. The person to contact for
more information is Carolyn Jones
029 2086 7447
GAVO run an Inclusive Play Service that would be suitable for most children with
disabilities. More information can be obtained by ringing or e-mailing Jackie Prosser:
Version 1
01443 863540
Disability Sport
Paul Taylor is the Disability Sports Officer for Caerphilly County Borough Council and
runs lots of activities during the week, week end and school holidays. He can be
contacted on:
01443 863225
Youth Services
Youth services in Caerphilly County Borough offer a range of services to young people
with disabilities and range from clubs to adventure activities. They can be contacted
by ringing:
01443 863069
There is lots of information on activities on the Youth4U webpage and can be found at:
Other Services That May Be Useful
National Child Minding Association (NCMA)
NCMA provide a network of childminding services across the UK and will provided local
services. Their website contains lots of useful information for parents and contact
details as shown below:
0845 880 0044
Caerphilly County Borough offers a range of services for lone parents and those
receiving Child Benefit or Child Tax Credit to access training and education. Support
can include child care. To find out more about Genisis contact:
Cath Brewn on 078509 17409
Version 1
Bridges To Work
Bridges to work offers support to people to get back into the work place if they are
unemployed or have been out of the workforce for some time and need a helping hand.
Support can also include help with child care needs. To find out more contact:
Louise Reed on 01495 237921
Useful Contacts and Web Addresses:
The following organisations can provide advice and information for parents on a wide
range of issues relating to child disability and other matters:
Caerphilly Childrens Information Service
01443 863232
Contact A Family Wales
Freephone 0808 8883555
There is also a useful Community Guide and Directory 2012 which is viewable and
downloadable on the Caerphilly County Borough website at www.caerphilly.gov.uk
About This Statement
Caerphilly County Borough Council would like to express their gratitude for the help and
support in developing this statement provided by parents who themselves have disabled
children. We would also like to hear from other parents about the statement and how it
can be improved as we plan to update it next year. Please send comments to Beverley
Mills by:
e-mail millsb@caerphilly.gov.uk
ringing: 01443 864529
writing to: Childrens Services
Ty Penallta,
Tredomen Business Park,
Ystrad Mynach,
CF82 7PG

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  • 1. Short Breaks For Parents and Carers of Children With Disabilities Helping You To Make The Right Choice
  • 2. Version 1 1 Introduction Caerphilly County Borough Council provides a universal range of services that can provide a short break for children and young people with disabilities, their parents and carers. Some services are provided directly by Education, Childrens Services, Sport and Leisure, Youth Services or through partnerships with other organisations like GAVO, Action For Children and Barnardos for community based services local to where people live. Our Children and Young People Partnership also fund a range of services for disabled children and are available from the Caerphilly Childrens Centre. The statement is provided as a guide only and more information can be obtained about services by using the contact information at the end. What are Short Breaks? Short breaks, sometimes called respite, provide parents and carers who have children and young people with disabilities with a break from caring for a few hours in the day or overnight stay for children with complex disabilities. There is a good range of services that includes after school activities, community based play, sport and leisure. Most services mentioned in the statement will be based on an assessment of a childs needs to ensure that it best supports the child and helps them develop while providing an opportunity for parents and carers to take a break. Provided a child has a social worker, parents and carers will also be entitled to an assessment in their own right which will help the social worker to understand the level and extent of care they are providing. Who are Short Break for? Children and young people with disabilities between the age of 0 and 17 to enable them to: Enjoy a fun and positive time away from their parents or carers Develop friendships and socialise Take part in inclusive activities with non disabled children Develop new skills and abilities Parents and carers with caring responsibilities for children and young people aged 0 to 18. The range of services available should provide:
  • 3. Version 1 2 Choice Flexibility Confidence Who Is Eligible For Short Breaks and Support Service? Any parent or carer who has a child with a disability living in Caerphilly County Borough Council will be able to access one or more services depending on their childs needs and what the service is able to offer. Apart from universal services most services will carry out an assessment so they can make sure it is right for the child and supports their needs. The chart below is provided as a guide to illustrate the 3 tiers of services available: Level Assessment Service Example Level 1 Universal - Open to Everyone No assessment needed. Parent or carer will be able to ask for a service by ringing up or going along. Cubs, Brownies, Scouts After school clubs School play Youth activities Sport and leisure clubs Disability Sport Services Level 2 Targeted to help meet needs A short (Initial) assessment will be carried out by the organisation providing the service. Parents and carers may ask a professional to refer them. Child-disability Play Services Child-disability nursery and community based play Child-disability School holiday play Saturday Club Level 3 Specialised for complex children A longer (Core) assessment will be carried out by the Children With Disability Team, which will look at short breaks and to see if there are other things that can help a family. Sitting Service Outreach Service Family Link Blackwood Resource Centre Direct Payments What Sort of Short Breaks Are Available? There are many services that provide short breaks for children with disabilities and their parents and include:
  • 4. Version 1 3 Community Based Services Services close to where the child and family live such as: Scouts, Guides, after school clubs, youth activities, sports clubs, playgroups, holiday play and family support services Disability Sport Range of sporting and leisure activities open to children with disabilities and using leisure centres across Caerphilly County Borough Council Nursery for Pre School Children Based at Caerphilly Childrens Centre for children with disabilities not able to access other nursery provision or community based playgroups. Community Based Play for Pre School Children Access for children with disabilities to community based playgroups with support. Saturday Club Based at Trinity Fields School where children and young people aged 8 to 17 mix with their peers in a fun and stimulating environment Sitting Service Trained sitters able to look after children in the family home while the parents or carers take a break Outreach Service Leisure service for children and young people to do activities of their choosing within the community or to be integrated into an activity of their choosing such as Scouts/Guides or youth services. School Holiday Play And Leisure Fun activities that are age appropriate during school holidays at the Caerphilly Childrens Centre and Trinity Fields School for children not able to access other community based play.
  • 5. Version 1 4 Family Link Foster Care Overnight break for children with a community based foster carer. Blackwood Resource Centre Overnight break for children aged five and over in a residential setting. All children have different needs and often it is a good idea to ring a service and talk about what the service can offer and if it is right for you and your child. To find out more see page 4 of the statement. Direct Payments Where an assessment has been undertaken by the Children With Disabilities Team and it is agreed that a disabled child or young person is eligible for a service, one option for providing that service would be through the provision of a direct payment to the family. It would be agreed what service was needed and what it should achieve for the child. Regular reviews would be undertaken by the childs social worker to ensure that the service the family was purchasing with the direct payment was meeting the needs of the child or young person. After a direct payment is agreed families arrange for someone to undertake the work with their son or daughter. This could be a carer coming into the home or it could be someone to take the young person out and about .If a direct payment is agreed support can be given to help the family manage. Information about this can be given by the Children with Disabilities team and more information is provided about that team on page 4 How Do I Ask For Short Breaks? Contact and Referral If your child has a disability you can ask for help by ringing Childrens Services Contact and Referral Service free on: 0808 100 1727 They will ask you for some information about your child and your circumstances to see if you are eligible for an assessment. If you are not the person at the other end of the phone will provide you with information and tell you about other services that may be able to help including contact details.
  • 6. Version 1 5 The Children With Disabilities Team The Children With Disabilities Team provides a social work services to disabled children and their families that includes assessment, planning, support, information and short break services. There is also an Occupational Therapy service within the team for children needing help to access all parts of their home and to be able to get out and about. The manager Glenice Robinson and the team can be contacted on: 029 2084 9700 childrenwithdisabilities@caerphilly.gov.uk Integrated Services for Children With Additional Needs (ISCAN) ISCAN is a service for parents and carers of children with disabilities up to the age of 12 and is based at the Caerphilly Childrens Centre. The service aims to provide co- ordinated care for a child and their family by appointing a lead professional to work with the family and make sure they get the right range of services and support. The ISCAN lead professional will help make referrals to other services like short breaks. In partnership with the Disability Sport Officer, ISCAN also offer holiday sports sessions for school aged children with disabilities providing opportunities to have fun try out different activities and to mix with their peers More information can be obtained by ringing Bev Lane on the number below: 029 2086 7447 Caerphilly Childrens Centre Caerphilly Childrens Centre provides a base for a range of health and social care services and is managed by Action For Children. Since November 2011 it also provides Families First for children with mild to moderate disabilities, which includes family support, community based play and activities for children. The person to contact for more information is Carolyn Jones 029 2086 7447 GAVO GAVO run an Inclusive Play Service that would be suitable for most children with disabilities. More information can be obtained by ringing or e-mailing Jackie Prosser:
  • 7. Version 1 6 01443 863540 jackie.prosser@gavowales.org.uk Disability Sport Paul Taylor is the Disability Sports Officer for Caerphilly County Borough Council and runs lots of activities during the week, week end and school holidays. He can be contacted on: 01443 863225 Youth Services Youth services in Caerphilly County Borough offer a range of services to young people with disabilities and range from clubs to adventure activities. They can be contacted by ringing: 01443 863069 There is lots of information on activities on the Youth4U webpage and can be found at: www.youth4u.co.uk Other Services That May Be Useful National Child Minding Association (NCMA) NCMA provide a network of childminding services across the UK and will provided local services. Their website contains lots of useful information for parents and contact details as shown below: www..ncma.org.uk 0845 880 0044 Genisis Caerphilly County Borough offers a range of services for lone parents and those receiving Child Benefit or Child Tax Credit to access training and education. Support can include child care. To find out more about Genisis contact: Cath Brewn on 078509 17409
  • 8. Version 1 7 Bridges To Work Bridges to work offers support to people to get back into the work place if they are unemployed or have been out of the workforce for some time and need a helping hand. Support can also include help with child care needs. To find out more contact: Louise Reed on 01495 237921 Useful Contacts and Web Addresses: The following organisations can provide advice and information for parents on a wide range of issues relating to child disability and other matters: Caerphilly Childrens Information Service 01443 863232 fis@caerphilly.gov.uk Contact A Family Wales Freephone 0808 8883555 Wales.office@cafamily.org.uk There is also a useful Community Guide and Directory 2012 which is viewable and downloadable on the Caerphilly County Borough website at www.caerphilly.gov.uk About This Statement Caerphilly County Borough Council would like to express their gratitude for the help and support in developing this statement provided by parents who themselves have disabled children. We would also like to hear from other parents about the statement and how it can be improved as we plan to update it next year. Please send comments to Beverley Mills by: e-mail millsb@caerphilly.gov.uk ringing: 01443 864529 writing to: Childrens Services Ty Penallta, Tredomen Business Park, Ystrad Mynach, CF82 7PG