Students will take turns presenting something important to them individually to the class for 3-5 minutes as part of a weekly show and tell activity. They should bring the object or prepare a PowerPoint and explain what the item is, where it is from, and why it is important to them such as memories, uses, or what it represents. Nick's show and tell example was his Kansas City Royals baseball hat which is important because the Royals are his favorite team, he has fun memories of games, and it represents where he is from.
2. instructions
Every week 3 students will present (individually)
Choose something that is important to you and present it to the class
Examples could be: a gift you received, something you collect, something you got on a vacation,
something you use everyday, a special talent
If you can´t bring the object with you to class, you can prepare a powerpoint with pictures/videos to
show the class
What you need to explain:
1. What you brought
2. Where it is from
3. Why it is important to you (what you use it for, special memories it reminds you of, etc.)