This document summarizes a case study conducted by Biolauncher to benchmark stem cell science in Cambridge, UK compared to other global cities. The study analyzed pubmed publications between 2000-2009 with stem cell MeSH headings to map total publications, total impact factor, and average impact factor of the top 15 stem cell research cities each year. The results showed that Cambridge, UK and London, UK were leading locations for stem cell research in Europe in terms of both research capacity and academic leadership. The case study concluded that Cambridge, UK is an important open innovation destination for companies seeking to access stem cell innovation.
2. Better Evidence - Smarter Business
Biolauncher extends the principals of bioinfirmatics to business
Integrating extensive and diverse sources of commercial life science
information to make informed business decisions
Proprietary Information System called ShowcaseBio
350 publically available data feeds
Advanced text analytics
Brings together patent, publication, company, news and more
An extensive range of business applications
This case study illustrates how the system enables open innovation and evidenced
based partnering strategies
3. ShowcaseBio System
News Company Events & Directories & Scientific Drugs, Devices, Patents &
& Deals Websites Conferences Listings Literature Products & Services Inventions
Automated Semantic Semantic Database
Data Integration Processes
Market / Industry Targeted Sales Trip Supply Chain Purchasing & Open
Analysis Lead Generation Planner Management Partnering Innovation
4. Why Benchmark Cambridge, UK?
Approached by regional inward investment agency East of England
Responsible for promoting Cambridge, UK as a destination for global life science
Prioritising Stem cell science and regenerative medicine
Wanted to understand How good is Cambridge, UK?
Challenge of that question is you need to be able to answer How good
is every other city in the world and where does Cambridge, UK rank?
Other centres are investing to attract stem cell business
5. Benchmarking Stem Cell Science
Aim: To quantify Cambridge, UK stem cell research leadership
Employ objective methodology that examines academic output
Analysis performed using ShowcaseBio
Considered peer review publications (academic output) recorded in
with MeSH heading of Stem Cells
Papers published between 2000 and 2009
Divided into annual datasets
Attributed and mapped total publications per city based upon first
author address
7. Total Publications Shows Capacity
Each publication is not equivalent some greatly advance the
understanding of the field, others are additive
Biolauncher can not read each paper, nor are we qualified to make
judgements about each publications merits
Employ Impact factors to rank publications by impact
Used EigenFactor Article Influence
Article Influence score is a measure of the average influence of each of its
articles over the first five years after publication
More information at
Comparable to Thomson Scientific's widely-used Impact Factor
Map the total impact factor by city to reveal total competence at each
9. Total Impact Factor
Total Impact Factor is a measure of capacity and competence at each
It does not reveal academic leadership, because
Relatively few leaders in any subject
Leadership is identified by the
The prestige/impact of the journal that publishes papers
Frequency that the publication is cited by peers
Leaders have a higher average impact score than their peers
Biolauncher calculated and mapped the average impact factor for the
top 15 cities for each year 2000-2009
11. Top 15 Stem Cell Centres
Ann Arbor, US
Baltimore, US
Average Impact Factor
Bethesda, US
Boston, US
Cambridge, US
4 Cambridge, GB
Houston, US
London, GB
3 Los Angeles, US
New York, US
Paris, FR
2 Philadelphia, US
San Francisco, US
Stanford, US
1 Tokyo, JP
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
12. Conclusions
Cambridge scientists are publishing influential research
Cambridge and London leading location for research in Europe,
combining leadership and capacity
Cambridge, UK as an important open innovation destination for
companies seeking to access stem cell innovation
Methodology provides an objective approach to assessing academic
leadership in any life science domain
13. Limitations of the Analysis
Affiliation information is usually only associated with the first author of
a paper. For collaborative papers with multiple authors at different
insitutions this may mean that some attributions are missed.
All average impact factors are fundamentally based on citation
metrics within a large but finite pool of publications, the majority of
which are English language journals. This inevitably discriminates
against papers that are written in languages other than English.
Not all addresses provided in PubMed will geocode correctly.
formed or incomplete addresses may be excluded from this analysis.
BioLauncher chose not to aggregate closely related place names, e.g.
Stanford and Palo Alto ; Cambridge and Boston, US or Cambridge
and London, UK.
14. Commercial Strategy Applications
Service or Characterise
Technology Target Refine Query Act!
Offered/Wanted Businesses
Planning market entry strategy, licensing partner or investor exit
Review clinical trials to understand product development potential
Choosing an overseas location consider direct flight destinations
from the nearest airport - can you reach customers easily?
Best results arise from being able to consider a wide range of
Expect to review results to effectively prioritise opportunity
15. Connections to European Biologics Market
Grey discs show a 50
mile radius around
airports served by
Stansted London Stansted
Airport 30 minutes from
Cambridge, UK
16. Case Study: Finding Licensing Deals
Service or
Technology Marketing division seeking high value diagnostic imaging products to launch in Far East
Characterise Modality specific, CE marked/FDA approved with diagnostic application to Liver, Abdomen,
Target Businesses Breast, Point of Care, Emergency Room without access to Far Eastern Market
Expanded query terms to look for relevant terms,
Refine Query 527,075 pages
using text analytics and vocabulary tools in ShowcaseBio
over 41,500
Review Identified a due diligence set of 230 companies for review,
Results grouped by diagnostic indication(s) and stage of clinical approval
Act! Prioritised 8 companies as a shortlist for consideration.
17. Find out more...
Visit our website
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