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CyberColloids: an Irish SME that has made its name as a global centre ofCyberColloids: an Irish SME that has made its name as a global centre ofCyberColloids: an Irish SME that has made its name as a global centre ofCyberColloids: an Irish SME that has made its name as a global centre of
excellence for hydrocolloids research and innovationexcellence for hydrocolloids research and innovationexcellence for hydrocolloids research and innovationexcellence for hydrocolloids research and innovation
CyberColloids was set up in 2002 by four founding members with a vision to
provide outsourcing of every aspect of the hydrocolloids world. With many
years of experience in the global food industry behind them they were all too
familiar with the scenario of high overheads associated with corporate
research and the growing trend towards more cost effective outsourcing 
hence their vision to form the company. Now in 2015, CyberColloids is
established as a centre of excellence for polysaccharide and hydrocolloid
research and innovation, not only in Europe but on a global basis. We
provide R&D services worldwide and are a recognised research provider at an
EU level.
CyberColloids is a unique organisation devoted to bringing hydrocolloid
innovation to industry through a network of expert associates and
companies working together, sharing expertise & resources and delivering
cost effective solutions. The company is based in Co. Cork where the main
offices and laboratory are situated, there are now 12 people in our team, 10
based in Ireland and 2 in the UK.
There is no doubt that being based Ireland has been a key factor in our
success. Government agencies and industry alike have worked hard to build
Irelands international reputation as a food isle. There is strong national
drive to maintain this reputation especially with global threats to food
security and sustainability. Food science and technology feature strongly in
the teaching and research agendas of Irish HIEs. Our proximity to University
College Cork (UCC), Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and the TEAGASC
Dairy Product Research Centre at Moorepark has been an important enabler
for CyberColloids. Access to facilities and expertise at these centres allows
us to work flexibly to meet all of our R&D demands for production,
characterisation and scale up. In addition, the pool of high quality graduates
trained at these centres has proven invaluable with several of our team being
recruited locally.
In recent years, Irish SMEs have benefitted considerably from a national drive
to strengthen and support the SME sector. Government agencies e.g.
Enterprise Ireland and Local Enterprise Boards have specific funding and
support networks in place and in 2014 the Irish Government launched a
dedicated campaign to support SMEs. CyberColloids has been fortunate
enough to avail of such support by securing funding for Feasibility Studies
from Enterprise Ireland and a grant from the Local Enterprise Board which
enabled us to purchase an Anton Paar rheometer. The rheometer is an
essential piece of equipment for a laboratory that is dedicated to
hydrocolloid and polysaccharide research and is our most commonly used
piece of equipment. Having this level of in-house rheometry capability has
meant that CyberColloids has been able to extend its R&D offering to
existing and potential clients and also attract more research funding.
What does CyberColloids offer?What does CyberColloids offer?What does CyberColloids offer?What does CyberColloids offer?
CyberColloids core business and expertise is in polysaccharide and
hydrocolloid chemistry. There are many users of hydrocolloids, practically
every food market sector uses hydrocolloids and also many industrial sectors
but there are far fewer experts in hydrocolloids and not every user of
hydrocolloids can justify the expense of in-house expertise. In addition, all
hydrocolloids have different properties and functionalities and its not a case
of one hydrocolloid fits all. With our broad expertise base we offer a
complete range of services - from contract research to strategic business
development - to help raw material suppliers, processors and users of
hydrocolloids to get the most from their hydrocolloids. Its a successful
model that has enabled us to secure a global client base that comprises
large multinational food companies to small family enterprises.
What we offer in a nutshellWhat we offer in a nutshellWhat we offer in a nutshellWhat we offer in a nutshell  seeseeseesee www.cybercolloids.netwww.cybercolloids.netwww.cybercolloids.netwww.cybercolloids.net for more detailfor more detailfor more detailfor more detail
Polysaccharide & hydrocolloid chemistry:Polysaccharide & hydrocolloid chemistry:Polysaccharide & hydrocolloid chemistry:Polysaccharide & hydrocolloid chemistry:
an important part of commercialising
products is having an understanding of a
products behaviour and its properties. We
help clients to choose the right
hydrocolloid for every application. We use
rheological methods and model food
systems to characterise the behavioural
properties of hydrocolloids, to verify
functionality and to identify underlying
causes for any changes in functionality.
We also help clients to define precise
purchase specifications for particular
applications based on this information or
use it to identify potential market
segments or application areas for
End use or applications research:End use or applications research:End use or applications research:End use or applications research: we
routinely deliver food formulation
solutions either in response to customer
technical problems or through new
product development and innovative use
of new or modified ingredients. For
example, we have helped customers to
improve laminated dough fluffiness in
bakery products using modified guars, to
make creamy 3% mayonnaise using new
cellulosic materials and to gel fruit preps
for use in bakery and dairy applications
using gelling fruit fibres. We have
particular expertise in dairy, meat,
savoury and bakery applications but
please see our website for information on
other applications.
Process development andProcess development andProcess development andProcess development and manufacturing:manufacturing:manufacturing:manufacturing:
CyberColloids experts have a history in
process development and implementation.
We typically develop new processes at
laboratory scale before demonstration at
pilot and/or full industrial scale. We also
help clients to design, build and
commission new units for cost effective
processing. If manufacturing is not a
strategic option then we can help to
identify toll manufacture or outsourced
production partnerships.
Strategic business support:Strategic business support:Strategic business support:Strategic business support: CyberColloids
is firmly rooted in the business world with
many years of experience in business
development and strategic planning. We
offer marketing support in many areas
including: definition of markets;
verification of product performance;
preparation of technical sales stories,
brochures and promotional material;
facilitating networks and identifying
business partners. We also conduct
customer specific training both in-house
and offsite.
A little company with big ideasA little company with big ideasA little company with big ideasA little company with big ideas
In 2005 CyberColloids started to look beyond the realms of food texture,
realising that hydrocolloids themselves and the biomass from which they are
derived had much more to offer - starting with seaweed. The company had
always had a commercial interest in seaweed as the biomass resource from
which the hydrocolloids carrageenan, alginate and agar are derived.
However, since 2005 we have been looking at seaweed differently, not just
as a source of hydrocolloids but as a far more valuable resource for potential
use in human nutrition, health and wellbeing. In particular we have
investigated the use of seaweed ingredients for naturally healthy foods and
functional foods including: low molecular weight fibres and prebiotics for
gut health; polyphenols with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential
and natural flavour compounds for salt replacement.
At the time CyberColloids didnt have the capability to dedicate a budget or
team member to explore the full potential of seaweed. The FUSION
programme was offered by InterTrade Ireland as a solution. We were able to
recruit a new team member to focus on the research and were partnered
with the Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health (NICHE) at the
University of Ulster who brought the expertise in nutrition. This successful
partnership launched CyberColloids Seaweeds for Health research
platform. A second FUSION programme followed and crucially for the
company, the opportunity to participate in European funded FP7 framework
projects. We have now participated in five successful FP7 projects and are
just embarking on our first Horizon 2020 project (see below).
The hydrocolloids world in which we operate is changing  as is our thinking.
In the past, the production of food ingredients has led to the purposeful
extraction, removal, substitution and even throwing away of many nutritional
components but with the drive towards naturalness and the use of less
processed food ingredients, the food texture industry is responding and we
are seeing a change in roles for hydrocolloids and food fibres. Intelligent
processing and application of hydrocolloids and food fibres is enabling their
use for both texture and nutrition and thus in the formulation of healthier
foods. We are now actively engaged in research activities aimed at
developing novel processing methodologies and innovative applications for
a wide variety of plant derived polysaccharides and other bioactives e.g.
polyphenols. Including the development of low molecular weight fibres and
polysaccharides with potential health benefits; new texture systems for
healthier formulations and better quality products and natural texture
ingredients with better functionality.
Our current and recent research focusOur current and recent research focusOur current and recent research focusOur current and recent research focus ---- seeseeseesee www.cybercolloids.netwww.cybercolloids.netwww.cybercolloids.netwww.cybercolloids.net for more detailfor more detailfor more detailfor more detail
EU funded PROTEIN2FOOD Project (2015EU funded PROTEIN2FOOD Project (2015EU funded PROTEIN2FOOD Project (2015EU funded PROTEIN2FOOD Project (2015----
2019):2019):2019):2019): developing innovative plant protein
rich foods from different seed and legume
EU funded GLUTENFREE ProjectEU funded GLUTENFREE ProjectEU funded GLUTENFREE ProjectEU funded GLUTENFREE Project
(2010/13(2010/13(2010/13(2010/13): developing higher quality
gluten free bakery and pasta products.
EPA fundedEPA fundedEPA fundedEPA funded Green Enterprise ProjectGreen Enterprise ProjectGreen Enterprise ProjectGreen Enterprise Project
Vegetable Waste as a Rich ResourceVegetable Waste as a Rich ResourceVegetable Waste as a Rich ResourceVegetable Waste as a Rich Resource
(2015):(2015):(2015):(2015): developing intelligent processing
methodologies for the upgrade of potato
and carrot waste from the Irish processing
industry for use as new food fibres with
texture functionality.
EU funded TASTE Project (2012/14):EU funded TASTE Project (2012/14):EU funded TASTE Project (2012/14):EU funded TASTE Project (2012/14):
developing natural flavour ingredients
from edible seaweeds with the potential to
replace sodium in food products.
EU funded SWAFAX Project (2010/13EU funded SWAFAX Project (2010/13EU funded SWAFAX Project (2010/13EU funded SWAFAX Project (2010/13):
investigating the anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant potential of seaweed extracts.
EU funded LIKEMEAT PEU funded LIKEMEAT PEU funded LIKEMEAT PEU funded LIKEMEAT Project (2010/13roject (2010/13roject (2010/13roject (2010/13):
development of meat analogues with
superior textural and sensorial quality
using plant derived proteins.
InterTrade Ireland funded pInterTrade Ireland funded pInterTrade Ireland funded pInterTrade Ireland funded projectrojectrojectroject
(2010/11):(2010/11):(2010/11):(2010/11): developing extraction and
characterisation techniques for the
production of seaweed extracts with anti-
cancer potential.
EU funded HYFFI Project (2008/11):EU funded HYFFI Project (2008/11):EU funded HYFFI Project (2008/11):EU funded HYFFI Project (2008/11):
developing novel processing techniques
to produce low molecular weight agars
and alginates with prebiotic potential.
Irish Marine Institute Industry Led AwardIrish Marine Institute Industry Led AwardIrish Marine Institute Industry Led AwardIrish Marine Institute Industry Led Award
(2008/9):(2008/9):(2008/9):(2008/9): investigating the flavouring and
taste components of Irish seaweeds for
use in reduced salt products.
InterTrade Ireland funded projectInterTrade Ireland funded projectInterTrade Ireland funded projectInterTrade Ireland funded project
(2005/7):(2005/7):(2005/7):(2005/7): investigating the nutritional
potential of edible seaweeds for the
development of ingredients for functional
Looking forwardLooking forwardLooking forwardLooking forward
In line with the national and global drive for improved food security and
resource efficiency, we have a particular interest in the valorisation of
downstream materials and new or underutilised wholefood biomass
resources. With our particular expertise, we can turn our hand to most any
polysaccharide rich material that is derived from plants or seaweed. We are
currently working on a project to upgrade processing and out-grade waste
from the Irish potato and carrot processing industries. Potatoes and carrots
are the two largest root crops in Ireland and an estimated 50-60,000 tonnes
of waste is generated nationally every year. This represents a significant
resource that is being underutilised and one that we can do something with
that will make a difference to the Irish industry. Other interesting biomass
resources that we have worked on include: fruit processing waste (apple,
blackcurrant and citrus e.g. grapefruit & orange); vegetable processing waste
(celery and beetroot); cereal (oat), seed (flaxseed) and spice extract wastes
(chilli and turmeric).
All in all, CyberColloids will continue to support our clients to derive cost
effective texture and nutrition and to add value to existing processing
practices. Were keen to participate in future collaborative projects; in
particular in the area of developing novel processing methodologies, new
ingredients and innovative applications for use in the food and health
A network of hydrocolloid
experts and companies working
together to create a centre of
excellence for polysaccharide
chemistry and applications
CyberColloids is a unique organisation devoted to bringing
hydrocolloid innovation to industry with a view to enabling
companies to cost effectively add value through research and
For more information about the company and our research activities please see
the company website: www.cybercolloids.net or contact us on +353 (0)
Ross Campbell ross@cybercolloids.net or Angie Trius angie@cybercolloids.net

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Showcase Ireland Article May 2015

  • 1. CyberColloids: an Irish SME that has made its name as a global centre ofCyberColloids: an Irish SME that has made its name as a global centre ofCyberColloids: an Irish SME that has made its name as a global centre ofCyberColloids: an Irish SME that has made its name as a global centre of excellence for hydrocolloids research and innovationexcellence for hydrocolloids research and innovationexcellence for hydrocolloids research and innovationexcellence for hydrocolloids research and innovation CyberColloids was set up in 2002 by four founding members with a vision to provide outsourcing of every aspect of the hydrocolloids world. With many years of experience in the global food industry behind them they were all too familiar with the scenario of high overheads associated with corporate research and the growing trend towards more cost effective outsourcing hence their vision to form the company. Now in 2015, CyberColloids is established as a centre of excellence for polysaccharide and hydrocolloid research and innovation, not only in Europe but on a global basis. We provide R&D services worldwide and are a recognised research provider at an EU level. CyberColloids is a unique organisation devoted to bringing hydrocolloid innovation to industry through a network of expert associates and companies working together, sharing expertise & resources and delivering cost effective solutions. The company is based in Co. Cork where the main offices and laboratory are situated, there are now 12 people in our team, 10 based in Ireland and 2 in the UK. There is no doubt that being based Ireland has been a key factor in our success. Government agencies and industry alike have worked hard to build Irelands international reputation as a food isle. There is strong national drive to maintain this reputation especially with global threats to food security and sustainability. Food science and technology feature strongly in the teaching and research agendas of Irish HIEs. Our proximity to University College Cork (UCC), Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and the TEAGASC Dairy Product Research Centre at Moorepark has been an important enabler for CyberColloids. Access to facilities and expertise at these centres allows us to work flexibly to meet all of our R&D demands for production, characterisation and scale up. In addition, the pool of high quality graduates trained at these centres has proven invaluable with several of our team being recruited locally. In recent years, Irish SMEs have benefitted considerably from a national drive to strengthen and support the SME sector. Government agencies e.g. Enterprise Ireland and Local Enterprise Boards have specific funding and support networks in place and in 2014 the Irish Government launched a dedicated campaign to support SMEs. CyberColloids has been fortunate
  • 2. enough to avail of such support by securing funding for Feasibility Studies from Enterprise Ireland and a grant from the Local Enterprise Board which enabled us to purchase an Anton Paar rheometer. The rheometer is an essential piece of equipment for a laboratory that is dedicated to hydrocolloid and polysaccharide research and is our most commonly used piece of equipment. Having this level of in-house rheometry capability has meant that CyberColloids has been able to extend its R&D offering to existing and potential clients and also attract more research funding. What does CyberColloids offer?What does CyberColloids offer?What does CyberColloids offer?What does CyberColloids offer? CyberColloids core business and expertise is in polysaccharide and hydrocolloid chemistry. There are many users of hydrocolloids, practically every food market sector uses hydrocolloids and also many industrial sectors but there are far fewer experts in hydrocolloids and not every user of hydrocolloids can justify the expense of in-house expertise. In addition, all hydrocolloids have different properties and functionalities and its not a case of one hydrocolloid fits all. With our broad expertise base we offer a complete range of services - from contract research to strategic business development - to help raw material suppliers, processors and users of hydrocolloids to get the most from their hydrocolloids. Its a successful model that has enabled us to secure a global client base that comprises large multinational food companies to small family enterprises.
  • 3. What we offer in a nutshellWhat we offer in a nutshellWhat we offer in a nutshellWhat we offer in a nutshell seeseeseesee www.cybercolloids.netwww.cybercolloids.netwww.cybercolloids.netwww.cybercolloids.net for more detailfor more detailfor more detailfor more detail Polysaccharide & hydrocolloid chemistry:Polysaccharide & hydrocolloid chemistry:Polysaccharide & hydrocolloid chemistry:Polysaccharide & hydrocolloid chemistry: an important part of commercialising products is having an understanding of a products behaviour and its properties. We help clients to choose the right hydrocolloid for every application. We use rheological methods and model food systems to characterise the behavioural properties of hydrocolloids, to verify functionality and to identify underlying causes for any changes in functionality. We also help clients to define precise purchase specifications for particular applications based on this information or use it to identify potential market segments or application areas for commercialisation. End use or applications research:End use or applications research:End use or applications research:End use or applications research: we routinely deliver food formulation solutions either in response to customer technical problems or through new product development and innovative use of new or modified ingredients. For example, we have helped customers to improve laminated dough fluffiness in bakery products using modified guars, to make creamy 3% mayonnaise using new cellulosic materials and to gel fruit preps for use in bakery and dairy applications using gelling fruit fibres. We have particular expertise in dairy, meat, savoury and bakery applications but please see our website for information on other applications. Process development andProcess development andProcess development andProcess development and manufacturing:manufacturing:manufacturing:manufacturing: CyberColloids experts have a history in process development and implementation. We typically develop new processes at laboratory scale before demonstration at pilot and/or full industrial scale. We also help clients to design, build and commission new units for cost effective processing. If manufacturing is not a strategic option then we can help to identify toll manufacture or outsourced production partnerships. Strategic business support:Strategic business support:Strategic business support:Strategic business support: CyberColloids is firmly rooted in the business world with many years of experience in business development and strategic planning. We offer marketing support in many areas including: definition of markets; verification of product performance; preparation of technical sales stories, brochures and promotional material; facilitating networks and identifying business partners. We also conduct customer specific training both in-house and offsite. A little company with big ideasA little company with big ideasA little company with big ideasA little company with big ideas In 2005 CyberColloids started to look beyond the realms of food texture, realising that hydrocolloids themselves and the biomass from which they are derived had much more to offer - starting with seaweed. The company had always had a commercial interest in seaweed as the biomass resource from which the hydrocolloids carrageenan, alginate and agar are derived. However, since 2005 we have been looking at seaweed differently, not just as a source of hydrocolloids but as a far more valuable resource for potential
  • 4. use in human nutrition, health and wellbeing. In particular we have investigated the use of seaweed ingredients for naturally healthy foods and functional foods including: low molecular weight fibres and prebiotics for gut health; polyphenols with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential and natural flavour compounds for salt replacement. At the time CyberColloids didnt have the capability to dedicate a budget or team member to explore the full potential of seaweed. The FUSION programme was offered by InterTrade Ireland as a solution. We were able to recruit a new team member to focus on the research and were partnered with the Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health (NICHE) at the University of Ulster who brought the expertise in nutrition. This successful partnership launched CyberColloids Seaweeds for Health research platform. A second FUSION programme followed and crucially for the company, the opportunity to participate in European funded FP7 framework projects. We have now participated in five successful FP7 projects and are just embarking on our first Horizon 2020 project (see below). The hydrocolloids world in which we operate is changing as is our thinking. In the past, the production of food ingredients has led to the purposeful extraction, removal, substitution and even throwing away of many nutritional components but with the drive towards naturalness and the use of less processed food ingredients, the food texture industry is responding and we are seeing a change in roles for hydrocolloids and food fibres. Intelligent processing and application of hydrocolloids and food fibres is enabling their use for both texture and nutrition and thus in the formulation of healthier foods. We are now actively engaged in research activities aimed at developing novel processing methodologies and innovative applications for a wide variety of plant derived polysaccharides and other bioactives e.g. polyphenols. Including the development of low molecular weight fibres and polysaccharides with potential health benefits; new texture systems for healthier formulations and better quality products and natural texture ingredients with better functionality. Our current and recent research focusOur current and recent research focusOur current and recent research focusOur current and recent research focus ---- seeseeseesee www.cybercolloids.netwww.cybercolloids.netwww.cybercolloids.netwww.cybercolloids.net for more detailfor more detailfor more detailfor more detail EU funded PROTEIN2FOOD Project (2015EU funded PROTEIN2FOOD Project (2015EU funded PROTEIN2FOOD Project (2015EU funded PROTEIN2FOOD Project (2015---- 2019):2019):2019):2019): developing innovative plant protein rich foods from different seed and legume EU funded GLUTENFREE ProjectEU funded GLUTENFREE ProjectEU funded GLUTENFREE ProjectEU funded GLUTENFREE Project (2010/13(2010/13(2010/13(2010/13): developing higher quality gluten free bakery and pasta products.
  • 5. crops. EPA fundedEPA fundedEPA fundedEPA funded Green Enterprise ProjectGreen Enterprise ProjectGreen Enterprise ProjectGreen Enterprise Project Vegetable Waste as a Rich ResourceVegetable Waste as a Rich ResourceVegetable Waste as a Rich ResourceVegetable Waste as a Rich Resource (2015):(2015):(2015):(2015): developing intelligent processing methodologies for the upgrade of potato and carrot waste from the Irish processing industry for use as new food fibres with texture functionality. EU funded TASTE Project (2012/14):EU funded TASTE Project (2012/14):EU funded TASTE Project (2012/14):EU funded TASTE Project (2012/14): developing natural flavour ingredients from edible seaweeds with the potential to replace sodium in food products. EU funded SWAFAX Project (2010/13EU funded SWAFAX Project (2010/13EU funded SWAFAX Project (2010/13EU funded SWAFAX Project (2010/13): investigating the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential of seaweed extracts. EU funded LIKEMEAT PEU funded LIKEMEAT PEU funded LIKEMEAT PEU funded LIKEMEAT Project (2010/13roject (2010/13roject (2010/13roject (2010/13): development of meat analogues with superior textural and sensorial quality using plant derived proteins. InterTrade Ireland funded pInterTrade Ireland funded pInterTrade Ireland funded pInterTrade Ireland funded projectrojectrojectroject (2010/11):(2010/11):(2010/11):(2010/11): developing extraction and characterisation techniques for the production of seaweed extracts with anti- cancer potential. EU funded HYFFI Project (2008/11):EU funded HYFFI Project (2008/11):EU funded HYFFI Project (2008/11):EU funded HYFFI Project (2008/11): developing novel processing techniques to produce low molecular weight agars and alginates with prebiotic potential. Irish Marine Institute Industry Led AwardIrish Marine Institute Industry Led AwardIrish Marine Institute Industry Led AwardIrish Marine Institute Industry Led Award (2008/9):(2008/9):(2008/9):(2008/9): investigating the flavouring and taste components of Irish seaweeds for use in reduced salt products. InterTrade Ireland funded projectInterTrade Ireland funded projectInterTrade Ireland funded projectInterTrade Ireland funded project (2005/7):(2005/7):(2005/7):(2005/7): investigating the nutritional potential of edible seaweeds for the development of ingredients for functional foods. Looking forwardLooking forwardLooking forwardLooking forward In line with the national and global drive for improved food security and resource efficiency, we have a particular interest in the valorisation of downstream materials and new or underutilised wholefood biomass resources. With our particular expertise, we can turn our hand to most any polysaccharide rich material that is derived from plants or seaweed. We are currently working on a project to upgrade processing and out-grade waste from the Irish potato and carrot processing industries. Potatoes and carrots are the two largest root crops in Ireland and an estimated 50-60,000 tonnes of waste is generated nationally every year. This represents a significant resource that is being underutilised and one that we can do something with that will make a difference to the Irish industry. Other interesting biomass resources that we have worked on include: fruit processing waste (apple, blackcurrant and citrus e.g. grapefruit & orange); vegetable processing waste (celery and beetroot); cereal (oat), seed (flaxseed) and spice extract wastes (chilli and turmeric).
  • 6. All in all, CyberColloids will continue to support our clients to derive cost effective texture and nutrition and to add value to existing processing practices. Were keen to participate in future collaborative projects; in particular in the area of developing novel processing methodologies, new ingredients and innovative applications for use in the food and health sectors.
  • 7. A network of hydrocolloid experts and companies working together to create a centre of excellence for polysaccharide chemistry and applications CyberColloids is a unique organisation devoted to bringing hydrocolloid innovation to industry with a view to enabling companies to cost effectively add value through research and development For more information about the company and our research activities please see the company website: www.cybercolloids.net or contact us on +353 (0) 214375773 Ross Campbell ross@cybercolloids.net or Angie Trius angie@cybercolloids.net