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+91 8197532440
Shridhar, Malhotra@gmail, com
EDUCATION: Apparel Production Technology
(Industrial Engineering in Garment Industry)
In my 14+ years of total work experience, I have gained experience in the field of
Industrial Engineering & Production with lean manufacturing concepts, This varied
exposure has helped equip me with an ability to resolve technical complications for
more productive results arising in different situations as well as in setting up new
factories, I have good communication, presentation, technical and interpersonal
skills, I relish working in a team and am a self-starter when the occasion demands, I
ensure that my work matches top quality standards,
1) Shahi Exports Pvt Ltd Unit-9 BLR, India (3 YR 8 M)
Deputy Manager Industrial Engineer
a) Duration : 07th
Nov 2021 to Till Date,
Company Profile: Shahi Exports Pvt Ltd a quality garment export company, has seen meteoric growth in a very short span of time, The company has always focused on production and
export of high quality fashion Garments, The Company is motorized by the efforts of about 144000 employees, With 84 production factories along with the company owned washing and
embroidery units, they are a formidable force to meet any goal and deadline, My role is a Manager Industrial Engineer, reporting to GM and VP,
Roles & responsibility:
Managing 1200 Machine from complete Sewing operations including productivity, quality, Workout with Technical team to minimize the work content/ SMV of garment & Prepare IE
technical package which consists of OB, Layout, Thread Consumption, Machinery planning, Manpower requirement etc, which Handover to concern department & follow up on Same,
Pre-production activities (RND, Simplification, risk analysis), Spear head LEAN IMPLEMENTATION FUNCTION in an Organization,
? WASTE ELIMINATION continuous training imparted to factory personnel regarding the same and mentoring its cause,
? Champion in 5S, training & implementation and sustaining, Re-Engineering to reduce work content and save minutes, Also Conducted Supervisor & quality training programs to
improve productivity & Quality standards,
? Implementation of Lean concept to Increase Needle time and reduce handling time, all Quality system in Sampling, cutting, sewing, finishing and packing,
? Involve in work study, methods study, work station engineering / Re-engineering for better quality and higher productivity by implementing work aids and new technology & to
make-sure all the new styles are developed with production friendly methods and improved quality standard & to make sure all costing is done accurately,
? To make sure proper function of the IE dept, by monitoring the IE reports (OB, Line balancing, Time study, efficiency report, WIP Report & MIS Reports etc, ) Work study and Method
improvement, costing through (SAM, Thread consumption, factory cost analysis & etc, ), Evaluation of capacity and fixing the targets based on the Operation bulletin,
2) Indo Jordan Clothing Company, Jordan (2 YR 5 M)
Asst, Manager Industrial Engineer,
b) Duration: 16th
Jan 2018 to 06th
Jun 2021,
Company Profile: Indo Jordan clothing Company is a Group of Matrix Clothing Pvt, Ltd, is a reputed garment export house with its presence in countries like India and Jordan and a
massive production capacity of high quality garments, Our head office is in Delhi, Indo Jordan clothing Company is a leading manufacturer of all type of garments (Woven, Knits & Slim
Bottoms), At Indo Jordan clothing Company a 700 machines unit, my role is a Asst Manager Industrial Engineer, reporting to CEO,
Roles & responsibility:
? Handling 2 Units around 700 Machine and 3, 5 lakhs Pcs capacity / Month from complete Sewing operations, Successfully Implemented Standing module for small Order and
Achieved an Avg Efficiency of 98% and raised from 6 Modules to 24 Modules,
? Designed and fixed 1:1, 7 MMR in production units to control cost and manpower, Implemented All IE concepts and maintaining the same,
? Handling Low performance operators Management, Prepare MIS Reports and submit to the management,
? Designed, Implemented and maintaining SOP’s for Sewing and Cutting department, Do the RND for all new development styles for reduce Minutes & bulk smooth production flow,
? Prepare technical tech sheet for all the style (OB, Line layout, work study for cutting/sewing/finishing), Cost per minute, on time delivery & compliance & creating the Operation
Bulletin & Layout for the styles planned for production,
? Evaluating the thread consumption for each style and minimized the wastage to about 5% compared to the actual consumption, Work aids designing, to get the proper ergonomic set
up & reach the Target – standardizing the Motions,
? Re-Engineering all factories’ Layouts, Process, (for optimum space utilization, minimum product transportation and smooth production), Preparing Effective MIS reports in terms of
all Production, Efficiency, Quality, and cost,
? Learning center - Designed new advanced analytical Method of training program (new operators, Multi skill training), Involve in work study, methods study, work station
engineering/Re-engineering for better quality and higher productivity by implementing work aids and new technology,
3) Mombasa Apparel unit-3, Mombasa, Kenya, (3 YR 3 M)
Sr, Industrial Engineer
(c) Duration : 25th
April 2015 to 09th
Aug 2018
Company Profile: ATRACO was founded 30 years ago in 1986, in Dubai, UAE with one vision – to become the region’s leading and most trusted clothing apparel manufacturer and to
provide a value added supply chain to customers in the U, S and Europe, Headquartered in Dubai, They Have Expanded operational capabilities and become a versatile manufacturer with
an extensive apparel products ranging from woven casual pants to knit polo t-shirts, active wear And Denims, Well Mombasa Apparel unit-3 is a Group of Atraco Industrial Enterprises a
multinational group, manufacturing unit is at Kenya and Ethiopia, The Main Buyers was Kohl’s, TCP & Levis, At Mombasa Apparel (Unit 3) is a 1300 machine unit my role is a Sr,
Industrial Engineer and reporting to General Manager,
Roles & responsibility:
? To prepare and analyze the operation bulletin of all the products in all levels of processing like cutting, sewing, embroidery, washing and finishing sections,
? Prepare & Provide SAM/ Productivity Efficiency & Thread consumption for Costing to Marketing Team & Communicate with Product Development Technicians, Customer QA for
simplifying the samples analyze & choose best production methods at sampling stage & make necessary R&D to reduce work content, Proper functioning of training center and make
sure all train operators are meeting the minimum performance levels before transferring to the production,
? Develop Folders & attachments for upcoming orders along with Maintenance Dept to reduce handling & improve Quality, Interact & deal effectively with Production, Planning,
Marketing, Stores, Merchandising, HR, and Maintenance & Cutting etc, To improve Production Prime responsibility is achieving Maximum Plant Efficiency through recognized IE
Techniques by best possible methods & Line balancing coordination with production team for better productivity,
? Conducting effective presentation in presence of management as well as to floor level about the Efficiency of the organization & Co-ordinate with various dept like production,
planning, stores, merchandiser & follow up the daily plan and differences anticipated and are prepared with stand by plan,
? Evaluation of capacity and fixing the targets based on the Operation bulletin, Constant control of direct labor cost Monitoring of daily, weekly and monthly MIS reports,
? To make sure proper function of the IE dept, by monitoring the IE reports (OB, Line balancing, Time study, efficiency report &etc, ) &Work study and Method improvement, costing
through (SAM, Thread cons, factory cost analysis & etc, ), Prepare machinery plan with right work aids before changeover, Monitoring production downtime,
4) Paragon Apparels Pvt Ltd, Noida, India, (4 YR 5 M)
Industrial Engineer,
d) Duration : 09th
Nov 2010 to 09th
Apr 2015,
Company Profile: Paragon Apparel Pvt Ltd, is a 750 machines apparel manufacturer majorly doing business with Adidas and Reebok, At paragon, my role is Sr, Industrial engineering,
my roles also include identifying cost centers and working out methodologies to cut down unnecessary costs, initiating Lean Manufacturing concepts and procedures, Worked in
implementation of Cutting Room & I have undergone LEAN sigma training by TBM (Time based management) a Lean sigma consultant for Paragon Apparel Pvt Ltd, Currently leading a
team of 16 Industrial Engineers across 4 production units,
Roles & responsibility:
? Managing 750 Machine from complete cut to Online Packing (Each 250 machine isa 1 Unitand Head for 3 Unit for All IE Activities, Quoting Costing SMV based on Sketches and
samples And Teck Pack,
? Preparing New Style Requirement & Layout for line setting &preparing the LINE DESIGN'S for all styles, ( Based on lean procedure ) Attend the Pre-Production Meeting to discuss
the quality issues and suggest corrective action which should be implemented on floor, Coordinating with Production Manager, Floor In-charges and Supervisors about new style
feeding, Preparing Machine plan to ensure that the Machines, attachments and folders are available on time,
? Preparing Efficiency Report, style wise cost report, Analyzing Loss time and its reason Responsible for the timely production and according to the acceptable quality from the sub
contractor, Co-ordination with merchandising department for costing of the garment (cut to pack) & Coordinating with centralized Production Planning department for planning of
new style and line planning,
? Co-coordinating with Production Department for making the production up to the accepted quality along with SAM reduction, Preparing Machinery’s Plan monthly wise for all
factory's based on line plan Preparation of Daily production reports and monthly reports like Daily Factory Status, Costing report of individual style, Batch wise & style wise reports,
? Arranging the Machinery’s and Folders for all Units, Champion for 5S training, implementation and sustain, Implemented LEAN PRODUCTON SYSTEMS,(Eliminating 7 wastages, 5s,
Kanban system, Visual board Management & Value stream Mapping), Re-Engineered all factory’s Layouts and Process,(for optimum space utilization & minimum product
transportation and smooth production), Implemented TPM for Reducing Maintenance cost and Machine down time,
5) Veejay Lakshmi Textile Ltd, Coimbatore, India(4 YR )
Junior Industrial Engineer,
e) Duration : 04th
Aug 2006 to 23rd
Oct 2010,
Job Profile: Veejay Lakshmi Textiles Ltd (garment Division) is a vertical setup textile company with spinning;
knitting and garment manufacturing facilitywe were trained by Technopak (consultant for veejay’s plant set
up), At Veejay our team’s role were involved right from training of fresh operator to an efficient operator by
AAMT methods, cutting floor system management and its efficiency build up along with sewing floor follow-
ups, Started my career at Veejay Lakshmi Textile Ltd Garments as management trainee and then were
promoted to Industrial Engineer within six months of induction,
Successfully in Mombasa Apparel EPZ (Unit 3) Mombasa Kenya, Designed implemented organizational tools like
new Costing system for a garment, Order Execution Schedule, Operation Bulletin, reduced Change over Time,
Reporting System & IE Dept, and Fast React Planning for PPC Dept
Improved Efficiency of operators by 50% through implementation of Advanced Analytical Method of Training &
Successfully implemented the Mobile Progressive bundle unit system in sewing, cutting and finishing section at
Veejay Lakshmi Textile Ltd (Garment Division) Coimbatore, India,
Designed Business Plan and Structuring process on Product Category Basis garment engineering & designed the
new factory layout for Knitted garments at Paragon Apparels Pvt Ltd, Noida,
Improved Efficiency of operators by 50% through implementation of Advanced Analytical Method of Training &
Successfully implemented the Mobile Progressive bundle unit system in sewing, cutting and finishing section at
Veejay Lakshmi Textile Ltd (Garment Division) Coimbatore, India,
Manpower Management, Lean Implementation, Layout Planning, Machine Arrangement,
Attachment Arrangements, Cost Reduction, Capacity Analysis, Vale Stream Mapping, Kaizen
Implementation, Continuous Improvement, Labor standards, Kanban System Implementation,
KPI, New equipment's, Process control, Productivity Improvement, Efficiency Improvement,
Training and educating juniors, Budget Planning, Time Study, Method Study & Man Motion Study
WIP Analysis, 6S Implementation, Production Planning and Control, Thread Consumption and
Operation Bulletin,
? MS Office, Mail & Internet.
? Programming Languages (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript).
? Smart Draw, coral Draw & Industries Related Applications.
? Knits ( All types of T-shirts and Vests) Denim ( 5 Pocket To 13 pocket Bottoms)
? Woven (High Fashion Kids Wear) High Licra Slim Bottoms ( high Fashion)
? Viscose Ladies Wear Jackets and Sports Wear.

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shridhar S (Manager Industrial Engineer)

  • 1. MANAGER SHRIDHAR SHIVAJI +91 8197532440 Shridhar, Malhotra@gmail, com INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER EDUCATION: Apparel Production Technology (Industrial Engineering in Garment Industry)
  • 3. WORK EXPERIENCE In my 14+ years of total work experience, I have gained experience in the field of Industrial Engineering & Production with lean manufacturing concepts, This varied exposure has helped equip me with an ability to resolve technical complications for more productive results arising in different situations as well as in setting up new factories, I have good communication, presentation, technical and interpersonal skills, I relish working in a team and am a self-starter when the occasion demands, I ensure that my work matches top quality standards,
  • 4. 1) Shahi Exports Pvt Ltd Unit-9 BLR, India (3 YR 8 M) Deputy Manager Industrial Engineer a) Duration : 07th Nov 2021 to Till Date, Company Profile: Shahi Exports Pvt Ltd a quality garment export company, has seen meteoric growth in a very short span of time, The company has always focused on production and export of high quality fashion Garments, The Company is motorized by the efforts of about 144000 employees, With 84 production factories along with the company owned washing and embroidery units, they are a formidable force to meet any goal and deadline, My role is a Manager Industrial Engineer, reporting to GM and VP, Roles & responsibility: Managing 1200 Machine from complete Sewing operations including productivity, quality, Workout with Technical team to minimize the work content/ SMV of garment & Prepare IE technical package which consists of OB, Layout, Thread Consumption, Machinery planning, Manpower requirement etc, which Handover to concern department & follow up on Same, Pre-production activities (RND, Simplification, risk analysis), Spear head LEAN IMPLEMENTATION FUNCTION in an Organization, ? WASTE ELIMINATION continuous training imparted to factory personnel regarding the same and mentoring its cause, ? Champion in 5S, training & implementation and sustaining, Re-Engineering to reduce work content and save minutes, Also Conducted Supervisor & quality training programs to improve productivity & Quality standards, ? Implementation of Lean concept to Increase Needle time and reduce handling time, all Quality system in Sampling, cutting, sewing, finishing and packing, ? Involve in work study, methods study, work station engineering / Re-engineering for better quality and higher productivity by implementing work aids and new technology & to make-sure all the new styles are developed with production friendly methods and improved quality standard & to make sure all costing is done accurately, ? To make sure proper function of the IE dept, by monitoring the IE reports (OB, Line balancing, Time study, efficiency report, WIP Report & MIS Reports etc, ) Work study and Method improvement, costing through (SAM, Thread consumption, factory cost analysis & etc, ), Evaluation of capacity and fixing the targets based on the Operation bulletin, WORK EXPERIENCE
  • 5. 2) Indo Jordan Clothing Company, Jordan (2 YR 5 M) Asst, Manager Industrial Engineer, b) Duration: 16th Jan 2018 to 06th Jun 2021, Company Profile: Indo Jordan clothing Company is a Group of Matrix Clothing Pvt, Ltd, is a reputed garment export house with its presence in countries like India and Jordan and a massive production capacity of high quality garments, Our head office is in Delhi, Indo Jordan clothing Company is a leading manufacturer of all type of garments (Woven, Knits & Slim Bottoms), At Indo Jordan clothing Company a 700 machines unit, my role is a Asst Manager Industrial Engineer, reporting to CEO, Roles & responsibility: ? Handling 2 Units around 700 Machine and 3, 5 lakhs Pcs capacity / Month from complete Sewing operations, Successfully Implemented Standing module for small Order and Achieved an Avg Efficiency of 98% and raised from 6 Modules to 24 Modules, ? Designed and fixed 1:1, 7 MMR in production units to control cost and manpower, Implemented All IE concepts and maintaining the same, ? Handling Low performance operators Management, Prepare MIS Reports and submit to the management, ? Designed, Implemented and maintaining SOP’s for Sewing and Cutting department, Do the RND for all new development styles for reduce Minutes & bulk smooth production flow, ? Prepare technical tech sheet for all the style (OB, Line layout, work study for cutting/sewing/finishing), Cost per minute, on time delivery & compliance & creating the Operation Bulletin & Layout for the styles planned for production, ? Evaluating the thread consumption for each style and minimized the wastage to about 5% compared to the actual consumption, Work aids designing, to get the proper ergonomic set up & reach the Target – standardizing the Motions, ? Re-Engineering all factories’ Layouts, Process, (for optimum space utilization, minimum product transportation and smooth production), Preparing Effective MIS reports in terms of all Production, Efficiency, Quality, and cost, ? Learning center - Designed new advanced analytical Method of training program (new operators, Multi skill training), Involve in work study, methods study, work station engineering/Re-engineering for better quality and higher productivity by implementing work aids and new technology, WORK EXPERIENCE
  • 6. 3) Mombasa Apparel unit-3, Mombasa, Kenya, (3 YR 3 M) Sr, Industrial Engineer (c) Duration : 25th April 2015 to 09th Aug 2018 Company Profile: ATRACO was founded 30 years ago in 1986, in Dubai, UAE with one vision – to become the region’s leading and most trusted clothing apparel manufacturer and to provide a value added supply chain to customers in the U, S and Europe, Headquartered in Dubai, They Have Expanded operational capabilities and become a versatile manufacturer with an extensive apparel products ranging from woven casual pants to knit polo t-shirts, active wear And Denims, Well Mombasa Apparel unit-3 is a Group of Atraco Industrial Enterprises a multinational group, manufacturing unit is at Kenya and Ethiopia, The Main Buyers was Kohl’s, TCP & Levis, At Mombasa Apparel (Unit 3) is a 1300 machine unit my role is a Sr, Industrial Engineer and reporting to General Manager, Roles & responsibility: ? To prepare and analyze the operation bulletin of all the products in all levels of processing like cutting, sewing, embroidery, washing and finishing sections, ? Prepare & Provide SAM/ Productivity Efficiency & Thread consumption for Costing to Marketing Team & Communicate with Product Development Technicians, Customer QA for simplifying the samples analyze & choose best production methods at sampling stage & make necessary R&D to reduce work content, Proper functioning of training center and make sure all train operators are meeting the minimum performance levels before transferring to the production, ? Develop Folders & attachments for upcoming orders along with Maintenance Dept to reduce handling & improve Quality, Interact & deal effectively with Production, Planning, Marketing, Stores, Merchandising, HR, and Maintenance & Cutting etc, To improve Production Prime responsibility is achieving Maximum Plant Efficiency through recognized IE Techniques by best possible methods & Line balancing coordination with production team for better productivity, ? Conducting effective presentation in presence of management as well as to floor level about the Efficiency of the organization & Co-ordinate with various dept like production, planning, stores, merchandiser & follow up the daily plan and differences anticipated and are prepared with stand by plan, ? Evaluation of capacity and fixing the targets based on the Operation bulletin, Constant control of direct labor cost Monitoring of daily, weekly and monthly MIS reports, ? To make sure proper function of the IE dept, by monitoring the IE reports (OB, Line balancing, Time study, efficiency report &etc, ) &Work study and Method improvement, costing through (SAM, Thread cons, factory cost analysis & etc, ), Prepare machinery plan with right work aids before changeover, Monitoring production downtime, WORK EXPERIENCE
  • 7. 4) Paragon Apparels Pvt Ltd, Noida, India, (4 YR 5 M) Industrial Engineer, d) Duration : 09th Nov 2010 to 09th Apr 2015, Company Profile: Paragon Apparel Pvt Ltd, is a 750 machines apparel manufacturer majorly doing business with Adidas and Reebok, At paragon, my role is Sr, Industrial engineering, my roles also include identifying cost centers and working out methodologies to cut down unnecessary costs, initiating Lean Manufacturing concepts and procedures, Worked in implementation of Cutting Room & I have undergone LEAN sigma training by TBM (Time based management) a Lean sigma consultant for Paragon Apparel Pvt Ltd, Currently leading a team of 16 Industrial Engineers across 4 production units, Roles & responsibility: ? Managing 750 Machine from complete cut to Online Packing (Each 250 machine isa 1 Unitand Head for 3 Unit for All IE Activities, Quoting Costing SMV based on Sketches and samples And Teck Pack, ? Preparing New Style Requirement & Layout for line setting &preparing the LINE DESIGN'S for all styles, ( Based on lean procedure ) Attend the Pre-Production Meeting to discuss the quality issues and suggest corrective action which should be implemented on floor, Coordinating with Production Manager, Floor In-charges and Supervisors about new style feeding, Preparing Machine plan to ensure that the Machines, attachments and folders are available on time, ? Preparing Efficiency Report, style wise cost report, Analyzing Loss time and its reason Responsible for the timely production and according to the acceptable quality from the sub contractor, Co-ordination with merchandising department for costing of the garment (cut to pack) & Coordinating with centralized Production Planning department for planning of new style and line planning, ? Co-coordinating with Production Department for making the production up to the accepted quality along with SAM reduction, Preparing Machinery’s Plan monthly wise for all factory's based on line plan Preparation of Daily production reports and monthly reports like Daily Factory Status, Costing report of individual style, Batch wise & style wise reports, ? Arranging the Machinery’s and Folders for all Units, Champion for 5S training, implementation and sustain, Implemented LEAN PRODUCTON SYSTEMS,(Eliminating 7 wastages, 5s, Kanban system, Visual board Management & Value stream Mapping), Re-Engineered all factory’s Layouts and Process,(for optimum space utilization & minimum product transportation and smooth production), Implemented TPM for Reducing Maintenance cost and Machine down time, WORK EXPERIENCE
  • 8. 5) Veejay Lakshmi Textile Ltd, Coimbatore, India(4 YR ) Junior Industrial Engineer, e) Duration : 04th Aug 2006 to 23rd Oct 2010, Job Profile: Veejay Lakshmi Textiles Ltd (garment Division) is a vertical setup textile company with spinning; knitting and garment manufacturing facilitywe were trained by Technopak (consultant for veejay’s plant set up), At Veejay our team’s role were involved right from training of fresh operator to an efficient operator by AAMT methods, cutting floor system management and its efficiency build up along with sewing floor follow- ups, Started my career at Veejay Lakshmi Textile Ltd Garments as management trainee and then were promoted to Industrial Engineer within six months of induction, WORK EXPERIENCE
  • 9. Successfully in Mombasa Apparel EPZ (Unit 3) Mombasa Kenya, Designed implemented organizational tools like new Costing system for a garment, Order Execution Schedule, Operation Bulletin, reduced Change over Time, Reporting System & IE Dept, and Fast React Planning for PPC Dept KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT Improved Efficiency of operators by 50% through implementation of Advanced Analytical Method of Training & Successfully implemented the Mobile Progressive bundle unit system in sewing, cutting and finishing section at Veejay Lakshmi Textile Ltd (Garment Division) Coimbatore, India, Designed Business Plan and Structuring process on Product Category Basis garment engineering & designed the new factory layout for Knitted garments at Paragon Apparels Pvt Ltd, Noida, Improved Efficiency of operators by 50% through implementation of Advanced Analytical Method of Training & Successfully implemented the Mobile Progressive bundle unit system in sewing, cutting and finishing section at Veejay Lakshmi Textile Ltd (Garment Division) Coimbatore, India,
  • 10. Manpower Management, Lean Implementation, Layout Planning, Machine Arrangement, Attachment Arrangements, Cost Reduction, Capacity Analysis, Vale Stream Mapping, Kaizen Implementation, Continuous Improvement, Labor standards, Kanban System Implementation, KPI, New equipment's, Process control, Productivity Improvement, Efficiency Improvement, Training and educating juniors, Budget Planning, Time Study, Method Study & Man Motion Study WIP Analysis, 6S Implementation, Production Planning and Control, Thread Consumption and Operation Bulletin, KEY ACCOMPLISHMENT
  • 11. ? MS Office, Mail & Internet. ? Programming Languages (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). ? Smart Draw, coral Draw & Industries Related Applications. PRODUCT HANDLED ? Knits ( All types of T-shirts and Vests) Denim ( 5 Pocket To 13 pocket Bottoms) ? Woven (High Fashion Kids Wear) High Licra Slim Bottoms ( high Fashion) ? Viscose Ladies Wear Jackets and Sports Wear. PRODUCT HANDLED