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Shrov Infosystem
Shrov Infoystem
This presentation created under NASSCOM Zinnov by Shrov
Infosystem to introduce the business methodology and respective
IT services related to banking sector. The preparation of this report
has been facilitated by a number of organizations and people who
have extended great help to the Shrov team. We wish to sincerely
thank all of them for their valuable contributions without which this
report would not have been possible. First, we would like to thank
all the start-up who backed up our incubators and accelerators
and other start-up company, and interested to fully help to provide
funds related to our intellectual property. Some aspects off our
team thanks to build our business plan which is very thoughtfully
for project the presentation. So, we are very thankful to all of them
to help us directly touch with us and indirectly on social media
such that Facebook page and twitter handle of Shrov Infosystem.
This presentation has been enriched by the valuable
insights and detailed inputs provided by various
investors, start-ups. We would also like to
acknowledged by all related platform for start-ups and
thanks to start-up India. Finally, we would like to
specially acknowledge for our team mates and our
delegates. We would also like to give a special
mention to the NASSCOM research team and Zinnov
Management to support our plan and our idea to put
on the neck of 10,000 start-ups with an single
Startup Idea
Starting with Start-up of Shrov Infosystem with the
support of Start-up India to present our ideas in
a single platform to implemented with business
incubator and accelerators. Our team has to be
started intellectual property at single place for
provided the B2B business for our clients i.e.
In the seventh hour, our team is to be decided for
work only for banking industry in India. And our
plan was reconsidered with our associates.
Finally, our start-up with our project be do for
single journey on internet. Thus intellectual
property is being made by Shrov team for all
start-ups and banking sectors.
Innovative minds are accelerating the growth of
Indias economy
Our totally services related to RBI terms and norms on the
time to be provided our services. Its really appreciable its
one of the first start-ups for B2B business and only for
banking industry for providing IT services for all financial
institutions. But development of Indias economy capitalistic
growth in banking technology and also increase monetary
policy with the usage of largest scale up of latest technology
in india.
Consideration for all delegates in our team to rely in Indias
perfect economy rates during which is the period of market
policy related to business power of Information Technology for
all departments but financial institutions are main important
character issuing powerful services to all fields of distinct
areas of related to economy understandings.
Shrov Infoystem
Technology is used for
Global services related to banking
sector. Information science has to
awake start-ups to create ideas
maintenance for incubation and
accelerations. It helps synchronous
activity for various sectors providing
by incubators. So create a volunteer
reforming stage in banking sector only.
Starting pattern will be change with
incubator and operate the newly
technology in banking technology.
Technology to solve problems that
have been plaguing the country for
Banks is being done stats with simplify
by Shrov Infosystem. Banking Areas is
eco system platform provided to all
customers prima facie, once we
webinar with IBM and completely
divine the issue as follows:
Soft Layer of IBM is a platform to
perform Data into the form of cloud
It means, any other application when we
use for sometimes so the all data store
in one place but after some time the
cloud data creates individual database
for such data entered for those
particular time.
When the application is not completed,
so soft layer analyze data into cloud
Shrov Infoystem
Cloud database store the information
related with application through soft
layer platform. And some system
analysis using object rolling method.
Some originated activities of database
related with the action performed
through soft layer. IBM introduces the
sub-hub of system how to work for
that platform? And they help for the
permanently users of cloud
Some users want to create own
database and holds many information
by company or organization. IBM
related with the usage of another
company cloud destination. In
compare with another company, seen
the whole web detail by IBM. It easier
and more accessible to perform action
for analyst. Creation of this platform
for holds every company database
with external cloud data.
Deep-dive into the Indian Start-
up Ecosystem
Business trends analyzes the current
scenario across the various
dimensions that define the Indian
start-up ecosystem, and gauge India's
position as a global start-up hub that is
becoming attractive for investors,
start-ups, & corporate. In Start up
backing as Shrov Infosystem to setup
the open source platform to provide IT
Shrov Infoystem
By editer of 500.co:
Indias entrepreneurs in every sector
rely on Jugaad to cut through red
tape, reduce R&D costs and resolve
other inefficiencies.
Also known as frugal engineering, the
ethos is associated with breakout
successes likeGrey Orange Robotics.
It has succeeded in an environment
lacking significant infrastructure for
hardware companies, or founders
like Vishal Mehta of Infibeam, who
sold his home and several long-term
investments to self-fund one of the
nations largest e-commerce startups.
If recent proposals pan out, Indias
startup ecosystem is poised to become
a more sustainable environment for
founders and investors; PM Narendra
Modis Startup India initiative includes
a $1.5 billion fund and 3 years of
exemptions from income tax, labor
inspections and capital gains for
startups. The proposal also includes
free legal support, faster and 80%
cheaper patent applications, and an
app that enables same-day business
Funding is estimated to grow by 125%,
from $2.2 Bn in 2014 to $4.9 Bn in
2015 NCR,
Bangalore and Mumbai account for over
93% of the total investments Global
investors and corporates are betting
high on India market B2C segment
dominates, led by eCommerce &
B2B funding evolves as eCommerce
enablers and analytics emerges as
focus areas.
150+ VC/PEs investing across B2B &
B2C Segments; angel.
investors are more diverse in their
vertical selection.
While valuations have consistently been
on the rise, many Indian start-ups
have shown growth without external
Indian start-ups on acquisition spree -
Over 65 M&As successfully executed
in 2015.
Ecosystem of Startup
Government policies
and initiatives are
aimed towards
improving the
overall start-up
Government can
further boost the
ecosystem by
overarching start-
up centric policies
Technical Partner
Incubation provider for newer start
ups for building venture. 10,000
Start-ups is an ambitious attempt by
India's premier IT industry body -
Technical partner for providing a portal for
start ups to show venture of IT services and
connect to the banks or financial institution.
It necessary part of start ups and make pitch
of deck.
Technical Partner
Dell is software automation service
provider and networking security
agent. Our service will beneficial for
customers of bank. So Dell is our
technical partner to provide networking
IBM cloud provide database support
system for our service and it may
contain very huge amount of Big
data to achieve user information for
Start up association Program
10,000 Start-ups - Initiatives
Shrov Infoystem
Thank You all

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Shrov Infoystem

  • 3. Acknowledgement This presentation created under NASSCOM Zinnov by Shrov Infosystem to introduce the business methodology and respective IT services related to banking sector. The preparation of this report has been facilitated by a number of organizations and people who have extended great help to the Shrov team. We wish to sincerely thank all of them for their valuable contributions without which this report would not have been possible. First, we would like to thank all the start-up who backed up our incubators and accelerators and other start-up company, and interested to fully help to provide funds related to our intellectual property. Some aspects off our team thanks to build our business plan which is very thoughtfully for project the presentation. So, we are very thankful to all of them to help us directly touch with us and indirectly on social media such that Facebook page and twitter handle of Shrov Infosystem.
  • 4. This presentation has been enriched by the valuable insights and detailed inputs provided by various investors, start-ups. We would also like to acknowledged by all related platform for start-ups and thanks to start-up India. Finally, we would like to specially acknowledge for our team mates and our delegates. We would also like to give a special mention to the NASSCOM research team and Zinnov Management to support our plan and our idea to put on the neck of 10,000 start-ups with an single platform.
  • 6. Starting with Start-up of Shrov Infosystem with the support of Start-up India to present our ideas in a single platform to implemented with business incubator and accelerators. Our team has to be started intellectual property at single place for provided the B2B business for our clients i.e. Banks. In the seventh hour, our team is to be decided for work only for banking industry in India. And our plan was reconsidered with our associates. Finally, our start-up with our project be do for single journey on internet. Thus intellectual property is being made by Shrov team for all start-ups and banking sectors.
  • 7. Innovative minds are accelerating the growth of Indias economy Our totally services related to RBI terms and norms on the time to be provided our services. Its really appreciable its one of the first start-ups for B2B business and only for banking industry for providing IT services for all financial institutions. But development of Indias economy capitalistic growth in banking technology and also increase monetary policy with the usage of largest scale up of latest technology in india. Consideration for all delegates in our team to rely in Indias perfect economy rates during which is the period of market policy related to business power of Information Technology for all departments but financial institutions are main important character issuing powerful services to all fields of distinct areas of related to economy understandings.
  • 9. Technology is used for Start-ups Global services related to banking sector. Information science has to awake start-ups to create ideas maintenance for incubation and accelerations. It helps synchronous activity for various sectors providing by incubators. So create a volunteer reforming stage in banking sector only. Starting pattern will be change with incubator and operate the newly technology in banking technology.
  • 10. Technology to solve problems that have been plaguing the country for decades. Banks is being done stats with simplify by Shrov Infosystem. Banking Areas is eco system platform provided to all customers prima facie, once we webinar with IBM and completely divine the issue as follows: Soft Layer of IBM is a platform to perform Data into the form of cloud data.
  • 11. It means, any other application when we use for sometimes so the all data store in one place but after some time the cloud data creates individual database for such data entered for those particular time. When the application is not completed, so soft layer analyze data into cloud database.
  • 13. Cloud database store the information related with application through soft layer platform. And some system analysis using object rolling method. Some originated activities of database related with the action performed through soft layer. IBM introduces the sub-hub of system how to work for that platform? And they help for the permanently users of cloud destination.
  • 14. Some users want to create own database and holds many information by company or organization. IBM related with the usage of another company cloud destination. In compare with another company, seen the whole web detail by IBM. It easier and more accessible to perform action for analyst. Creation of this platform for holds every company database with external cloud data.
  • 15. Deep-dive into the Indian Start- up Ecosystem Business trends analyzes the current scenario across the various dimensions that define the Indian start-up ecosystem, and gauge India's position as a global start-up hub that is becoming attractive for investors, start-ups, & corporate. In Start up backing as Shrov Infosystem to setup the open source platform to provide IT Services.
  • 17. By editer of 500.co: Indias entrepreneurs in every sector rely on Jugaad to cut through red tape, reduce R&D costs and resolve other inefficiencies. Also known as frugal engineering, the ethos is associated with breakout successes likeGrey Orange Robotics.
  • 18. It has succeeded in an environment lacking significant infrastructure for hardware companies, or founders like Vishal Mehta of Infibeam, who sold his home and several long-term investments to self-fund one of the nations largest e-commerce startups.
  • 19. If recent proposals pan out, Indias startup ecosystem is poised to become a more sustainable environment for founders and investors; PM Narendra Modis Startup India initiative includes a $1.5 billion fund and 3 years of exemptions from income tax, labor inspections and capital gains for startups. The proposal also includes free legal support, faster and 80% cheaper patent applications, and an app that enables same-day business setup.
  • 21. Funding is estimated to grow by 125%, from $2.2 Bn in 2014 to $4.9 Bn in 2015 NCR, Bangalore and Mumbai account for over 93% of the total investments Global investors and corporates are betting high on India market B2C segment dominates, led by eCommerce & aggregators; B2B funding evolves as eCommerce enablers and analytics emerges as focus areas.
  • 22. 150+ VC/PEs investing across B2B & B2C Segments; angel. investors are more diverse in their vertical selection. While valuations have consistently been on the rise, many Indian start-ups have shown growth without external funding. Indian start-ups on acquisition spree - Over 65 M&As successfully executed in 2015.
  • 25. Government policies and initiatives are aimed towards improving the overall start-up ecosystem. Government can further boost the ecosystem by formulating overarching start- up centric policies
  • 26. Technical Partner Incubation provider for newer start ups for building venture. 10,000 Start-ups is an ambitious attempt by India's premier IT industry body - NASSCOM Technical partner for providing a portal for start ups to show venture of IT services and connect to the banks or financial institution. It necessary part of start ups and make pitch of deck.
  • 27. Technical Partner Dell is software automation service provider and networking security agent. Our service will beneficial for customers of bank. So Dell is our technical partner to provide networking security. IBM cloud provide database support system for our service and it may contain very huge amount of Big data to achieve user information for security.
  • 30. 10,000 Start-ups - Initiatives