Social Innovation Cities è una giornata di co-design di idee e proposte per produrre la prima Innovation Agenda per la “Social Innovation City” del futuro.
L’evento si è svolto il 1° ottobre in occasione della Innovation Week, promossa dalla Camera di Commercio di Roma e organizzata dalla sua Azienda Speciale Asset Camera, nell’ambito della Innovation Week e della Maker Faire – The European Edition.
300 persone, 30 tavoli, 30 facilitatori, 10 temi, 10 speaker di rilevanza internazionale, al lavoro per co-creare il prototipo della Social Innovation City del futuro.
Attraverso la facilitazione di gruppi di lavoro durante l’evento e l’engagement sulla piattaforma simakers nei mesi precedenti, i partecipanti saranno chiamati a identificare le variabili chiave per lo sviluppo di un ecosistema di innovazione ad impatto sociale in una città metropolitana.
Dieci i topic trattati durante la giornata e sulla piattaforma: cinque temi e cinque strumenti per costruire le Social Innovation Cities del futuro. Tra questi: Making Resilient Cities; Open data, Food and Agriculture,Education and Youth Engagement.
“Social Innovation Cities” is one day of co-design to produce the first Innovation Agenda for the “Social Innovation City” of the future.
“Social Innovation Cities – Makers at work” is the event that was held in Rome on October, 1st 2014. This event is part of the European Maker Faire and The Innovation Week . Promoted by the Chamber of Commerce in Rome in collaboration with Arduino and Make, the ambitious goal of The Innovation Week is to put Rome at the centre of the all-encompassing debate on innovation.
300 people, 30 working groups, 30 facilitators, 10 topic, 10 speaker, all together to produce the first Innovation Agenda for the “Social Innovation City” of the future.
Facilitating working groups during the event and involvement on the shared platform “simakers” will make it possible to identify the key variables to develop an innovative ecosystem with a social impact in a metropolitan city.
The topics under discussion by each table (physical and virtual) will refer, inter alia, to the levers of change such as: Making Resilient Cities; Open data, Food and Agriculture,Education and Youth Engagement.
Un progetto per co-creare l’Agenda per la "Social Innovation City" del futuro.
Tavoli di lavoro SIcities Agenda