Exterior work has begun on the Sideyard project, focusing on locating utility lines and screening top soil. Weather has caused minor delays but the digging and soil work is expected to be completed in the next few weeks. Excess excavated material will be removed from the site and is not anticipated to impact the school or neighborhood. The interior remodel of AVSC is progressing on schedule and is also not expected to affect the surrounding community.
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Sideyard notice 05.19.16
1. AVSC Construction Update #2 – 05.19.16
Exterior work on the Sideyard project has commenced, with the primary focus on locating all service lines
(gas, water, fire suppression) that will need to be relocated and top soil screening for site re-vegetation after
the project is complete. Weather has yielded minor delays, but we anticipate completion of the digging and
soil screening within the next several weeks pending good weather. Excess excavation material will be
trucked off site as necessary; however, we do not anticipate the volume to impact school operations or
neighborhood environments. The interior AVSC remodel is progressing as scheduled, and is not likely to
adversely affect the adjacent Five Trees neighborhood or Aspen School District.
As previously mentioned, if you have comments or concerns regarding the AVSC construction projects,
please do not hesitate to call any of the contacts listed below.
Thanks for your patience during AVSC’s construction and improvement process!
Robert Cronenberg and Jim Stark
Contact Information for AVSC
Jim Stark 970-948-6447 stark@rof.net
Walt Evans 970-205-5110 wevans@teamavsc.org
Mark Cole 970-205-5103 mcole@teamavsc.org
Contact Information for Regan Construction
Nick Shirley 970-987-4402 nshirley@reganconst.com
Robert Cronenberg 970-379-7803 Robertc@reganconst.com
Regan Office 970-923-0010 office@reganconst.com
If you would like to receive these updates digitally, please email Jennifer Wright at jwright@teamavsc.org