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(Last update, 14/03/2017)
2. 畉I C蕩NG
Theo American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists, thai ch畉m ph叩t tri畛n trong t畛 cung
(Intrauterine growth restriction - IUGR) l m畛t trong
nh畛ng v畉n 畛 th藤畛ng g畉p v ph畛c t畉p nh畉t trong s畉n khoa
ngy nay.
藤畛c xem l IUGR khi 動畛c l動畛ng c但n n畉ng tr棚n si棚u
但m < 10th percentile (b叩ch ph但n v畛) t藤董ng 畛ng v畛i tu畛i
thai do b畛nh l箪 (due to pathologic process).
SGA (small-for-gestational-age): < 10th percentile t藤董ng
畛ng v畛i tu畛i thai m kh担ng c坦 b畛nh l箪 (absence of
pathologic process).
Do v畉y, ngoi si棚u 但m 2D, th狸 si棚u 但m Doppler l kh担ng
th畛 thi畉u khi kh畉o s叩t thai nhi.
4. Thai ch畉m ph叩t tri畛n trong t畛 cung 藤畛c ph但n chia thnh 2 th畛 畛i
x畛ng v kh担ng 畛i x畛ng (Symmetric v Asymmetric IUGR).
Th畛 kh担ng 畛i x畛ng (asymmetrical growth pattern): Chu vi v嘆ng
b畛ng (AC) ph叩t tri畛n ch畉m h董n 藤畛ng k鱈nh l藤畛ng 畛nh (BPD) so
v畛i tu畛i thai. Suy b叩nh nhau (Placental insufficiency) 藤畛c xem l
nguy棚n nh但n c畛a th畛 ny.
Ng藤畛c l畉i, nh畛ng r畛i lo畉i v畛 di truy畛n (genetic disorders), l畛ch b畛i
nhi畛m s畉c th畛 (aneuploidy), nhi畛m tr湛ng thai nhi (fetal infections),
d畛 t畉t b畉m sinh (congenital malformations) v c叩c h畛i ch畛ng kh叩c l
nguy棚n nh但n c畛a th畛 畛i x畛ng (symmetrical growth pattern t畉t
c畉 c叩c o 畉c 畛u nh畛 h董n so v畛i tu畛i thai).
Susan Raatz Stephenson. Diagnostic Medical Sonography Obstetrics and Gynecology. 3rd edition.
2012 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- B狸nh th動畛ng, khi kh畉o s叩t 畛 qu箪 II (thai 22 tu畉n tu畛i) ta ph畉i th畉y
ph畛 cu畛i t但m tr動董ng.
- B狸nh th藤畛ng, RI, PI v S/D ratio gi畉m d畉n v畛 cu畛i thai k畛. C叩c ch畛
s畛 ny tng cao b畉t th藤畛ng ph畉n 叩nh tr畛 kh叩ng c畛a b叩nh nhau tng
cao. i畛u ny s畉 lm tng nguy c董 thai b畛nh v thai ch畉t chu sinh
(perinatal morbidity and mortality).
- S畛 thi畉u v畉ng (absent) ho畉c 畉o ng動畛c (reversed) d嘆ng cu畛i t但m
tr動董ng (end diastolic flow) n坦i l棚n tr畛 kh叩ng r畉t cao 畛 b叩nh nhau,
i畛u ny lm cho ti棚n l動畛ng tr畛 n棚n r畉t x畉u.
11. C坦 t叩c gi畉 ch畛n v畛 tr鱈 cu畛ng r畛n c畉m vo b叩nh nhau, c坦 t叩c gi畉 ch畛n
v畛 tr鱈 cu畛ng r畛n c畉m vo thnh b畛ng thai nhi, c坦 t叩c gi畉 ch畛n cu畛ng
r畛n t畛 do trong khoang 畛i.
12. March 14, 2017 12
C坦 m畛t s畛 kh叩c bi畛t c坦 箪 ngh挑a khi kh畉o s叩t c叩c ch畛 s畛 Doppler t畉i v畛 tr鱈 cu畛ng r畛n c畉m
vo thnh b畛ng thai nhi, t畉i v畛 tr鱈 cu畛ng r畛n t畛 do v t畉i v畛 tr鱈 cu畛ng r畛n c畉m vo b叩nh
nhau6. Tr畛 kh叩ng cao nh畉t t畉i v畛 tr鱈 cu畛ng r畛n c畉m vo thnh b畛ng thai nhi, v vi畛c thi畉u
v畉ng ho畉c 畉o ng藤畛c d嘆ng ch畉y cu畛i t但m tr藤董ng c坦 th畛 藤畛c th畉y tr藤畛c nh畉t t畉i v畛 tr鱈
ny. Tr畛 s畛 tham kh畉o cho c叩c ch畛 s畛 Doppler t畉i c叩c v畛 tr鱈 ny 達 藤畛c xu畉t b畉n7,8. 畛
董n gi畉n v ki棚n 畛nh, o 畉c c畉n 動畛c ti畉n hnh t畉i v畛 tr鱈 cu畛ng r畛n t畛 do. Tuy
nhi棚n, trong tr藤畛ng h畛p a thai, v/ho畉c khi so s叩nh c叩c o 畉c l畉p l畉i, vi畛c kh畉o s叩t
Doppler t畉i nh畛ng v畛 tr鱈 c畛 畛nh (cu畛ng r畛n c畉m vo thnh b畛ng thai nhi, cu畛ng r畛n c畉m
vo b叩nh nhau ho畉c cu畛ng r畛n t畛 do trong 畛 b畛ng) c坦 th畛 叩ng tin c畉p h董n. C叩c tr畛 s畛
tham kh畉o c畉n ph畉i t藤董ng 畛ng v畛i v畛 tr鱈 kh畉o s叩t.
L動u 箪:
1. 畛 a thai, kh畉o s叩t 畛ng m畉ch cu畛ng r畛n c坦 th畛 kh坦 v狸 kh坦 x叩c 畛nh cu畛ng r畛n thu畛c
v畛 thai no. T畛t h董n h畉t ta kh畉o s叩t Doppler xung t畉i v畛 tr鱈 cu畛ng r畛n c畉m vo thnh
b畛ng thai nhi. Tuy nhi棚n, tr畛 kh叩ng 畛 但y s畉 cao h董n t畉i v畛 tr鱈 cu畛ng r畛n t畛 do v v畛 tr鱈
cu畛ng r畛n c畉m vo b叩nh nhau, v狸 th畉 c畉n 畛i chi畉u v畛i tr畛 s畛 tham kh畉o t動董ng 畛ng.
2. 畛 cu畛ng r畛n c坦 2 m畉ch m叩u, t畉i b畉t k畛 tu畛i thai no, 動畛ng k鱈nh c畛a 畛ng m畉ch r畛n
董n 畛c c滴ng l畛n h董n so v畛i hai 畛ng m畉ch r畛n th担ng th動畛ng, v do v畉y tr畛 kh叩ng s畉
th畉p h董n9(Ghi ch炭 c畛a ng動畛i d畛ch: tr畛 kh叩ng th畉p h董n c坦 ngh挑a l c叩c ch畛 s畛 RI, PI v
S/D ratio 畛u th畉p h董n so v畛i cu畛ng r畛n th担ng th動畛ng c坦 3 m畉ch m叩u).
ISUOG Practice Guidelines: use of Doppler ultrasonography in obstetrics.
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013; 41: 233239
13. 13
Acharya G et al. Reference ranges for serial measurements of blood velocity and pulsatility index at the intra-abdominal portion, and fetal
and placental ends of the umbilical artery. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2005; 26: 162169.
14. 14
Acharya G et al. Reference ranges for serial measurements of blood velocity and pulsatility index at the intra-abdominal portion, and fetal
and placental ends of the umbilical artery. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2005; 26: 162169.
15. Acharya G et al. Reference ranges for serial measurements of umbilical artery Doppler indices in the second half of pregnancy.
Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005; 192: 937944.
We chose the free floating loop of the umbilical cord because it seems to be the preferred technique in many
centers. Semiquantitative Doppler indices are not angle dependent, and an insonation angle of < 60 degrees does
not have any significant effect in their calculation. However, we kept the angle at < 15 degrees in all cases.
Umbilical Artery PI b畉t th藤畛ng khi > 95th percentile.
16. March 14, 2017 16
Acharya G et al. Reference ranges for serial measurements of umbilical artery Doppler indices in the second half of pregnancy.
Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005; 192: 937944.
Umbilical Artery RI b畉t th藤畛ng khi > 95th percentile.
17. March 14, 2017 17
Acharya G et al. Reference ranges for serial measurements of umbilical artery Doppler indices in the second half of pregnancy.
Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005; 192: 937944.
Umbilical Artery S/D ratio b畉t th藤畛ng khi > 95th percentile.
Khi lm Doppler 畛ng m畉ch r畛n, c畛a s畛 th動畛ng 畉t bao tr湛m c畉
M v TM r畛n.
27. V畛i Doppler mu, a gi叩c Willis d畛 th畉y 畛 l叩t c畉t ngang n畛n s畛
thai nhi. M n達o gi畛a ch畉y d畛c theo b畛 x藤董ng 叩.
30. i畛u 叩ng l藤u 箪 l kh叩c v畛i ng藤畛i l畛n, 畛 thai nhi, b狸nh
th動畛ng tr畛 kh叩ng c畛a M n達o kh叩 cao.
Khi t狸nh tr畉ng thi畉u Oxy n達o x畉y ra (畛 thai ch畉m ph叩t tri畛n
trong t畛 cung), tu畉n hon n達o s畉 thay 畛i b畉ng c叩ch gi畉m tr畛
kh叩ng 畛 tng d嘆ng ch畉y trong th狸 t但m tr藤董ng. Ta g畛i 坦 l s畛
t叩i ph但n ph畛i tu畉n hon n達o (cerebral blood flow
Qu箪 I Qu箪 II & III
31. M畛t s畛 nghi棚n c畛u cho th畉y r畉ng PSV c畛a 畛ng m畉ch n達o gi畛a c坦 th畛 ti棚n o叩n t畛t
v畛 t畛 vong chu sinh 畛 thai ch畉m ph叩t tri畛n trong t畛 cung h董n l ch畛 s畛 PI; tuy nhi棚n,
c畉n ph畉i c坦 th棚m nhi畛u nghi棚n c畛u n畛a 畛 x叩c nh畉n i畛u ny. Trong khi g坦c Doppler
l y畉u t畛 k畛 thu畉t kh担ng c畉n thi畉t khi o PI, th狸 khi o PSV c畉n ph畉i c坦 g坦c Doppler
cng nh畛 cng t畛t, l箪 t動畛ng l 00, c嘆n kh担ng 動畛c th狸 ph畉i < 300.
Eliza Berkley et al. SMFM Clinical Guideline-Doppler assessment of the fetus with
intrauterine growth restriction. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology APRIL 2012.
ISUOG Practice Guidelines: use of Doppler ultrasonography in obstetrics.
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2013; 41: 233239
Thanh i畛u ch畛nh g坦c ph畉i tr湛ng v畛i tr畛c c畛a d嘆ng ch畉y. i畛u ny 畉m b畉o cho vi畛c
叩nh gi叩 v畉n t畛c v d畉ng s坦ng 畉t hi畛u qu畉 t畛t nh畉t. S畛 sai l畛ch nh畛 v畛 v畉n t畛c do
g坦c Doppler c坦 th畛 x畉y ra. N畉u g坦c Doppler l 100 th狸 s畛 sai l畛ch v畛 v畉n t畛c l 2%,
trong l炭c g坦c Doppler l 200 th狸 s畛 sai l畛ch v畉n t畛c l 6%. Trong tr藤畛ng h畛p v畉n t畛c
th畉t s畛 l m畛t th担ng s畛 quan tr畛ng v畛 m畉t l但m sng (v鱈 d畛 畛ng m畉ch n達o gi畛a) v
n畉u g坦c Doppler > 200 , c畉n ph畉i i畛u ch畛nh 畉u d嘆 sao cho g坦c Doppler nh畛 h董n.
N畉u v畉n kh担ng th畛 l畉y 藤畛c g坦c Doppler l箪 t藤畛ng, th狸 ta c畉n ghi nh畉n v畉n t畛c o
藤畛c k竪m theo l tr畛 s畛 g坦c Doppler trong k畉t qu畉 si棚u 但m.
D湛ng Doppler mu 畛 nh畉n bi畉t a gi叩c Willis v 畛ng m畉ch n達o gi畛a g畉n 畉u d嘆.
C畛a s畛 Doppler 畉t 畛 1/3 g畉n c畛a 畛ng m畉ch n達o gi畛a, g畉n ch畛 xu畉t ph叩t c畛a n坦 t畛
畛ng m畉ch c畉nh trong10 (PSV s畉 gi畉m d畉n khi i xa ch畛 xu畉t ph叩t).
33. MCA PI b畉t th藤畛ng khi < 5th percentile.
C. Ebbing et al. Middle cerebral artery blood flow velocities and pulsatility index and the cerebroplacental pulsatility ratio: longitudinal
reference ranges and terms for serial measurements. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2007; 30: 287296
34. C. Ebbing et al. Middle cerebral artery blood flow velocities and pulsatility index and the cerebroplacental pulsatility ratio: longitudinal
reference ranges and terms for serial measurements. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2007; 30: 287296
MCA PSV b畉t th藤畛ng khi > 95th percentile. G坦c Doppler 100.
39. Thai 28 tu畉n, SEVERE IUGR: t叩i ph但n ph畛i tu畉n hon n達o.
40. IUGR
Thai 28 tu畉n, kh担ng c坦 ph畛 cu畛i
t但m tr藤董ng 畛 M r畛n
T叩i ph但n ph畛i tu畉n hon n達o
C.M.Rumack et al. Diagnostic Ultrasound. 3rdEdition. 2005. p1459-1488
41. IUGR
M r畛n c坦 RI cao b畉t th藤畛ng Doppler M n達o gi畛a b狸nh th藤畛ng
42. So s叩nh ph畛 Doppler b狸nh th藤畛ng c畛a M n達o gi畛a v M r畛n, ta
th畉y r畉ng EDV c畛a M r畛n lu担n lu担n cao h董n M n達o gi畛a
43. Ch畛 s畛 kh叩ng (RI) c畛a M n達o gi畛a lu担n cao h董n M r畛n
44. T畛 S畛 GI畛A M NO GI畛A V M R畛N
(CPR - cerebroplacental ratio t畛 s畛 n達o nhau).
- B狸nh th藤畛ng, EDV 畛 M n達o gi畛a lu担n lu担n th畉p h董n EDV 畛 M r畛n 畛 b畉t k畛 tu畛i thai no.
V狸 th畉 RI v PI c畛a M n達o gi畛a lu担n cao h董n M r畛n.
CRI/URI > 1; CPI/UPI > 1.
- G畛i l t叩i ph但n ph畛i tu畉n hon thai nhi (fetal flow redistribution, brain sparing) khi:
CRI/URI < 1; CPI/UPI < 1.
Dev Maulik. Doppler Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2nd Edition. 2005
45. Th畛ng k棚 tr棚n 881 tr藤畛ng h畛p s畉n ph畛 c坦 tu畛i thai
trung b狸nh 33 tu畉n tu畛i, ng藤畛i ta th畉y c坦 146 tr藤畛ng
h畛p CPR (cerebroplacental ratio) < 1. Trong s畛 坦 c坦
18% (n =27) d畛 h畉u r畉t x畉u (adverse perinatal
outcomes). Nguy c董 gia tng g畉p 11 l畉n so v畛i s畛 thai
nhi c坦 CPR b狸nh th藤畛ng (1.9%, 14/735).
Adverse perinatal outcome was defined as a
composite of intraventricular hemorrhage,
periventricular leukomalacia, hypoxic ischemic
encephalopathy, necrotizing enterocolitis,
bronchopulmonary dysplasia, sepsis, and death.
Flood K, Unterscheider J, Daly S, et al. The role of brain sparing in the prediction of adverse outcomes in
intrauterine growth restriction: results of the multicenter PORTO Study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014;211:288.e1-5.
46. Flood K, Unterscheider J, Daly S, et al. The role of brain sparing in the prediction of adverse outcomes in
intrauterine growth restriction: results of the multicenter PORTO Study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014;211:288.e1-5.
47. C. Ebbing et al. Middle cerebral artery blood flow velocities and pulsatility index and the cerebroplacental pulsatility ratio:
longitudinal reference ranges and terms for serial measurements. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2007; 30: 287296.
CPR b畉t th藤畛ng khi < 5th percentile.
48. Mean Uterine Artery PI b畉t th藤畛ng khi > 95th percentile.
O. G坦mez et al. Reference ranges for uterine artery mean pulsatility index
at 1141 weeks of gestation. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 32: 128132
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Flood K, Unterscheider J, Daly S, et al. The role of brain sparing in the prediction of adverse outcomes in intrauterine growth
restriction: results of the multicenter PORTO Study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014;211:288.e1-5.
C. Ebbing et al. Middle cerebral artery blood flow velocities and pulsatility index and the cerebroplacental pulsatility ratio:
longitudinal reference ranges and terms for serial measurements. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2007; 30: 287296.