2. “Ingen människa är en ö, hel och fullständig i sig själv; Liksom vi människor inte klarar av att leva och
varje människa är ett stycke av fastlandet, en del av det utvecklas i en isolerad miljö utan interaktion med
hela. Om en jordklump sköljs bort av havet, blir andra, lika meningslöst kan det vara att bygga sina
Europa i samma mån mindre, liksom en udde i havet digitala tjänster i avskilda silos. Tyvärr är dessa silos
också skulle bli, liksom dina eller dina vänners ägor; ett vanligt förekommande fenomen.
varje människas död förminskar mig, ty jag är en del
av mänskligheten.”
John Donne 1624
Foto: Chris Pederick /Flickr
6. Skärgår’n
Tar man inte tag i utmaningen är det
lätt hänt att man skapar en skärgård
utan färjelinje av sina tjänster
7. Affärsmodellen
Se helheten och undvik skärgår’n
Erbjudande Kundrelation
Kostnadsstruktur Intäkter
Källa: The Business Model Generator av Alex Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur
9. Tyvärr kan vi inte visa den Experience Map / Upplevelsekarta som användes under föreläsningarna utan har
Experience mapping
lagt in en karta från ett annat projekt som har använts i samma syfte, att förstå hur en tjänst eller produkt
upplevs i ett antal olika “touchpoints” inför ett större arbete med att uppdatera tjänsten/produkten.
Ett verktyg som hjälper oss att förstå alla de situationer där man kommer i kontakt med användaren och hur den upplever dina tjänster och produkter
User Experience Map: Bredbandsbolaget
The modem is the hub of the connected home, still not a very popular product. Does dem, until turning it off. The result is visualised through the experience map,
it need to be like that? We believe that it is possible to create a modern modem that modem design provided by Bredbandsbolaget from a user perspective. organising the users’ experience of the product in a scenario with illustrations
solves many of the functional and aesthetic problems we see today. This modem and quotes from our study. The aim with the map is to give an overview and
could be a product unique to Bredbandsbolaget, and communicate the essence of Through contextual interviews and photo-ethnography, we have mapped put focus on the main problems, gaps and moments of pleasure in the user
what Bredbandsbolaget stands for. user experience from the day of delivery, during installation, when using the mo- experience.
Examples of experi- Opportunities to im-
ence triggers: prove the experience:
- Want a good speed for
a low price.
- Have the same provider
ENTICE ENTER ENGAGE EXIT & - Add an easy to under-
stand step-by-step guide
for TV and phone ser- see when you open the
vices and get a discount Get the box Open & explore Use WIFI box.
offer. - The naming and de-
- Broadband is included sign of cables, lights and
in the rent for the appart-
A package is It is messy in the Now it is just to start
Turn off WIFI, relation buttons is confusing and
ment, with no possibility need a review.
to choose provider. waiting. Lets go box and not intui- using it. I don’t interact with provider - Cables should have the
- Personal experiences, and get it! tive what to do. with the modem at all. same colour, but the con-
recommendations, re- nections could be colour
views. When I’m going for va- coded to show which
Too much plastic! cable is going into what
Works nice. cation I just pull out the
The cables are in Fast and stable. connection.
Typical user: plug, I don’t know how
different colours. It - Giving the equipment
Nadina-no-choice to turn the modem off
will look ugly! better design and make
Use Internet for “every- A not so common properly and I don’t want
thing”. ex: Watch telly, to damage anything. it beautiful would prevent
company was used Maybe I should turn it off
mail, social media, listen Set up and the users from hiding it -
for the delivery, far sometimes? But I don’t
to music, read, travel plug in. and then give Bredbands-
away from home. know how.
planning etc. bolaget better visiblility.
- Improve the visibility
Circumstances: Sometimes a friend of what’s included in the
Broadband from Bred- comes over and wants service, the capacity of
The lights are useful to join the network. the broadband and us-
bandsbolaget included in When a college or
during installation. age of it.
the rent. Nice box! I like the friend asks for recom-
design. It looks mendations of a
Biggest pain: good and give me broadband provider I
Cables everywhere and a feeling of the -
ugly equipment. Don’t future. I don’t re- ommend Bredbands-
know what to do when it member my bolaget because I
doesn’t work. password. don’t know how they
are compared to
Expectations: other providers.
Want it to work in all situ- What
ations. to do now?
Complement user:
Use Internet a lot both at
It is not clear Call support and get
work and home. enough what to do The modem is so instructions how to solve
at the moment when big and clumsy. the problem.
Circumstances: you have opened I try to hide it the When it doesn’t
Chose supplier based on the box. best I can... work I don’t I have no contact with my
price. Wanted to have know what to provider, except for when
good capacity. do. I look at the something goes wrong. But,
lights but what I’m interested in information
Biggest pain: do they mean? about things like network
The box causes trouble It’s quiet! Not
like the old speed, security etc.
sometimes but Techie
Thomas can solve prob- one!
lems himself.
Expectations: Customer point Customer point
Speed that corresponds Gaps
of pleasure of pain
to the agreement. 9
10. Service Blueprint
Ett verktyg som hjälper oss att förstå det TOTALA systemet och hur organisationen, back stage actions och on stage actions behöver agera för att stödja
en användares behov, motiv och beteenden.
Customer actions
On stage actions
Back stage actions
Organisations & Processes
13. Slutligen...
Ingen kommer
att komma ihåg
vad ni sa
14. Slutligen...
Ingen kommer
att komma ihåg
vad ni gjorde
15. Slutligen...
Det är er organisation och förståelse för
tjänsteupplevelsen som avgör vilken känsla det är!
Men alla kommer att
komma ihåg hur ni fick
dem att känna sig!