This study examined the impacts of invasive plant species Phragmites australis and Typha angustifolia on native anurans (frogs and toads) compared to non-invaded wetlands. Water quality parameters like ammonium, dissolved oxygen, and nitrates differed between invaded and non-invaded wetlands. Larval growth and survival of Lithobates spp. were negatively impacted in invaded wetlands. Adult Lithobates behavior was also affected, with less movement, more "hang-ups", and shorter distances traveled in invaded wetlands. The results suggest invasive plants can degrade habitat for anurans through changes to the physical environment and food web.
8. Three basic questions
Are there differences in water quality
among invaded and non-invaded
If there are differences, do they affect the
growth and survivorship of tadpoles?
Do invasive plants affect the behavior of
adult frogs?
9. Hypothesis 1 methods
Natural wetlands- 2007, 2008, 2011
Tested weekly over summer
P. australis, T. angustifolia, non-invaded
(doubly invaded in 2007)
LabPro datalogger
15. Larval growth and survival
Natural wetlands- 2008, 2011
Tested weekly over summer
P. australis, T. angustifolia, non-invaded
Small enclosures with separate individuals
27. Acknowledgements
Advisors- Oscar Rocha, Mark Kershner
Committee- Ferenc de Szalay, Marilyn
Norconk, Allison Smith
Funding- Graduate Student Senate, Kent
Environmental Council, Ohio Biological
Survey, Ohio Native Plant Society, Society
for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
#20: Do you have pictures of your arenas? Digging some up somewhere (I take far too many photos)
#21: Your X axis needs to be corrected. I would a different graph to show these results (see above). What does your analysis of variance indicates: no significant differences.
#22: Your X axis needs to be corrected. I would a different graph to show these results (see above). What does your analysis of variance indicates: no significant differences.
#23: Your X axis needs to be corrected. I would a different graph to show these results (see above). What does your analysis of variance indicates: no significant differences.
#24: Your X axis needs to be corrected. I would a different graph to show these results (see above). What does your analysis of variance indicates: no significant differences.
#25: Your X axis needs to be corrected. I would a different graph to show these results (see above). What does your analysis of variance indicates: no significant differences.